05 Pregnant!

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Ivory I was in shock. This wasn't the place for this. Why did I have to come here pregnant? I could handle being here, but being pregnant in this place was wrong. I knew what would happen to me. My child would be born here, and when my child is three, they will take it away. This was wrong. Why did the goddess keep punishing me like this? I hadn't cried for a long time, but here I was, shedding tears again. Diane came to sit beside me and held me. "I suck at this comfort thing, but you have to be tough. If you didn't have a reason to press on before, the goddess has given you one now," she said, and I pulled away angrily. I yanked out the intravenous needle in my hand. "A chance? What wicked chance is this? This is torture. I am pregnant in prison, Diane. I am serving a life sentence! What do you think would happen to me? I'd give birth to my child, and they would take them away when they turned three. My child won't have it easy out there because they would be labelled the seed of traitors. It's Cole's baby, but it would be treated like sh*t. This is unfair. I want a termination!" I yelled, not wanting to condemn my child to the life of hardship he or she is likely to have, given that the world would think they belong to Erin and me. There was no way I could tell Cole of this. There was no way he wasn’t aware of what was going on with me in prison. There was a possibility the hell I was experiencing was his doing. If it weren’t for Diane, I might have been dead. I couldn’t tell him. He hated me and had cut off from me, and as things are, it was best I stayed away. This was unfair, and as I wept and Diane held me, I wondered when my suffering would end. If the goddess would ever smile at me and if I would ever find justice. THREE YEARS LATER. "Ivory Woodson," a warden said, standing before my cell. Diane was reading a book to my son, Erin. Yes, I know what I did was stupid, but I couldn't let Erin's name die like that. He was a true friend and wasn't guilty of what he was accused of. Diane had assured me she would have her relatives adopt him and take him to another city to start anew. For that reason alone, I was hopeful. Knowing he would not grow up in Hallow Grove was consolation enough. Diane had been awesome, and she was my best friend now. We were an unlikely pair, but we had found friendship in prison. She ensured Erin got toys, books, and nice stuff. Her family brought him things every visiting day, and Erin was the most pampered of all the children. The prison was still a prison, but when life gives us lemons, we make lemonade. I was afraid when the warden came to call me out. Erin still had one more year with me before they took him away. Were they going to be cruel and take him now? I was afraid, but I braced myself. Indeed, I was tougher than I was when I arrived. I had learnt hard lessons, such as surviving and watching my back. Diane had been a good teacher, and I somehow knew that if I had been as wise as I was now, I wouldn't have been framed. I guess that's water under the bridge now. I was taken to the head warden's office, and although I was nervous, I composed myself. "Ivory Woodson," the head warden said, looking at me with disdain. "Some people do not deserve mercy to live or have a life. Despicable people like you should not be given second chances, neither should they be protected, but I guess you're one lucky b***h," she said and looked at me. '"It pleases me to inform you that Alpha Cole Ashbrook is now engaged to a beautiful woman from a prestigious family, and she is an Alpha breed. Nothing compared to your treacherous gamma arse," she said, and the wardens there chuckled. "I am pleased that our Alpha has seen the light and is moving on," she said, and even though my heart was broken, I did not let it show. Cole deserved to have a life, and I was glad to learn he was alive and well and not stuck in the past. At least the enemy did not get what they wanted. He still owned the pack and was still Alpha. I was happy for him and wished him all the best. "Anyway, you have been pardoned by the Alpha, who has ordered that you be set free on parole. I guess Alpha Cole never planned to keep you here for long. You f*cked up and lost the only man that loved you. I wonder how you and that bastard of yours would survive out there. Diane Preston might have protected you here, but out there, you are fair game. If you know what is best for you and your bastard, you better leave Hollow Grove and not look back," she warned, and I couldn't believe what I had just heard! Had Cole pardoned me to set me free or was it another way of ensuring I suffer outside the prison since I had Diane here to protect me? I guess I will find out when I get out. I knew life imprisonment sentences are always reviewed every three years to reduce, pardon or maintain the sentence. Most people got a reduction, but I have never heard of a pardon before. Was this why he sentenced me here? So he could pardon me in three years? Had he figured out that I was innocent, or was this an act of kindness on his part? I'd never know. "If you foolishly choose to remain in this city, know you are not allowed to be in the same vicinity as our Alpha, his family and his chosen mate, Kaylin Moss. You are not allowed to reach out to him or contact him. Should you try any of that, you will be violating your parole and sent back here. Although we will be happy to receive you in our cold embrace, I am sure you will apply wisdom for the sake of your bastard," She said, and I was speechless. I had nothing to say. I knew who this Kaylin was. It broke my heart severely, but I held in my pain. She was the daughter of Cole's father's friend, Alpha David Moss. I guess they decided to keep it in the circle.
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