Chapter 7

1626 Words
ARIANA’S POV The moment I got down from Luke’s car, my mouth gaped open. My eyes sparkled in amazement of how big, and luxurious the company looked. “Are we going to go in? I asked, feeling a bit unsure he was actually brining me here. “Yes, we are.” He responded, and then I followed after him. When we got close to the company’s entrance, I felt a bit hesitant to go in, because I felt unworthy to walk into this amazing building. “Come on in.” He urged me, and all I did, was stare like a puppy who was too scared to trust the human asking it to come in. Then he walked up to me. “Look Ariana. If you don’t muster up the courage to be somewhere like this, nor do you try to blend in, you’ll end up attracting things you don’t like. You’ll never be happy, here. So, be alive, and take whatever good, comes your way.” He encouraged me, and I nodded my head, then followed him in. When we went into the company, I was introduced to a few of the workers, and it was nice meeting them, although, I could see some dissatisfied expression. But then, all I had to do was ignore it. “Alright, so, there isn’t much work for you do, yet, but from tomorrow, you’re going to schedule my meetings, alright?” “Noted.” I wouldn’t say I had a nice time at work, neither would I say I had a bad time, as well. It was just neutral, and I hoped that things would get better, as time went on. But my day ended well, as Luke took me to a restaurant which I happened to enjoy all they served us. It was all a privilege. ~ Night had fallen so soon, and I cozied up on my bed, excited to sleep as my day had summed up well. “Moon goddess, I hope you make my tomorrow better, so I could keep smiling, more and more.” I said, as I gradually fell asleep. ~DREAM STATE~ I saw myself on a path, leading to a forest. I was searching for my true mother. She was the only one who would obviously care for me deeply, without asking for anything in return. But then, there were vampires, after me. I had managed to get deeper into the woods without falling into the hands of those vampires. I couldn’t let any of them get me before finding my mother. “Now, where do I find you, mother?” I said, under my breath as I looked around me. I was surrounded by a thick forest and the moon shone brightly above me. The chilly breeze came as a force, and I had to wrap my arms around myself to keep myself warm a little. There were two paths; one at the left and the other at the right. I was torn between choosing the path to follow, and it was disturbing. I really had to depend on my luck to find my way. I looked at both paths and I felt if I went on the right path, I won’t find my mother, and If I went on the left path, and ignored the right path, I might not find my mother. If only there was something that would give me a hint of where to follow; it would have been much better. I sniffled as the cold was beginning to get to me. “Oh. Moon goddess help me.” I said, under my breath, then began to head to the path on my right. But then, my side eyes caught light emanating from a particular side, and when I turned to look at the path at the left which was now at my back, I saw fireflies dropping on the floor and forming a trail. Could this be the path I’m meant to take? “Are you really leading me to my mother?” I voiced out, feeling so excited with tears filling my eyes up. Only the moon goddess knew how happy and grateful; I was, to the fireflies. I turned fully towards the path on the left. As I took each step, two or three fireflies flew away as they had done their part by showing me a trail. Suddenly, a vampire intruded, and the fireflies flew away. “No…. No…No. Don’t leave.” I pleaded earnestly, but they had all disappeared before the vampire made an irritating sound. Anger filled my heart up, and I glared right at the vampire. Then I dashed towards the vampire, and fought with it, until it fell to the ground, and bled until it disappeared. It was quite easy on my part to fight it, but what was surprising was how it disappeared. After that, I squatted, feeling lost and annoyed. Even now that I had killed the vampire, there still was no way for me to find my way as I had already seen there was another intersection after this path. “Why! Why!” I yelled as I buried my face between my folded arms and knees. I felt unlucky once again. I thought things had changed for me, but it seemed like I was still the same unlucky girl who never really had things go smoothly for her for a long time. Suddenly, a felt an icy touch on my shoulder, and I looked sharply over my shoulder, and at my back, but no one was there. I rose to my feet quickly and as I looked forward, I noticed the fireflies were back, but were at the other intersection. My face brightened up with an excited smile. “Oh, my goodness.” I uttered under my breath and I covered my mouth, feeling overwhelmed and loved by nature. I hurried my steps towards the fireflies before something else would disrupt the beautiful moment. When I got close to them, I walked gently so as not to startle them. They might be here for me, but they can still get startled if I acted too rough, and who knows, they might never come back for me again. “Thank you, fireflies.” I appreciated them as I took steps forward, following their every trail. I followed their constant trail until I got to a foggy location. I turned back and noticed the fireflies had disappeared. They had done their task and they couldn’t probably help me in this fog. If I walked right into the fog, I may not see well, and hopefully, I wouldn’t fall into a hole or go in the wrong direction. As I walked right into the fog, I tried to clear them with my hands, and it was helping, a bit. Thankfully, the fog wasn’t a thick one that spread to a wide path. Soon, I was out of the fog, and behold, a creepy scene. There were different old houses that looked like those used in horror movies, and everywhere seemed a bit cold. Although, the leaves that were at the side of the one path that led right into the village, were green, but I felt I had to be careful and at alert in a place like this. I continued walking on the path, and looking left and right, wondering where my mother could be, in a place like this. “What are you doing here!” I heard a voice question me and I turned to the back in the direction of the sound of the stern voice. “Mother.” I spoke softly, with my eyes sparkling with grateful tears. I didn’t need to ask her. I could already feel it within me that she was the one, and yes, I could see a bit of my face, on hers. “What! You must be mistaken. I’m not your mother. I lost my child, years ago.” “Isn’t it obvious? We share a semblance.” I said, moving closer to her. Then I noticed an expression of realization and surprise. She closed the gap between us, and checked the back of my ear. “You truly are.” She said softly as she moved away and stared at me. I felt happy and moved towards her to give her a deep hug, but she raised her hand, indicating me to halt. “What?” I asked, baffled as to why she would tell me to stop. “Because you are my daughter doesn’t mean I accept you as mine. Ever since I had you, all I have ever known is bad luck. I don’t want to have anything to do with a daughter like you. Leave this instant!” She voiced out harshly. I felt pain strike my heart like lightning. For a moment, it felt as if the whole world had turned away from me, and I was all alone again. My mother whom I thought was going to touch my cold world with warm hands had rejected me, and somehow, it felt worse than the rejection of a mate bond which most people talked about, back when I was at our former pack. ~ I woke up, breathing hard, and sweats dripping down my body. This particular dream somehow had it way in making me feel depressed. Too depressed to work, or go out. But there was no way I could tell the man who helped me, that I wasn’t in the mood to work, except I was ready to go back to misery. But then, why do I keep having weird dreams such as this? I’m living a new life, my dreams shouldn’t portray anything of the past, anymore. Why?
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