Chapter Twelve

1156 Words
BELLA'S POV Terror has got me frozen to the core. They caught me! I am going to die and never see Skylar again! My limbs shake as I think of what they will do to me. "You're an impersonator?!" The guard in the room yells at me. No word comes out of my trembling lips. The King's Beta bursts into the room, his eyes glowing with rage. The extraordinary big size of the man alone makes my heart beat faster. "Who are you?!" He roars the question while advancing. My natural instincts tell me to run, to put as much space between me and him as the room can allow. But despite his huge size, the man is super fast. I feel him grab the tail of my styled hair before I take a step away, then I am jerked backwards with so much force that I land on the hard floor with my butt. I cry out as both my back and head are whelmed by harrowing pain. "She really isn't Angel Usher!" I hear one of the guards exclaim. Guess they just figured that out now that they see I am not able to fight the Beta. "She f*****g fooled us! We should cut her f*****g head off!" The other mutters. "Who sent you?" The Beta snarls, pulling on my hair. I will never tell them that, even if the decide to cut my head off. The Alpha of Grey Wolves made it clear that my family would become his slaves if I am caught and betray him. "I can't tell you that!" I say in a shaky voice. A heavy punch connects with my face, wrecking my nose. Blood oozes out like water flowing out of a pipe. Panic grips my mind and I let out a loud shriek. "Answer my question and I will give you a quick death!" He yells and yanks my hair backward. I yelp but don't utter a single word. I will withstand whatever amount of pain as long as my family remains safe. Another punch lands on my left cheek. My mouth fills with blood! A tooth probably broke as an excruciating pain shoots from the inside of my mouth. The pain doesn't allow me to scream as the cruel Beta aims a kick at my forehead. My vision becomes blurry and I fall flat on the floor when he let's go of my hair. "If you insist on not answering my questions, you should know that I won't get tired of hitting you!" The giant Beta threatens, squatting besides me. I feel broken, mortified and in pain, but I still manage to spit the blood in my mouth on his smooth face. "Urghhh!" He exclaims trying to wipe the mess from his face with his hands. At least I got to do something that makes him feel bad as well. It is of course nothing compared to the punches that he has landed on my face. He takes off his shirt and uses it like a towel to wipe off my blood. When tosses the stained shirt aside and looks back at me, he is so angry that he howls at me. "Hand me that rod!" He orders one of the guards who immediately surrenders his wooden rod to him. "Now I am going to beat you until you're a big piece of bloody meat!" He snarls, raising the rod high above his head. I try to crawl away but one of the guards stomps on my foot, almost breaking the bone. The furious Beta stikes me on the ribs with the rod. A terrible pain grips that side of my chest, I am certain one or two ribs did break! I shileld my head as he brings the rod down again and lands another blow on my back. I cry but I am now certain no one is going to help. One of the guards strikes me on the legs with his rod, I scream again and a smirk curves on his lips. They sure are starting to enjoy hitting me. "Why the f**k do you look like Angel Usher?!" He barks. I remain silent. As if thrilled by the act of torturing me, he swings the rod again against my already injured chest. His fellows soon join him, landing blows on my body while I scream hysterically. But the screams seems to encourage them some more, so they keep hitting me until my body grows numb. * * * * * USHER'S POV I was exhilarated when the King and his Queen invited me to have dinner with them. I knew it was an opportunity to share with them my aspiration of being Hayden's loving wife, to tell them how I plan to be the best Queen when Hayden marries me. I put on the best dress, had to wear a thick brassiere as always to help exaggerate the size of my breasts which are a bit smaller than I would have liked. When I sat beside the King around the table, I put on a smile and spoke with caution. "Has my son ever seen you looking this beautiful?" The Queen asked, smiling sweetly. I shook my head even if I knew it's a lie. Truth is there isn't an elegant cloth I haven't worn to try and get Hayden feel attracted to me, yet nothing has worked. That's why I brought the bikinis, may be he will like me when he is seeing more of my bare skin. "I am sure he will marry you the next hour if he sees you looking this pretty!" The King said and I faked a smile. They showered me with a few more praises before I got an opportunity to tell them how I plan to fight against every enemy that attempts to hurt Hayden when I am his Queen. I told them how I will support him in his every quest and bear him as many children as he would like. The King was so impressed that he decided I was already loyal enough to his family to be trusted with handling some of the responsibilities of the Royal family. But our conversation got disrupted when one of the maids burst into the room and announced that someone had tried to break into the Palace Secret Library. "She looks exactly like Angel Usher, that's why the guards opened the doors for her!" The maid speaks breathlessly. A wave of shock runs through my body. "Please let it not be who I think it is!" I pray silently. "Did she succeed in stealing anything?!" The King asks. "No, they arrested before she got to the secret records. They have beaten her terribly!" The maid answers. Somehow I wish she is dead! My sister or not, I will not sit back and watch her take Hayden away. She should die for attempting to steal those records!
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