Chapter Seven

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BELLA'S POV The Luna leads me back to the room where the Alpha was. That gigantic man with a beard, the one that gripped my hair so tight that I am still feeling sore around the spot. It hurt like hell when the maids combed the hair. I did ask them to take it slow, but being a slave means no one listens to you. I had to bit hard on my lip to restrain myself from crying out everytime the hair was pulled. Now that I am going to meet the man again, I feel like my intestines are on fire. The Luna swings the door open and pushes me inside. The Alpha and his Beta rise from their seats when I stumble into the room, the heels are making it hard to keep balance. "Look at the beauty queen that was hiding under those filthy rugs!" The Beta says, approaching. "Now you look like something a man may like, come here!" He says, now so close and holding out a hand. I step back, still careful not to raise my head and look him in the eye. It's against the rules here. "Are you now defying my orders, slave?!" He snarls angrily. I step back farther. What on earth am I supposed to do? Slave or not, there is no way I am going to go to him. My parents would not have let me go if they knew some psycho is going to be manhandling me. We all thought I am going to only get overworked and not paid. "Stay away from me, psycho!" I snarl. The Beta glowers down at me. His face turns into one big frown. He takes a step forward, before I jump back, his hand wraps around my neck. Frightened, I use my nails to scratch the hand. He starts to squeeze and I cry out. "Let her go!" I hear the Alpha roar, his voice laced with authority. The Beta immediately relinquishes his grip around my neck. I step as far away from him as the walls of the room can allow. The muscles of my neck hurts! I would rather be out there working with the other slaves than be in here with this two mad giants. "What the f***k is wrong with you?! Play with every other slave but not that one!" The Alpha snaps. The Beta raises his eyebrows. He turns around to face his Alpha. "Why? She is a wolfless slave like any other. Don't tell me she gets special treatment just because she looks like Prince Hayden's mate!" He raves. The Alpha closes the small space between them, he looks ready to chastise his Beta. "She gets special treatment because she is our key to finding out what else that Angel is capable of! Until I have those secrets in my hands, no one will be touching the girl!" He mutters, his words marked with a tone of finality. "Do you understand me?!" The Beta grudgingly nod his head. But when he looks at me, the evil smirk on his lips clearly tells me the Alpha's words didn't sink into his thick head. "Now leave us!" The Alpha commands. The Beta makes his way out of the room. And right before he makes his exit, he looks at me and winks. How I wish he would drop dead! "Sit down!" The Alpha orders, points at the couch he was sitting on. I wait until he takes his Beta's seat, then make my way to the grey couch. I keep my gaze downwards after I sit, more to avoid looking at the man's face than to stick to the silly rules. "You may look up." I hear him say. His tone is no longer harsh. I nervously look up at him. He holds another glass of clear liquid in his hand whose contents he gulps down at one go. The man must be a drunkard! "My Beta says you sold yourself to save your little brother, tell me more about that." He says, setting down the empty glass. I remain silent. It's not like they are going to return me back if I don't answer their questions. "I will not force you to talk, after all most of you slaves like to remain mute!" He starts, leans back on his seat, a smirk curved on his thin lips. "I only care about the job I have for you. You do it well, you will be free to go back to your family." I hear him say and feel my heart throb with new hope. "Really?" I hear my mouth ask. The Alpha looks straight into my eyes. His icy gaze is unnerving. "Yes. You win your freedom if you get me what I want." He assures. I want to smile but he hasn't told me what exactly I am supposed to do. Considering the amount of money they used to buy me, I am certain the job I am to do is tough. But I am glad to be offered a chance to win my freedom and go back to watching Skylar recover. "What's the job?!" I ask. "Ever heard of the secret library of scorpion kingdom?" He asks. Seriously? I thought that's another stupid and unrealistic rumor about the famous Prince Hayden? The secret library in the palace where records of prophecies about the mysterious Angel Hayden are kept, I thinks it's total bullshit! "Does the library really exist?" I ask. The Alpha nods his head. "Yes. It's the most guarded room in Scorpion Palace. No one gets in unless they are members of the Royal family." He answers. "What I want are the documents about the powerful Prince Hayden. And since you look like a perfect copy of his mate, I am sure the guards will let you into the library without questions." He sure must be mad! Assuming I actually look like Angel Usher like they say, who would be stupid enough to attempt to steal from the palace of Scorpion Kingdom? Steal from the home of Goddess Israel's most beloved creature? The rumors about that man alone makes my heartbeat pick up speed! I wanted my freedom but didn't want to die in the process of finding it. "I can do any other job, just not that one." I blurt out. The Alpha narrows his gaze at me. He doesn't look diplomatic anymore. "I stated what you would get if you did for me what I purchased you to do, but I forgot to tell you what would happen if you decline to do the job!" He says in an stern voice. What would happen if I decline? Yeah, I already know that there are guards with whips all around the house. But they can whip me to death and I will not accept to risk having my head cut off. "Either help me get those secret records, or I will send my men back to your little family to cut the head of your beloved little brother and bring it here to me!" The Alpha snarls. I am not sure my heart is still locked within my ribcage. Still waiting to read your thoughts about the story. Remember to leave a comment.
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