Chapter 6 - Fighting a losing battle

1103 Words
I woke up with a start when I felt something warm and soft touching my face. I felt disoriented at first, but then I remembered what happened earlier. I looked at the man beside me with his face too close for comfort. " Hi. I hate to wake you up, but you've been sleeping for almost an hour now." Marcus whispered while staring intensely at my eyes. He's still touching my face lightly. " What?! An hour?! Marcus, why didn't you wake me up? My house is practically three minutes away from where we were earlier." I glared at him, feeling both angry and embarrassed. So He's been staring at me and touching my face for almost an hour? " I am sorry, sweetheart, but you looked so tired and so beautiful when you were sleeping. I didn't have the heart to wake you." He apologized and smiled awkwardly. I deeply sighed and calmed myself. " I'm sorry I blew up on you like that when I should be thanking you for helping me tonight and for bringing me home." I apologized as well, feeling embarrassed. I looked at him and gave a small smile. " Thank you, Marcus, for everything, but please stop stalking me. It feels so weird always to have someone following me around. I appreciate your concern, but I can take care of myself." I begged with my eyes and hoping he would understand. " I know that you're a strong and brave woman, Maria. But I can't help but feel protective of you. Especially with your kind of work." He argued. " But you can't do that, Marcus. Why would you waste your time on a small-town girl like me where you could have all the sophisticated and gorgeous women in France? We are not a couple, Marcus, and we will never be a couple. We are like Yin and Yang or night and day." I reasoned with him, but I'm not sure who I am trying to convince. Am I convincing Marcus or myself?  " But Maria, won't you agree that when the night meets the day, it creates the most beautiful light in the sky. Just like what's happening right now." He pointed at the sky, where the sun was about to come out. It's already dawn, and the sun painted the sky with soft golden light. What a beautiful sight indeed. " Please give us a chance, Maria. One month, give me one month to convince you that we can work. I've never felt this way towards any woman I've ever met. You are all I can think of even when I am in France. Please, baby." His begging eyes made me rethink my decision to stay away from him. " I don't know, Marcus. I don't know the real you. All I know about you is what the tabloids write. And what's written there is what scares me. I am way out of your league and opposite from all the women you used to date." I stared at him with uncertainty. " Exactly the reason why I am crazy about you, Maria. Your strong personality and the 'I don't take s**t from anybody' persona were what drew me to you. You don't care much about how you look, but still, you captivate me. All I am asking is a month to show you that I am sincere."  Marcus grasped my hands and kissed them both. I sighed in frustration because my mind was conflicted. Marcus looked so sincere, and his touch was comforting, not perverted. I bit my lip and looked deeply into his eyes. I inhaled deeply, then let out a long sigh before nodding my head slowly. " Alright, I'll give you a month to convince me you've changed. But if you failed and cheated on me or hurt me in any way. You won't ever see me again, and you'll stay away from me for good, agreed?" I told him with a solemn face. He grinned and hugged me tightly. " You won't regret this, mon amour (my love). I promise I'll show you every day how much I treasure you. Now, off you go so you can rest, baby. I'll call you later, okay?" He kissed my forehead tenderly, and I realized I was fighting a losing battle all along. Marcus came down from the car and opened my door for me. He walked me to my front door while holding my hand tightly. I searched for my keys inside my bag and inserted them into the lock. I turned to Marcus before opening the door. " Drive safe, and thank you again." I shyly smiled and tried not to stare more into his deep brown eyes. Marcus is looking at me as if I am the only person around, and it intimidates me. His slightly long wavy dark brown hair frames his face, and I find it so sexy. We had been staring at each other for a long time now. Marcus looked like he was about to kiss me. But before he could kiss my lips, I turned my face slightly, and his lips landed on my cheek. Marcus chuckled at my childish act, but I couldn't help it. He makes me nervous. " Sleep tight, my love. I'll come to pick you up later for dinner, okay?" I nodded my head slowly. Marcus held my face in his hands and kissed my forehead again lingeringly. He reluctantly let me go and walked back to his car. I watched him get in his car, but he signaled to go inside the house before he closed the door. I smiled and waved at him, then went in. I don't know what the hell happened, but I know something changed the moment he came and rescued me last night. No matter how hard I ignored my attraction to him, I couldn't fight it. I know I was doomed the moment I laid my eyes on him at Amelia's wedding. He was like a hurricane that sucked me in and rattled my entire being. I crept inside the house, scared to wake Papa up or he might ask why I came home so late. I entered my room and slumped on the bed with a thud. I feel tired yet excited, and I can't believe I gave Marcus a chance. I don't know what he sees in me, but I won't change myself to please him. He has to like me as I am and see me as I am. He either takes me as I am or take a hike.
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