Chapter Eleven

1555 Words
BELLA'S POV I feel my muscles stiffen as we approach the first guarded gate of Scorpion palace. Three soldiers stand guard in front of it. "Havy will escort you inside, you must act like he is really a friend or they will notice something is off." Luther says, falling behind. I look at Havy and realize he is almost as nervous as I am. "Let's go!' He says anyway. "You have to lead the way, I will be guiding you." I take two deep breathes and make my way towards the gates. It's a little dark and I can't see the faces of the guards properly. I keep going until I am about two steps away from them. My heart is beating hard and my breathe is coming out in almost audible gasps. I still dare look up at the three me. I am scared that I don't look exactly like Angel Usher like the men with me just assured me that I look like her. Hope this soldiers won't be the ones to arrest me even before I see what the palace looks like. I am sure the Luna of Grey Wolves and her maids did dress me like My heart relaxes a little bit when I see their faces light up and smiles flash on their lips. "Angel Usher? We thought you're inside the palace?!" The one with strange, grey eyes asks. "How come we didn't see you leave?" The Luna of Grey Wolves had told me that Angel Usher lives outside the palace. How come the soldiers expected her to be inside the palace at this hour? Whatever the reason, I have to think fast before the soldiers realize I am not the real her. "I was in a hurry so I used the back gates." I lie. "I had to go meet this friend of mine, I am going to introduce him to the King. He is a big expert in architecture." I add, pointing at Havy who now wears a fake smile and nods his head. "Nice to meet a friend of our future Queen!" He says before looking back at me. "We too heard the great news, you're finally marrying our Prince!" He adds, his smile so broad that one can see the back of his mouth. "Wow! Congratulations to Prince Hayden and his mate!" I almost say. Thanks to Havy's nervous look, I am reminded of our mission before the words leave my mouth. I don't know what to say, but I know whoever Angel Usher is, she is delighted to be marrying most powerful Angel and above all, a Prince of Scorpion Kingdom. "Yes, it's finally happening! Everyone is invited, including you guys!" I say. The soldiers gape at me. Guess there is something I have said that is not right. Probably they wouldn't be invited to such an event since they are just soldiers. Better get out of here before I say something outrageous again. "Goodnight guys!" I walk fast past the open gate, Havy races after me. "If you want to leave this place alive, better stop blubbering! You're saying things Angel Usher wouldn't say!" He rags. "Sorry!" I say, scrutinizing our new, exquisite surroundings. An imposing, palatial building stands tall in front of our eyes. It's about three or four times bigger than the Grey Wolves pack house. Uniformed Guards are everywhere, around every corner and in front of every door. I would have preferred lether whips to the wooden rods in their hands. They look intimidating. I wonder if someone can hear the sound of my violent heart beat. "Keep going! Stop ogling at everything or we will be caught!" Havy snaps. I assume walking again, this time towards what looks like the front entrance. "I know you're a slave but try a more majestic walk!" Havy orders. "Keep your back straight and your head high!" I do what he says. We walk past the guards who look at me with both admiration and respect. One of the two guards in front of entrance door rushes to hold the door open for us. "Thank you!" I say and he smiles before stepping away. We enter a spacious parlor with a grand staircase rising from the center. Most of the furniture is adorned with gold, it makes the room seem to be glittering. A maid on her hands and knees cleans the lush carpet. She looks up at us. "Angel Usher?! Aren't you supposed to be dinning with the King and Queen?" She asks. Does that mean the real Angel Usher is having dinner with the King and Queen? She must be a lucky girl! "I left to go get this friend of mine. The King wants to meet him to discuss some matters about architecture." I lie. "Oh, okay! You should have asked me to escort you, you're about to get married to Prince Hayden and he would be very angry if you got hurt!" She says. "I didn't go far. Besides, I am an angel, there is barely a thing that can hurt me." I answer. "I am sure you can protect yourself, My Lady. It's just that a future Princess shouldn't be walking alone, it's not dignifying." "True, I won't forget to inform you next time I am leaving the palace." I say. "Goodnight!" "Goodnight too My Lady!" She says with a smile. At least, she hasn't noticed anything wrong. I must really look like the so called Angel Usher! No one seems to doubt my looks. I am beginning to think I may actually succeed in leaving here without being caught! "That way!" Havy whispers and starts walking towards a door on the left, I follow. Now and then, we pass by guards stationed at various spots as Havy leads me around the intricate corners of the huge house. None of the guards stop us, instead, they greet us with respect and happy smiles. I avoid saying much since my nervous state isn't allowing me to think very clearly. "I can't guide you past this door because only members of the Royal family are allowed inside the library." Havy says pausing in front of a blue door. "Once you open the door there is a corridor that leads to the library. There are more than two soldiers guarding the doors, so keep a confident posture when you talk to them. When they let you in, get the records about Prince Hayden and bring them to me!" He lectures. My palms are sweating. My heart throbs harder and my lips shake. My fear is becoming harder to quench by taking in deep breathes. I make a single mistake and it will cost me my life! The good thing is, Skylar will live and that's all that matters now. "Stop wasting time, push the door open and go in! The more you delay the more the chances of getting caught!" Havy warns. Grudgingly, I step forward and push the door open. The corridor is thin, two guards sit about four metres from the door. There are two more in front of the door at the end of the corridor. Guess that's the door to the secret library since I can see the engravings on it, 'Scorpion Library'. I straighten my back and put on a fake smile before stepping into the corridor. The first guards rise from their seats and shake my hand. "Angel Usher, what brings you here?" One asks. "The King sent me. He wants me to get him some records from the library." I answer. "He is already treating you like his daughter, congratulations! We can't wait to see you become queen!" The other say. "Since the King himself sent you, I guess it's okay to let you in." He adds. This is way easier than I had imagined. "Come!" He gestures to me to follow him towards the door where two more guards stand. They too shake my hand. One goes as far as to press a kiss on the back of my hand. "The King sent her, he wants her to get him some records." The guard informs his fellows. They nod and hand him the keys. "Welcome in, My Lady!" He says holding the door open for me. I walk inside and he follows me. There are only three shelves in the room, each filled with books and files. I have no idea where to find the records Havy ordered me to get. I can't search all the three shelves! "What exactly did the King want?" The guard asks. "The records about his son, didn't exactly say which ones." I answer. "Everything about Hayden is on the first shelf." He directs. "I am sure he wants the records of the secret prophesies, they are on the left corner of the shelf." Sighing in relief, I go to get the records. But halt in my tracks when I hear a man roar. "Angel Usher is having dinner with the King, idiots! Who the f**k did you let inside the library?!" The voice comes from the corridor, it's sends a chill down my spine. My whole body quivers. "Mr. West, the girl looks exactly like Angel Usher!" I hear one of the guards say in a shaky voice. Mr. West? The King's Beta?! Please let me be hallucinating!
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