Chapter 5

1493 Words
CHAPTER 5 RAINA’S POV I shook my head slowly as I eyed her entirety before I met her steady, judging gaze. “Mate? Nope. Not me.” I replied. “Matter of fact, I just got here.” I looked away from her in an attempt to dismiss her as I marveled at the vast bedroom once more. There was a set of chairs arranged eccentrically at the center of the room and the bed was massive! King-sized in fact. It could carry six people my size and we would still have room to take a baby kangaroo. I gasped when I saw the little liquor cabinet by a corner of the room and a small desk and chair. It was a shame I didn’t drink; at least not yet. A childish grin touched my lips and I couldn’t help but think, Maybe this isn’t going to be as bad as I thought. “Well, if you are not the Mate, then who the bloody hell are you?” her voice came again, much to my annoyance. I eyed her again and I couldn't help but think about how she looked so much like a character in a show I used to enjoy as a child. I tried to remember the name of the show. “You seem lost.” She strolled into the room. "Are you sure you are not in the wrong room? You know, maybe you’re supposed to be in the…I don’t know, the maids’ quarters?” I turned and glared at her, “Maids’ quarters?” I repeated, my tone impious and rude. “The Alpha of this pack brought me here and I’m not sure he makes mistakes like that.” She shrugged and her expression became indifferent, “You never know. Even the most perfect of beings make mistakes once in a while. Like the deities of the moon but we mortals refer to their mistakes as miracles.” She raised her fingers in air quotes at the last word. Who the hell is this b***h? I wondered as I stared at her seething with anger. That's it! I gasped beaming. She looks like one of the house elf in Harry Potter. Alpha Declan appeared at the door and his face morphed into a frown as his eyebrows furrowed inquisitively. “What are you doing here? I thought you would be gone by noon? Leave now.” He ordered flatly. He looked like he was dismissing a child and I couldn't help but smile. She regarded me with a look of plain disdain, “Some of your decisions baffle me at times, my King.” Her voice suddenly became appealing and gentle. “I thought you only dealt with women of class like me, but it seems,” Her scornful eyes scoured me. “You deviate from time to time.” He grabbed her firmly by her arm and she gasped. I watched her eyes grow wide with terror and her trembling lips parted. “Alright, that’s enough talk coming from you. Get the f**k out and head back to your pack. I won’t be needing your services anymore!” He snapped furiously and shoved her aside. She fell to her knees but scrambled off the tiled floor and ran towards the stairs tripping, her gown dangling awkwardly behind her. My startled eyes followed her until she was out of sight and then I looked at Declan. My heart beat suddenly quickened and I took a few steps back, was he going to end up treating me like that or even worse? He walked into the room and his presence was suddenly menacing, unlike it had been throughout our journey here. He walked to the liquor cabinet, took a glass out of one of the shelves and picked out a bottle of whiskey. He held the glass up to me, as if asking if I was interested and I shook my head. I was scared to even go close to him at that moment. He poured himself a drink, then sat on one of the couches at the center of the room. He regarded me as he crossed his legs and rested his back. I had never met a man that carried so much stillness from the atmosphere around him. He gestured to the couch next to him, “There, Raina, have a seat.” He said, his voice was flat and belligerent. He wasn’t asking, that was an order and I knew the difference. The resistance left my bones as I walked with jelly legs and perched on the corner of the couch farthest from him. He arched an eyebrow at me and then hit me with his cheeky smirk that put my body at ease…only slightly. “As you can see, my pack is not the cave of beasts you thought it was,” He said and took a sip of the liquor. “Neither is it hell…but it can be.” That made my heart constrict and my breath got caught in my lungs. “If you disobey any of my orders or rules here at the pack, you’ll have a lot to worry about.” He continued. “So, there are a few people you will meet, most that need to be accorded almost the same level of respect as me.” I waited for a few seconds for him to go on, but it became evident that he was done talking. I squinted at him, baffled and asked, “Aren’t you going to tell me what those rules are?” He shook his head, “No. You’ll find out when you break them.” He smirked and added, "It's more fun that way” “But that’s ridiculous!” I blurted out, losing control for a second. “You brought me here against my will. I was about to start living the dream life in my pack and now you’re going to tame me here by some rules I have no knowledge of?” “Hmm,” He groaned thoughtfully, his stare fixed on the whirling motion of the whiskey in the glass he continuously shook. “That sounds right,” He looked at me. “But do not make it sound like I kidnapped you. I won rights over you fair and square by defeating your frail Alpha.” He scoffed and got to his feet after downing the rest of the content of the glass in one gulp. “That’s the kind of man you wish to protect you? Might as well count yourself dead.” “He loved me.” I said through clenched teeth. His sudden sour attitude started to creep up my nerves and it brought up an urge in me to defend Ethel. “Love?” He queried indifferently. “I’ve heard that word so many times from whores, paupers, beggars, low lives, and generally people that do not add any value to the society but never for once have I heard a man of honor mention such a word.” His words hit me like a whiplash. “Only the foolish cloud themselves with illusions.” “What is wrong with you?” I cried, my heart was heavy and my pride was stung badly by his words. Why was he being so cruel to me all of a sudden? He replaced the used wine glass in its shelf. “I expect you down by seven for dinner. A maid will knock on your door an hour before and get you prepared.” He said, ignoring my question. “Prepared for dinner?” “Yes.” He replied, casting a cool gaze down at me. “You do eat, Don’t you? Besides, it is essential you put up a good image before my guests.” He walked closer to me and his figure blocked the light from the windows partially. “You must be on your best behavior now, Raina. If tonight goes wrong, so will the rest of your days here.” “What guests? I just got here.” I protested. “Can’t I just skip it, Declan…sorry, King Declan.” His intimidating stare made me gulp in fear. “You think being my mate is all about wearing fancy dresses and going to stupid tea parties?” He asked with scorn and scoffed. “The first rule is that you cannot leave the pack without my permission.” He said as he walked out leaving the door open. It was becoming clearer that I might have misjudged my situation, I could as well be a block away from hell! “You can't keep me locked here. You hear me!" I yelled in a last ditch attempt to make my stand. “You can't!” He stopped midway, a move that made my heart slam with heavy thuds against my side. I held my breath as he turned around, smirking. “Challenge accepted."
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