Chapter Eight

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BELLA'S POV  "Excuse me?!" I exclaim, not sure I heard the guy right.  Did he actually say he would kill my little brother?! It must be the devil seated in front of me.  "You heard me well, I am sure. I didn't buy you so you can come choose the work you want to do! I have enough slaves both for work and pleasure. Stealing those records from that palace is all I want from you. And I will offer back your freedom in return. I however will have that brother you cherish so much decapitated if you decline to obey my orders." His words feels like an electric shock.  "But your money isn't even worth the risk! You know what happens if I get caught?!" I say in a voice sharper than intended.  It's like he is asking me to choose between my life and Skylar's! Because even if I look like the Prince's mate like they say, there is no way I can succeed in stealing from the palace of scorpion kingdom without being caught.  Scorpion Kingdom is the biggest and richest kingdom. Their soldiers are well trained and I hear the King is quite an arrogant and merciless man. If you are accused of breaking the rules of the kingdom, pray that Prince Hayden be the one to decide your punishment. Because his father is quite ruthless when it comes to rendering judgement to criminals.  "I can send your family more money if that's what you want. As for getting caught, no one will blame you, this is a huge risk we are taking." He answers in a calmer voice.  "But don't dare mention that I am the one that sent you! Otherwise I will make every member of your little family a slave!"  I bite my lower lip to avoid screaming at the man. I need to calm down my agitation before I stupidly lambast the Alpha and find myself more trouble.  "Why do you want these secrets so badly? They don't concern your kingdom in any way." I point out.  The Alpha chuckles. "Just because Angel Hayden is not of this kingdom, it doesn't mean he doesn't pose a threat to us! Every Kingdom should feel threatened by the existence of such a powerful creature. It's only a matter of time before he decides he is not satisfied with ruling Scorpion kingdom alone. And unless we actually know what is true and what is false about his wings and powers, we will not be able to stop him from taking our kingdoms." The Alpha says in a tone that hints his hate towards Angel Hayden.  To me, it sounds more like envy than sane reasoning.  Scorpion kingdom has never attacked another kingdom, why would he think that Hayden will get that greedy? Besides, everything that is said about Hayden's wings is of course exaggerated. He may not be as extraordinary as people say.  "The only thing he has ever confirmed is he is to live for a whole millennia. There are rumors about a possibility that he can reincarnate, but we are not sure its true. Once you get the records, we will find out if that too is true." The Alpha says.  Reincarnate?!  Seriously? How else can one proclaim they are mad?  There is a line of things a normal mind should believe, thinking of people reincarnating is way past that line.  "Are you sure there are such records? Because I don't want to be the one carrying the blame if all that is sweet rumors." I say.  "The records are there. The Royal family keeps every prophecy made about Prince Hayden a secret. They are only recorded in writing and locked in the secret library." He answers.  If the Library really has such vital information, won't I be executed when caught trying to steal?  "You're to leave here early tomorrow. A few of my men will escort you to scorpion kingdom. You must attempt sneaking into the palace before the Prince returns from his visit in Silver Moon pack. He is the only person who can't be fooled by your looks because he knows the smell of his real mate." The Alpha states.  So the Prince is out in another kingdom? That's kind of refreshing. But again, I may still get caught and it will be the ruthless king who will decide my punishment. I hate that I am being sent out to steal, but what option do I have? I can't decline to do the risky job and have Skylar beheaded. I love him too much to let that happen. Our family didn't have many friends. We were very poor and not many wanted to be associated with us. We learned to be as close to each other as possible, love one another with all our hearts. That's how we survived. I have learned to sacrifice anything for the sake of my family. One may think that is silly, but I know they would do the same for me.  "My Luna will see to it that you have the finest dresses to make you look as classy as angel Usher." He says.  * * * * * HAYDEN'S POV The reason I don't enjoy parties outside our Kingdom is because everyone out here is always too curious about my wings and the mystery prophesies about me that my parents chose to keep secret. I am glad they didn't let everyone know, because the way the people around me speak, I don't think they are happy with what is said about my wings or the years I am to live. I can only imagine what it would be like if they knew every prophecy. Some things even I have a hard time believing.  "Don't tell me you don't drink! This is the most expensive wine in any market. We bought it specifically for you!" The Alpha seated across from me mutters. He starts to pour me a glass of the expensive wine on the table.  "I do drink, just not alcohol." I answer. It's like my body rejects anything that can mess with it's normal functioning.
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