Chapter Ten

1147 Words
BELLA'S POV "You keep that nervous look on your face and everyone will know you're not her! Act confindent and you may succeed to leave that palace alive!" The Luna warns sternly as she escorts me towards the two men that are to take me to the palace of Scorpion Kingdom. I am trying to act like this is an ordinary day, but all my limbs are trembling. I have a feeling that I won't make it out of that palace. My heart beats harder at the thought of what I have to do to save Skylar. It pains me to know that if I end up dead, he and my parents will never know what happened to me. I hope they don't spend the whole of their lives wondering where I am. I am sure the giant Alpha wouldn't bother to inform them that I am no longer in the same world as them. Or that I chose to die so they could live. "Can I leave a message for my family? I am worried that I may not come back and they-" The Luna cuts me short. "If you die that's your business! None of our messengers are paid to serve slaves or their wretched families!" She snaps. I feel like punching her foul mouth for insulting my family. But she is a werewolf and there are the two men watching us. They may kill me just for touching their Luna. So I keep my gaze on the ground as we approach the men. They bow their heads slightly before greeting their Luna. "She really does look like Prince Hayden's mate!" One of them comments, ogling at my face. "The rules are she is not to be touched until she completes her mission!" The Luna barrates. "Yes my Lady!" The man says, bowing his head again. She turns to me. "This is Havy and Luther, they know every room of Scorpion palace since they have been there many times. One of them will guide you to the secret library. Tell the guards in the palace he is your personal servant or a friend." She orders, I nod absentmindedly. I don't think there is a plan that will keep me from being caught. * * * * * USHER'S POV I can't wait any longer for Hayden to feel comfortable with marrying me. Not when there is a probability that my lowlife sister is going to take him away from me just because of something as unfair as mate bond. I need to insist on us getting married as soon as possible. I decided to move my stuff to the palace even if we are not couples yet, only the people out there think we are. I know Hayden's parents will let me start living in the palace since they are eager to see us married. It will be easier to press Hayden to marry him when we are living under the same roof. I will also get a chance to show his parents just how qualified I am to be the future queen. "My Lady?! Where are you taking all this luggage? Are you moving in or what?" The King's Beta, Mr. Grey West, asks holding the front door wide open for me. "Help her with this?" He orders one of the maids nearby. She comes and takes my bags which are full of my most elegant clothes, shoes and jewelry. I also packed a few bikinis that I am sure Hayden will like. "Where should I put them, My Lady?!" The maid asks. "Just keep them somewhere safe, let me speak with our King and Queen then I will come tell you where to take them." I answer. She nods and takes the bags away. "I am glad to see that you and Hayden finally worked out your issues! He should have however taken you with him to Silver Moon, people are starting to think he rejected you!" The Beta adds. I don't want people knowing that Hayden doesn't actually like me. Or I may not be his true mate. I know I deserve to be his wife, mate bond or not. I am the girl that truly loves him! "I know it seems as if he didn't want to go with me, but I am the one who declined. I needed to have enough time to pack my stuff since he also wanted me to move here where I would be closer to him." I lie. "That's really good news! Let me escort you to the King." He gestures to me to follow him. Instead of leading me inside the house, he guides me around the house towards the opulent deck of the palace. The King sits smoking his tobacco pipe while reading a files laying open in front of him. "I would like to speak to him in privacy." I tell Grey. "Okay, he is always happy to see you." He says, turns and walks away. I forget a smile as I approach the man who seems engrossed in reading the file. I wonder if it contains one of those records that are hidden in the palace's secret library. Only the King, Queen and Prince Hayden can request anything to be brought to them by one of the guards that guard the doors of the library. Until I am married to Hayden, I have no right to view those files. "Usher?!" He says standing from his seat. He puts his hands on my cheeks and pecks my forehead lightly. "What brings you here so early?!" "Can I seat?" I ask. "Of course, let me get you a drink." He says but I shake my head. "I am okay. I just wanted to ask if I can have a room within the palace, Hayden asked move somewhere we can be close before he left for the celebrations in Silver Moon Pack." I say. Just like I anticipated, the King is elated to hear the news. He and his wife have been itching to see us married since the day I phased. "He told you that?" The King asks suddenly seeming skeptical. "Yes, right before he left! He is now okay with us getting married. I just couldn't go with him to Silver Moon because I needed to pack my stuff." I answer. "Wow! My son is finally acting like the Alpha Angel he is!" The King exclaims though not loudly. "I will tell the maids to prepare for you the room next to his. And since you're now in good terms, I assume we can start preparing for your marriage!" He say and I almost scream in joy. Then I remember that since I have lied, Hayden may come back and refuse to get married to me. But I brought my bikinis for that reason. I know I will need to seduce him.
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