1252 Words
Lyra's POV My lips trembled as I sat in a corner in the cold room for over two days now. I feared for the life of my child because, despite not knowing the child's father, I would still keep the child. The door was slowly pulled open, and the first thing I saw was Maia standing there with her arms folded. Her maid walked into the room and dragged me out of it. "Get her something to eat and some warmth. Ask the doctor to check on her child. The child will be of great use once it grows, so we shouldn't let another extra hand go to waste." Anger surged through my entire body as she said that. The only reason she was bringing me out was to make sure my child grew up to serve her and her husband. That is not happening. "She is fine. But she should eat well to keep the child and herself safe and reduce her workload." The doctor said, and Maia scoffed before walking out of the room. "What's on your mind?" I heard my wolf whisper in my head. I honestly do not know what I want to do at this moment. These people were wicked, and I had to protect my child from them. Now I know how it felt when my mother had to protect me from those who wanted me for another reason. "I have to run." I said, and my wolf whimpered gently. "We don't have anywhere to go. Even if we wanted to go rogue, we need a place to stay before even deciding now that you're going to have a baby." She said, and what she said did make sense; it was right. But if I didn't leave either, she was going to make life hell for my child and me. I was still lost in thoughts when the door to the guest room where I was staying was opened, and Casey walked in with a frown on her face. She closed the door gently behind her and walked up to me, and just then another woman walked in, dressed as a nurse. I wondered what she was doing there, and the nurse started checking up on me. I kept quiet and continued to watch them as they did what they were doing before the nurse finally spoke up to her. "Your pregnancy and her delivery date can match at the same time." The nurse said, and I looked at her with total confusion. "Good." Casey smirked before turning her attention to me. "Listen to me very carefully; you are a waste of space. That child in you will be mine." "What do you mean by that?" I asked her with a raised brow. "Alexis wants a child, and I am not ready to leave my beautiful body and give him one. You will carry that child, and I will tell everyone I am pregnant. We will have our child on the same day, and you will tell everyone your child died while I take it as mine." She said, not feeling a hint of shame as she opened her mouth. She was totally out of her mind. "Are you out of your mind?" I asked her, and she looked at me with a raised brow. "I would not give my child to you. You don't deserve to even be a mother if all you care about is yourself, you mate stealing bitch." As soon as I said that, she hit me in the face hard, with steam literally coming out of her ears. "You will talk to me with respect. And I will have that child of yours, whether you like it or not. Alexis wants me and not you, so deal with it." She yelled angrily before barging out of the room. I will escape from this palace and this pack, even if it is the last thing I do. After leaving, I can think of how I will feed myself. I rushed out of bed and walked straight to the wardrobe, where some of my clothes were already. I started packing them in my bag as quickly as I could and stacked them back into the wardrobe. "Are you sure about this, Lyra?" My wolf asked as I got back to bed. "Yes, I am. We will leave, and I will go to the neighboring pack." Even if I have to beg for food to eat, I do not mind. I won't have some mindless woman take my child away from me and claim it is hers." I said. As nighttime came, I made sure I left exactly when everyone was deep asleep. Although I was still feeling weak from the cold I had taken in, I packed some food and the pills I was given by the doctor before rushing out of the palace, sneaking past the guard. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I had to leave somehow. "Take me to the border." I said, to the cab driver, and he looked at me like I was crazy. "I will pay you any amount you want. Just take me to the border as fast as you can." "I am not taking you to the border, young lady, and my life would be at risk. Haven't you heard of rogues attacking these days? Are you even a member of this pack at all?" He spat in disgust. "Get out of my car and find another person to drive you to death." I got out of the car with a sigh before rushing directly towards the forest, which I knew was leading out of the pack. "You should shift." My wolf said. "Your strength can't take the run. You should conserve your energy for when I need you the most." I said, taking a deep breath as I continued running towards the heart of the forest. I knew it would be a very long ride, but I needed it anyway. By daybreak, I want to be in the next pack already. I ran and ran till my feet hurt, and I looked at the time and the location I was in. The sun was gradually rising, and I had about twenty minutes before I got to the pack borders. Suddenly, sounds of branches breaking filled my ears. I looked back and saw nothing. I took another step, and the sounds of branches came up again. Throughout the whole night, I had come across nothing, and now they were coming out during the day. I started to run, and the breaking of branches and thudding of paws drew closer. Hungry growls filled the air, and I could tell I was in trouble already. I started to run as fast as my feet could take me, glancing back, and glowing eyes came into sight. I hurriedly shifted into my wolf form and started to run for my life. I can't let myself fall into the trap of predators now that I'm almost close to my total freedom. I needed to run from my life at all costs. I continued to run for what felt like an eternity, and then I fell straight on my face, shifting back to my human form. Three rogues caught up to me, and the three started to circle me like predators watching their prey. I grabbed myself, tears rolling down my eyes as they made an attempt to pounce. Suddenly, the sounds of gunshots filled the air.
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