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LYRA'S POV The sound of gunshots filled the air. My first instinct was to clutch my belly. My baby was the only reason I kept moving forward. The sound of gunshots must have scared them off, because I could hear their receding steps. I heaved a sigh of relief. I could finally rest a bit. What I should have noticed from the rogues behavior was that their fleeing meant we were in another territory. It was too late because I was being shouted over again. “She's clearly a spy. We should shoot her.“ “No. Too weak to be a rogue.“ “You're right. We can't just leave her here, though.“ “We can't.“ The third one said, “Let's take her to the Alpha.“ “Good call.“ This time around, I was being dragged by my hands, with my feet trailing me. I yelped as stones and leaves left marks on my legs, but they paid me no mind. After what seemed like ten years of torture, I was finally dumped in front of an elaborate house. It could only be the pack house. I sat up weakly. “Kneel.“ One of the guards prodded me, but I was too weak to do anything other than breathe. “Go call the Alpha.“ The biggest one commanded the one that looked like the youngest. The other two stood by me, and I could hear the curious whispers of passing pack members. “Nothing to see here; move on.“ They were quickly dispersed. Finally, the Alpha came. One of the guards helped me into a kneeling position. “What's the problem?“ A delicious chill went down my spine as the sound of the voice registered in my belly. I looked up at him, and I felt the same zap I felt when I found out Alpha Alexis was my mate the first time. I know he felt it too, because he froze for a tiny second. “Mate.“ He whispered. “Mate?“ “My Alpha.“ The biggest one bowed. “We caught this woman while we were patrolling the borders. She was being chased by what we can only assume were rogues. Our shots scared them off, through.“ “I see.“ He squatted down to my level and looked at me curiously. He studied my features, and I did his. The memories of that sinful night rushed into my head, and I gasped. He was my one-night stand! He chuckled as if he could hear what I was thinking. His eyes glazed over all of a sudden, and I scurried away from him. “Please don't kill me. I'm not a spy.“ I pleaded with a strength I didn't know I possessed. “I… I swear by the goddess, I'm not. If you hurt me, my baby will be hurt. Please don't hurt my baby.“ “You're pregnant?“ One of the guards asked, and the biggest one gave him a jab. At the mention of the baby, he froze again. He stood up and cleared his throat. “Let her go.“ He ordered the men holding me. “Yes, Alpha.“ They took several steps away from me, and I managed to hold myself together. “You can go now. Good job, guys.“ They turned and left without another word. “Can you stand?“ he asked. I was too weak to pretend or to care what this man thought of me. When he saw that I was not moving, he came to my side and helped me up. “You poor thing.“ Despite my weak state, I was very much aware of his touch on my body. He tried to walk with me, but my legs weren't cooperating. They refused to move. There was also no sign of my wolf. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me into the house. I don't know at what point I passed out, but the next time I opened my eyes, it was in a dark room. My initial reaction was to struggle. I later found out that there was no need to struggle. I was not in chains. I was in a soft bed that might as well be a cloud. I was also in silk sleepwear, and my legs were neatly bandaged. My hair was brushed and free of leaves. “Hello.“ My voice had gone hoarse. I gently slid down from the bed. I heard the door open, and I jumped in fright. I held up a pillow in a feeble attempt to defend myself. Light flooded the room. I blink rapidly to adjust to the sudden light. “You're up.“ My one-night stand came in and took in my appearance. He looked at the pillow in my hand and chuckled. “What are you going to do with that?“ “Whack you to sleep.“ His chuckle grew into a fully-blown belly laugh. “You're funny. Are you okay, though? I bought some salves for you.“ That was when I noticed he had a bottle in his hands. “Thank you. I feel better.“ “You should still apply them.“ “Okay.“ He kneeled in front of me to apply the salves. My stomach growled in hunger. “Oh. I'm sorry. I should have offered you some food first.“ My cheeks burned in embarrassment. He hurried out of the room and returned barely ten minutes later with a tray laden with all kinds of food. My stomach growled again, and I desperately hoped the floor would swallow me up. “There's nothing to be embarrassed about.“ “Thank you for the food.“ I gobbled up the food, and he looked on in amusement. “Slow down. The food isn't going anywhere.“ I chuckled but slowed down anyway. “Where am I?“ I asked after I had my fill of the food. “Red Moon Pack. I'm the Alpha. My name is Devon.“ “Thank you for taking me in, Alpha Devon.“ “And your baby?“ “Huh?“ “You said you were pregnant.“ “Yes.“ I rubbed my still-flat stomach. “Thank you for taking us in.“ Does he suspect anything? I hope not. “You didn't tell me your name.“ “Uh, my name is Lyra.“ “Lyra.“ He said. “I remember you.“ “Pardon?“ I was getting uncomfortable with where this was going. It was just my rotten luck that I stumbled on the man whose baby I was carrying while running from my old life. “I said I remembered you. I've seen you before.“ “Really? Where? Maybe someone that looks like me?“ He chuckled. “Lyra, I remember everything.“ He was suddenly in my space, brushing my hair from my face and guiding my face, so I was looking into his eyes. “I… I don't know. I don't… can't remember.“ “Yes, you do.“ He was pressing the tiniest of kisses to my jawline. “You wanted me to take you. You begged me to, so I did. All. Night.“ He wouldn't let go of my face. He was smelling down my neck and grazing me with his teeth. I let out a soft yelp, and he stopped. “There you are. It's you, alright.“ I was breathing heavily. “What was that?“ “Simply reminding you of our night together, Lyra.“ “I…” “Still can't recall?“ He moved closer to me again, and I shot off the bed. “Okay. Stop it.“ He chuckled and let his eyes take in my sleepwear shamelessly. “That's what I thought, mate.“
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