06 A New Resolve

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Ivory Alpha Moss had always wanted his daughter to be with Cole, but Cole's father wanted me for his son. My late father was his Gamma and friend. I knew it wasn't any of my business, and I had no right to hurt about it. I hoped Cole would find happiness with her and, unlike me, she would be wiser and vigilant. Being Luna of Hollow Grove wasn't an easy job, and the fact that it was the biggest and strongest pack in Grove state, we were likely to be targeted. How I wish I knew all this back then. My life wouldn't have ended up this way. I remained speechless and unmoved. But deep down, my heart was broken. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Cole. We loved each other. If only he knew we had a son together, I doubt that would ever happen now, especially with the terms laid out for me. It was over before it even began. All Cole and I got were three years of a blissful married life. At twenty-six, being a marked woman and a traitor, I knew I'd never be able to settle down. It was okay. I doubt my heart would ever be ready to love again. All my love was for Erin now, and that would be enough. I was ushered out and sent back to my cell. I remained dumbfounded all through until Diane snapped me out of it. "So, tell me. What is it?" She finally asked after we had laid Erin down to sleep. He slept on my bed while I slept on the floor. They did not give extra bedding, so I had to manage. "Cole pardoned me," I said, and she gasped. "But he is getting married," she said, and I realised she knew what was happening but didn't tell me. I couldn't blame her. I am sure she was trying to protect me. "He has a restraining order that I am not to violate. It is only understandable that he would want to protect his family from me," I said and looked at my son Erin. "So what will you do out there?" She asked me, and I looked at Erin, where he lay peacefully. "If it were just me, I would skip town and never look back," I confessed, chuckling. "But it would be wrong. Erin is Cole's son. It's not like I want any of his wealth, but I have to clear my name and Beta Erin's name so that my son can have a good life. Even if I leave after, no one would ever point at my son as a bastard or say hurtful things about Beta Erin and me. I need to salvage what is left and ensure my son will not suffer the stigma that has been attached to Beta Erin and me," I said, and she frowned at me. "Do you plan to tell Cole about Erin?" She asked, and I shook my head. "I doubt I would even see him. I hope I don’t. There is no way he wasn’t aware of what was going on with me here. I am also suspicious that he has something wicked planned for me. It is easier for him to deal with me out there than in here. I will just have to keep my distance while I try to achieve my goals. I am not allowed to contact him, so there is no need. I would have to find other means to investigate and prove my innocence," I said, and she placed her hand on my shoulder. "I will ensure my family helps you because it won't be easy. You and the late Beta Erin are the most hated people in Hollow Grove. It won't be easy, Ivory," she said with concern, but I already knew that. Thanks to her, I was tougher than when I arrived. I would survive it. "I hope you'll visit," she said, and I looked at her with tears streaming down my cheek. "Of course, I would. I will come here with Erin every month until you are out. Even when I move away, I will make the trip. You and Erin are the only family I have now," I said, and she chuckled and embraced me. I knew surviving out there would be daunting, but I needed to do it. Melissa, Beta Erin, and Cole deserved justice. I deserve justice, and my son deserves to be known as his father's child, not for money or the pack but for the sake of his identity and lineage. Cole's new mate and their children can have the money and the pack. None of it belonged to me anyway. I was just the orphan child of the pack's Gamma, who was adopted by the Alpha, fell in love, mated with the Alpha's son and became Luna. I brought nothing to the marriage and to the Ashbrooks, so I do not feel cheated. I will work hard and ensure that my child never lacks for anything and grows into a fine man, but I would ensure he isn't labelled a bastard. That was all I wanted. I wanted to remove the stigma so my son, Erin Woodson, would be free.
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