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DEVON'S POV “That's what I thought, mate.“ Her eyes widened. Did she not feel the connection I felt? I didn't imagine it, right? “We… we're mates?“ “Yes, babydoll. I'm your soulmate.“ She looked so flustered right now. I just want to scoop her up and keep her in my arms forever. “Wow,“ she whispered. “Aren't you excited?“ Does she have someone else she was hoping to get mated to? “I am.“ She sure doesn't look it. Maybe she was just confused. To be fair, she was running from something or someone. Finding a mate would be the last thing on her mind. “Hey hey.“ I interrupted her, overthinking. “Stop overthinking it. Come here.“ “I…” “Now, Lyra.“ I was itching to hold her in my arms. Craving it, even. She carried her tiny self and gingerly slid into bed. I wrapped my arms around her, and she tentatively hugged me back. “The baby you're carrying is mine, yes?“ “Yes.“ I heaved a sigh of relief. The thought of her with someone else would drive me mad. “Thank you.“ “For?“ She lifted her head out of my neck. “For stumbling into me.“ I contemplated asking her what she was running from, but it was too soon. She was still shaken up about it. “You're welcome?“ I laughed and urged her to go to sleep. “Thank you, too.“ She whispered before sleeping soundly. I watched her sleep for a while, like a creep. I adjusted her blanket and patted her hair before leaving. It took every ounce of self-control in me to leave her to sleep alone. It was going to be too soon. I need to take things slow with her. I have been waiting for my mate all my life. Who knew it was a woman I had a one-night stand with that I would end up with? The moon goddess was a tricky one. I wondered why we didn't connect right away that day. I decided to let it go, though. I believe in letting things unravel themselves. The next morning, I woke up early as usual. But today was special; my mate was sleeping a few doors away from me. Usually the first thing I do in the morning is work out, but today was different. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before heading for Lyra's room. I opened her door gently. She was still sleeping soundly, with all the pillows scattered around her. I decided to let her wake at her own pace. I went to the pack gym to let off some steam. I was boxing and whistling some tunes to myself. “Alpha?“ “Oh, Jason.“ Jason was my personal adviser. “A good morning?“ “What?“ “You're smiling at the gym bag, my Alpha.“ “I didn't realize.“ “Did that deal with the other Alphas come through?“ “No." “What's making you happy, then?“ “What?“ I tried to play it off. “I'm always like this in the morning.“ “I see.“ “Yeah.“ “So nothing new happened between last night and this morning?“ “Nope. Nothing. Except that I found…” I noticed that everyone quieted down in the gym. I looked around to see what they were looking at. It was Lyra looking very out of place in a place full of testosterone. Her sleepwear showed off her long, curvy legs, and what should have been her bed hair was cute hair instead. It ruffled adorably down her face. “I… I'm sorry.“ I felt a wave of possessiveness hit me when I saw how every single man in here ogled her. I wanted to howl and let everyone know she was carrying my child. She spotted me and waved shyly. I smiled back at her when all my wolf really wanted was to cover her heaving breast. Jason looked from me to Lyra. I could see that he was piecing everything together. “Nothing happened, eh, my Alpha?“ He teased. “She's my mate.“ I told him before hurrying over to her side. I didn't wait to see his reaction. I scooped her tiny figure up in my arms. I could hear the whispers that followed us out of the gym house. “Why do you have to look so beautiful in the morning?“ I told her in all sincerity, and she blushed. It was true, though. Now that I'm seeing her in the morning light, she's really beautiful. “Good morning to you too.“ “Good morning, love.“ “I thought you were going to be angry. I'm sorry. It's just that I don't know anyone around here, so I thought I'd find you.“ My eyes would have softened more if that were possible. “I'm not angry.“ I truly wasn't. “I just wish you had put on some more clothes before coming down. I don't want those bastards to see what's for my eyes only. She chuckled. For her to think that I'd get angry over something this trivial, she must have been hurt really badly in her old pack. I was going to get to the bottom of her trauma. “I'll do that. Thank you.“ She dropped a quick peck on my lips before running away to the bathroom. I almost followed her, but I reminded myself to play it calm. She was getting comfortable; that's a good start. I waited for her to be done in the shower. About twenty minutes later, she came out with a tiny towel wrapped around her and one to dry her hair with. She squealed when she noticed me. “You're still here.“ She pointed out the obvious. “Yes, I am.“ “Why?“ She was looking at me warily. “To give you a tour of the place.“ “Oh.“ “Yeah, and if you're not too tired from the tour, we can branch in and see the pack physician. To remove and change your bandages. To also check on our baby.“ “Oh. It sounds like a full day.“ “You don't sound like you're excited about it. We can do anything you want.“ “No no. It's fine. I just need some time to get used to the place.“ “That makes sense.“ She stood at that spot for a while. “What?“ “I have no clothes to change into.“ “Oh, shoot.“ That totally skipped my mind. “Lyra, I'm so sorry. I'll get one of the maids to shop for you. Just give me your size and everything.“ “It's okay. I can shop by myself.“ “Really?“ I don't know how to feel about letting her out of my sight anytime soon. “We can go together.“ “Really?“ I perked up. I figured pack work could wait for a while. We could spend some time together and get to know each other. “Yeah.“ “But you have nothing to wear now.“ “I could wear something of yours.“ “I'd like that very much.“ I hurried to my room to pick out my biggest tees and some shorts for her. “Here.“ “Thank you.“ I know she expected me to turn around, but I didn't. I waited for her to ask. “Devon, do you mind turning around?“ The sound of my name rolling off her lips was something I'd have to get used to. It hit me in the chest and lit me up. “Babe, you're carrying my child.“ I pointed it out. “Please?“ “Alright.“ “Ready to meet your people?“ She froze.
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