07 Confined Freedom.

1229 Words
Ivory I stepped out of the prison, holding little Erin. I never imagined that I would see the beautiful sight I beheld at the moment, but here I was, looking at the vast expanse of land. I admired the distant forest and hills, the untarred dusty road leading to town. Indeed, I was free. I should be happy, but I wasn't; I was broken and afraid of the unknown, unsure of Cole’s intentions. There was no way he set me free out of kindness. I was worried, knowing what lay in store for me and the horrors we would have to endure made me scared. Maybe I should skip town. Was I in over my head? Diane had asked her half-brother to come get me and help me out, and he obliged. I was nervous about seeing Brian. He was more like a stranger due to the bad blood between the Ashbrooks and Prestons. I wondered if he'd really help me or if he just wanted to humour his sister, who, by the way, I locked away. It was going to be awkward, and I wished I wouldn't need his help. But knowing I had nothing out there, I would need all the help I could get. Swallowing my pride and braving my fears was the only way I would be able to make the most of my life right now. Brian Preston was waiting for me in his Mustang outside the prison gate. He stood by his car wearing black fitted jeans, a T-shirt and dark sunglasses. Diane wasn't a looker, but her brother was. I guess he got all the good genes. I hadn't seen a man in three years, and the sight of him was heartwarming. "Ivory?" He asked, his voice deep and dangerous. He would have been Melissa's type. Instead of letting the thought get to me, I chased it into the recesses of my mind. Blanking it away. I knew I needed to be tough for what lay ahead. It wouldn't be easy. I nodded and walked towards him, holding Erin's hand. "'Hey, little guy, did you like the chocolate Aunt Diane gave you last week?" he asked, squatting to greet Erin. He took off his sunglasses, and even though he looked hard, I could see his effort to soften his looks towards Erin. Touching Erin's nose playfully, my son giggled, and Brian reached into his pocket and handed Erin a chocolate bar. Erin was so happy he looked at me first to be sure it was alright before taking it from him. "Smart dude," Brian said, standing up, and I nodded. "Yeah, prison does that to everyone," I said, and he had an awkward smile. "So, where to?" he asked, and I looked behind me. I had no family anywhere. My parents had died, along with my father's brother and his wife, in a car crash. They were newlyweds, so they didn't have children. It was just me. Now it is just me and Erin. "My father's house in town, Tralvager Street, number 72," I said and he nodded. Opening the back seat for Erin to get in. I got into the passenger's seat and he got behind the wheel and drove off. "Did Diane tell you about the job offer?" he asked me. "Yes, Sir," I replied, and he nodded. "So you are okay with being my secretary?" he asked me, and I nodded. I knew why he was asking, but honestly, I couldn't care less. I just wanted to survive, and this was the only opportunity I knew I'd get. "I hope you know Cole and I don't see eye to eye because of my family business. Are you sure you won't be risking too much working for me?" He asked me, and I didn't care. I looked at him. "Cole is Cole Ashbrook; I am Ivory Woodson. I do not care about the issues between the Prestons and the Ashbrooks. I just need to survive for my son and me. If you want me to be your secretary, I will do it with all my heart. Whatever role you have for me, I promise I will apply myself. You do not have to worry about Cole where I am concerned. Besides, I am not to contact him, speak to him, or be in the same vicinity as him. Those were the terms of my parole. Please, Sir, you have nothing to worry about," I said, and he nodded slightly, seemingly pleased with my response. The Prestons were leaders of a crime circle in the state. Their network was vast. I knew it all now, but it didn't really matter. I was an outlaw and ex-convict. I had no allegiance to the law or the system. It had failed me and stolen from me greatly. I just didn't care about such things anymore. The job was a much-welcomed offer. A chance to provide for my son while I clear our names. I would take the opportunity and run with it. "I would have offered you to come stay in my staff quarters, but I will give you time to decide. The people have yet to forget what happened, so Sally will buy and deliver groceries to you," he said. I wondered why he made that arrangement. "That would be too much trouble," I said, and he chuckled. "Diane insisted, and our father obliged. You are like a sister to her now. We know you have no one, so we can be your family. Just take your time," He said and pointed at the glove compartment. "There is money there to help you sort things out and a cell phone to call me whenever you need something. Just don't call me frequently," he added, and I nodded, opening the glove compartment. I wondered why Diane would be so nice to me. I was the one who put her away, but she had been an angel to me all through. I wish I had the means and power to set her free. We finally arrived at my father's house. And it was a run-down bungalow. It looked like a dump that was in disrepair. The two front windows were broken, and the front door looked like it needed changing. There were vines and leaves on the wall covering graffiti. I'd dare not try to make out what was written, and weeds were everywhere. It looked nothing like how I left it. I guess no one maintained it after I was locked up, and some people must have gone out of their way to vandalise the building. I wouldn't put it past my pack members. "Are you sure you want to stay here with Erin?" Brian asked me, and I nodded, getting out of the car. "It will just need some cleaning and a little fixing. It is best I stay here," I said, and he sighed. "Very well; I will send some boys over later in the day to fix the windows, change some of the doors and help clean the place. Would that be okay with you?" he asked, and I couldn't say no to help. I nodded and exited the car. I had no clothes and nothing. I wondered what happened to my stuff. Did Cole throw them out, burn them, or give them away? I guess I would never know.
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