Chapter 7 Dare or Dare

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Alexis 'The rules are pretty simple. When it's your turn, you can choose a dare written on the cards on the table or a dare that we make up on the spot. Since we are playing in teams, the dare has to be completed by both players. When both of you complete the dare, your team gets one point. If not, your team loses one. The first team to get ten points is the winner. The team with the lowest number of points loses and is the new face of an advertisement in the packs' newspaper. The winning team designs the advertisement. Pretty simple, isn't it?' Axel explains the rules. 'I was always wondering why you would publish this advertisement. Now it makes sense. So, Alexis, you never lost?' Sebastian looks at me with curiosity written all over his face. 'Nope, always the winner.' I grin like a fool while chewing the last bites of my steak. 'Yeah, no pressure there. By the way, who wrote the dares on the cards?' 'Dear diary, today is the day I lost in the Dare or Dare for the first time. I'm so devastated. But I'm not going to cry, I'm a big girl now.' Damian is trying to mock me using a high-pitched voice. 'I don't have a diary, you big girl.' I tell Damian. 'We all did, and we are still writing more.' Axel answers Sebastian's question. 'So, it's basically the same, and it doesn't matter which dare I choose.' Sebastian states the obvious. 'I'm pretty sure I read your diary the last time I was visiting.' Damian continues, ignoring Axel and Sebastian. 'That was my diary, you a*shole!' Bri is glaring at Damian. 'Oh, my bad. I found it in Alexis' room and thought it was hers. It makes sense now, some entries were pretty weird.… Don't worry Bri, your secrets are my secrets. And Alexis, I'll get you a diary as a birthday present.' 'Still not the worst birthday present you ever give someone.' Finn points out. 'The worst was definitely the stripper for Gavin, your Beta, when he was turning 18.' I start laughing at the memory. 'How should I have known that he would meet his mate that evening?' Damian is trying to excuse his past mistake. 'Maybe you should have canceled the stripper when you found out Gav met his mate.' States Finn, always the most responsible of all of us. 'Come on guys, she was great! And it wasn't she who spoiled the mood.' 'The stripper was giving Gavin a lap dance right in front of his mate's eyes. Excuse his mate for slapping her and throwing her out.' 'The stripper was innocent. She was a human girl, she couldn't have known that werewolves are territorial.' Damian still sees no wrong in his actions. 'Enough with the stripper, let's play before I grow older. So, Brionna, which dare?' 'Let's start with a new dare. Make something up, Finn!' 'Very well then.' ------------------------- We are laughing like maniacs while Bri and Damian are running at full speed on treadmills while singing You're the one that I want from Grease. When we were kids, we were obsessed with Grease. There wasn't a night without Grease at one point in our lives. Even Finn was okay with watching it on and on and on again. But hearing Damian singing You're the one that I want, ooh, ooh, ooh, honey is like torture. Axel is recording their performance, much to Brionna's irritation. When they are both done, they are out of breath. 'Alexis, your turn.' Damian tells me while catching his breath. 'I want a dare from the cards.' We head upstairs and I swipe the top card. 'One of you will be doing 20 push-ups with the other sitting on his/her back.' I read the card aloud. I'm definitely not the one doing the push-ups. I am strong, but not strong enough to lift a bear on my back. Not that Sebastian is fat, he is just…well, he's built like a beast. 'Climb on my back.' Sebastian tells me while getting into the position on the ground.
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