Chapter 5 Dinner with Alphas

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Alexis My Mom, Luna Amber, mind-links me for the hundredth time that the dinner is ready and everybody is waiting for me. I didn't ask them to wait for me. I don't like eating with a lot of people, it's too chaotic and noisy. I like eating alone or only with a handful of people, so I can enjoy my food. Plus, I'm still pissed at Damian. Just as I'm about to enter the dining room, I spot Nathan, the son of our Gamma and Axel's future Gamma, leaving dad's office. He was probably reporting about patrol shifts. My dad doubled the patrols since the rogue attacks are more frequent, which means more wolves and less time slacking for them. Also, Axel and I attend patrols three times a week, which I don't mind as far as I'm not on the shift with that jackass Jacob or other warrior that are hitting on me. Gamma Nash knows my preferences and always makes sure I am with a bunch of guys I like spending time with. For example, his son Nate. 'Hey Lexi, how are you doing?' he asks me with a friendly smile on his face. He is one of Axel's best friends and is one of the best head warriors we have. Lexi is a nickname he gave me a long time ago. He exclaims it suits me. All the warriors are now calling me Lexi thanks to him. 'Nothing much. Damian is pissing me off like always, and I lost my bracelet in the pond.' 'The one with the charms?' Nathan asks. 'Yep.' 'I can look around for it the next time I am in the pond.' I’m surprised Nate is going to the pond. He is not the type to break the rules if it's not a life-or-death situation. 'Thanks Nate, you are awesome.' 'That’s him, isn't it?' Damian interrupts us from the dining room, shooting daggers at Nate. 'Excuse me, but I don't understand. Who do you think I am?' Nathan asks uncomprehendingly. 'You are the guy Alexis is hoping to be her mate!' Goddess help me and let the earth swallow me. That's so embarrassing. Nathan is looking at me like I have grown another head. 'Don't mind him, he's a f*cking i***t. He's talking nonsense.' 'Language!' my dad intervenes while entering the dining room. Looks I am not the only one coming late for dinner with Alphas. 'O-kay, see you around Lexi.' Nathan says goodbye to me and leaves. 'Or not.' Damian mutters under his breath. And now I am livid. 'Would you stop being a d*ckhead and start thinking about what is coming out of your stupid mouth? Poor Nathan looked like he wanted to disappear and never come back!' 'Language!' This time it's my Mum who interrupts my train of thoughts. 'Whatever, I'm done with you, Damian. Thanks to you, I don't have my favorite bracelet anymore, and you are making my friends uncomfortable.' 'You are making him uncomfortable by batting your eyelashes a million miles per hour and flirting with that sh*tface!' 'Language!' Alpha Darius says, but I think it's pointless now. Damian and I are lost in our argument. 'Apparently you know nothing about flirting if you think I was flirting with him!' I tell Damian and look at him with as much anger as I can see muster. 'Oh, I know everything about flirting. I invented flirting.' He c***s his eyebrows and smirks. 'You know what, I'm so sorry for your future mate.' 'The joke's on you, cos you are my mate. So you are practically sorry for yourself.' 'YOU ARE NOT MY MATE! For the love of our Goddess, stop spilling nonsense!' I yell, trembling now. 'Like I said, you will regret your sh*tty attitude tomorrow.' 'Like I said, I will not cos you're an i***t and DEFINITELY NOT MY F*CKING MATE!' 'Enough!' my Mum roars and we both stop yelling. 'Alexis, sit down and be quiet. And Damian... just stop!.' 'I can't help myself, I like her hot and bothered. She is so f*cking sexy when she is livid.' Damian snickers and I am very tempted to punch his stupid face again so I can wipe that stupid smirk from his face. I sit down and start putting food on my plate. I'm so angry I don't know what I'm doing. Sebastian, seeing me struggling, comes to help me. 'You don't need to kill the chicken, it's already dead.' Sebastian tells me. I look at him and then at the table. The chicken looks like some wild animal bites into it. There is food scattered all around my plate. F*cking awesome, it looks like a pig was eating in my seat. And I even started eating yet. 'Sorry, I'm not in the right state of mind.' I tell Sebastian, looking into his eyes. I know there are a lot of people around us, but it still feels like we are the only ones in the world. I can't help the small smile from appearing on my face. It's like he can calm every storm in me. In an instant, my mood shifted from livid to a peaceful one. 'Ehm... Just stop staring at him, we are here too, you know. And we don't want to see you flirting with another man not long after your last attempt with Nate less than 5 minutes ago.' I reluctantly tear my eyes from Sebastian's and glare at Damian. 'You know, as a flirting master, I can teach you how to flirt properly. Your flirting skills are so poor, they are almost non-existent!' Damian continues, and I feel anger coming back with full force. 'F*ck you Damian!' I throw a knife at him, which he dodges smoothly. I storm from the dining room. I heard my dad yelling ‘language’ but I don't mind him anymore. I need to get out before I kill that f*cker.
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