Chapter Nine.

1082 Words
HAYDEN'S POV "Guess being Goddess Israel's favourite means you be as white as snow, huh?" The Alpha comments. "Tell me, how are you going to survive a millennia without alcohol, without women in your bed? Or did she bless you with some other divine ways of entertainment?" Not many would dare ask me such a question even when their curiosity is killing them. But Alpha Liam Woods is a big friend of my father and an ally of our kingdom. He is closer to my family than some of my relatives. But there are things about me even him isn't privy to. Because you never know when the best friends turn into enemies. It's best to keep the most vital secrets to yourself. "I can survive without alcohol, I like to stay sober always. As for women, my mate will be enough." I answer. Speaking of mate, why wasn't I paired with someone a little more likable than Usher. If I am to be honest, her personality disgusts me! "Is there a reason you haven't married that beautiful Angel yet? Some of us were waiting to be invited to your wedding the following day after she phased and got her wings." His Beta, a short guy with long, white hair that goes all the way to his lower back, asks. "I have a whole millennia to live, why would I rush things?" I lie, not wanting to let everyone know that I have no interest in being in a marriage with my foreseen mate. "You're not in a hurry to take her to your bed?" The Alpha sounds surprised. Urgh! What is it with them and my private life? Can't I choose when and who to marry and have people mind their own business? "We had expected that you would bring her here with you, but you came with a friend instead." He points at Trey who is currently enjoying himself on the dance floor, surrounded by girls. "Stop fooling us because it's clear you're avoiding your mate, and that's a stupid idea that you're going to regret! Sorry if you feel like I disrespected you!" The Alpha chastises. I don't know why lying to Alpha Liam is always so hard. He is the kind of guy that easily knows how to add one and two together and figure out the truth behind the lies. "If you're having issues, you know I and your father are like brothers. You can always talk to me. But it's okay if you don't feel like it." He says, sipping the wine he had originally offered to me. Since he already worked out the fact that I am avoiding Usher, I don't see the problem with telling him the rest of the truth. Perhaps he is the guy who can understand my predicament. "Do you mind excusing us for a minute, please?" I ask the Beta. "Oh, okay . . ." He rises from his seat and walks away. "Doesn't Usher meet the perfect values of your dream mate?" Liam asks once we are alone. "I don't think she is my mate!" I say and see his eyebrows shoot up. "Isn't she the one foreseen by the prophetess to be your lifelong partner?" "Yeah. But other than her beauty, there is nothing else I like about her. I even disent her company!" I explain. "That's not how I am supposed to feel if she were my real mate, right?" "Yeah, sounds to me like your prophetess may have made a mistake. I know how you believe in her ability, but if you have a mate bond, you would be dying to be close to her." He answers. "I think it's wise that you wait and see if there is someone else out there meant for you. I am sure Goddess Israel didn't bless you with so much life and power then paired you with the wrong woman. It's wise that you wait, perhaps there is someone else out there meant for you." I nod at his reply. At least he is more open hearted than my parents who push me every day to marry Usher just to stop the rumors that are already going around that I rejected my mate. I may not like Usher, but I am yet to officially reject her. My parents would kill me if I did. I notice faint sounds of footsteps approaching from behind. I turn my head to see a the young, male Angel making his way towards us. Even with the Beta's help, the pretty faced Angel is barely supporting the massive wings projecting from his back. The wings are dotted with silver and few golden dots. That means he is a little more powerful than an ordinary angel. Liam quickly pulls a seat for him. He and his Beta help the Angel lower himself to the seat who immediately glances at me. "Meet the only Angel in my kingdom! His name is Ravy Johnson, he has been longing to meet you since he phased!" Liam introduces. "I am so glad to meet you!" Ravy puts on a huge grin and reaches out a hand for me to shake. Then as if he has suddenly recalled something, he quickly withdraws his hand. "Is it true that you can take one's life by simply touching their skin?" He asks. I would have felt offended but I have heard stranger rumors about me. Some are closer to the truth. But others are the opposite of the truth. Goddess Israel is the source of life, not a destroyer of it. So how could she give me an ability to instill death? "Don't believe everything you hear, ninety nine point nine of it are lies." I tell the young angel. He smiles and extends his hand again. I shake it lightly since I can sense he is still nervous. "Then what is the truth? That you will incarnate even after living a thousand years?!" He asks, his eyes glowing excitement. "Well, until I actually incarnate, I cannot answer that question." I say. "But the prophetess did say you will, right?" Liam asks. I hate lying to him, because he is like my second father. There are however things that make even the best friend feel insecure. Because what I have learned is you don't have to attack anyone for them to start consindering you a threat. People also feel threatened by your capabilities. "I have never heard such a thing." I lie.
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