Chapter 8 Your Sister is My Mate

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Alexis 'I'm glad YOU didn't pick the card. Can you imagine lifting me up on your back?' Damian tells Bri, looking relieved. 'You would be the one doing the heavy-lifting.' Bri counters him. 'You mean you are fat?' Damian smirks and got a slap from Bri. 'Always the gentlemen.' Finn looks at Damian with a straight face. 'You are a f*cking p***y, Damian.' Axel smirks at Damian. 'Language!' comes from the group of Alphas while I'm figuring out how to climb on Sebastian's back. I'm not exactly sure how I should do this. Like, do I have to sit on his back and straddle him or maybe lie down on his back… 'Sebastian, I don't know how we should do it. Any idea?' I ask him, embarrassed. 'Since you are not experienced, let me explain this to you. You know, I've been doing this kind of leisure-time activity for a long time now. The concept is pretty simple. You just lie down and let the man do the hard work. Just try to hold on to him tightly.' Of course, it's Damian and his stupid mouth. Why can't he just shut up for once? 'Shut your hole, Damian! You are talking to my sister.' Axel growls. 'I think it'll be for the best if you sit on my back, like you'd sit on a horse. And try to keep your legs up.' Sebastian ignores Damian's comment, which I'm grateful for. He doesn't seem bothered about it, though. I, on the other hand, am embarrassed. When he takes off his shirt, I can't stop myself from admiring his broad shoulders, chiseled chest and well-defined six-pack. I trail his body with my eyes from his chest to his hips and back up again. When I meet his eyes, I can't help and blush. I was caught staring. F*cking hell, I bet I'm now red like a tomato. Can somebody just kill me now? 'When you are done drooling over him, you should hop on him so we can continue. The night is young, but patience is not my best quality.' Finn rolls his eyes at me. Just perfect. This game is not going according to my plan. 'Ok, let's go.' I straddle Sebastian and when he does his first push-up, I start to count. He didn't seem to mind my own weight on his back, we are done within a couple of minutes. I must admit, I'm impressed with his strength. 'Axel, your turn.' I look at Axel with a questioning look. 'The card.' is his response. 'You have 15 minutes to find 5 people of the opposite s*x willing to give you a kiss. Both players have to get at least one kiss.' Axel reads his first dare and I glance at him with a pitiful look. 'Not doing it. Damian, your turn.' 'What do you mean you're not doing it?' Finn asks with raised eyebrows. 'Like I said, I'm not doing this dare.' Axel repeats. 'Axel, for Goddesses' sake, we need this point. I don't want to star in another advertisement. Don't be a p***y and let's do the dare!' Finn is practically begging Axel now. 'I don't want to kiss anybody.' Axel says. 'Are you kidding me? We are going to lose if you don't grow your balls soon. It's just a meaningless kiss, nothing more!' Finn is pissed now. 'Hey, leave him be. It's his decision.' I try to interfere, which gets me a death stare from Finn. 'It's not just a kiss, it'll be my first kiss. And I don't want it with anybody but my mate.' Axel confesses. 'Wait what? You haven't kissed anybody? Like never?' Finn looks like he doesn't believe him. 'No, I'm waiting for my mate.' 'That means you've never...' Bri doesn't have to finish her sentence, we all know what she's referring to. 'No. I thought you all knew. Have you ever seen me with a she-wolf?' I know he's a virgin. Axel isn't like all the unmated Alphas, messing around while waiting for their fated mates. Most Alphas claim that they are sexually more driven than other wolves and that it's harder for them to just wait for their mates. Damian and Finn aren't waiting. I've heard a story or two about both of them fouling around. Damian is pretty popular with she-wolves. 'I still don't get how you can exist without being physical with girls. It's the only thing that has kept me afloat during my endless wait for the right one. If it's just a one-night stand, and then you never see the chick again, it's like it never happened.' Damian looks dumbfounded. 'You are disgusting!' Bri is fake-gaging. 'One day, you will be glad Axel refused to mess around with girls.' I tell Finn. 'And why would I be happy?' Finn asks me, annoyed. 'Because your sister is my mate!' Axel yells at Finn. Now everyone is staring at Axel with their mouths open, even all the Alphas. Our parents know, but I bet Axel hasn't told Alpha Flynn. Axel facepalms himself. 'Since the cat is out of the bag... I have known for a year now that Freya is my mate. I didn't want to tell anybody because I wanted it to be magical for her when she finds out what I'm to her. Only Alexis knows. And our parents. I want Freya to feel the same sensation I felt when I smelt her intoxicating scent for the first time. I have known her from when she was a baby, and I have been attracted to her since she became a teenager. But the moment I felt the mate-bond, it was like something clicked, like some final puzzle found its way to the right place. And I'm glad it's her, because I always like her more than any other girl.' Axel confesses.
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