Chapter 7 - Red Alert!

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I slept the entire afternoon due to exhaustion. I worked for six days straight, and this week has been the craziest week at Joe's. I remembered Papa coming into my room and tried waking me up for lunch, but I was so damn tired and sleepy I couldn't care much for food. I was deep into my dream when my phone buzzed on my drawer table. I tried to ignore it, but it kept buzzing annoyingly. I reached for it and answered without looking at the screen. " Whoever you are, I'm going to hunt you down and break your neck," I grumbled. I buried my face in my pillow, and then I heard a booming laugh on the other end. I knew that voice! Instantly my brain cells woke up. " Baby, remind me not to wake you up again. I want to live a little longer and be with you a bit more." Marcus chuckled on the other end. I sat up abruptly and chased the last sleep out of my eyes. " Marcus! I am so sorry. I thought you were somebody else. Why did you call?" I asked and stumbled out of my bed. " Well, I was checking if you are ready for dinner tonight? It's already four in the afternoon, and I was scared that you would bail on me. I am glad I called you because apparently, you were still sleeping, mon amour (my love)." He teased. " Well, I'm glad you did. I'm sorry, I was so tired of working all week and coming home late. What time are you picking me up, and where are we going?" I asked Marcus while checking my closet for anything to wear. " I'll give you two hours, and then I'll come and pick you up." He answered, which made me stop and got nervous. " Ahm, can't you tell me where we are dining, and I'll meet you there? I haven't spoken to my dad yet, and I don't want him to find out this way. Give me time to speak to him about us. Besides, we aren't official, remember? We're only testing the waters, so to speak." I explained and pleaded with him. " I don't like this, babe. I don't want your father to think that I am hiding behind your back and betray him. But, I'll trust your judgment and give you time. But Maria, we are official. You were just reluctant to admit it to yourself." Marcus argued but eventually gave in. " Anyway, I've booked us a table at the Oriole. You know where it is, right? So, I'll meet you there at six?" He continued, and I was shocked at the restaurant he had chosen. It is a five-star restaurant, one of the best and expensive restaurants in Downtown Chicago. " Marcus, don't you think it's ridiculous to eat there? I mean, we could go to Joe's or a barbecue house, and I wouldn't mind. I don't think I'd fit there, or I will be comfortable eating there." I debated with him. It is not only expensive, but I would also have to dress up like a celebrity and s**t. " Maria, I want to bring you to the best places my money could buy. I don't care about the price, sweetheart, trust me. I want to celebrate this night and lavish you with all the best things. This dinner is my treat, love. Please allow me to introduce to you a portion of my life." He bickered, and I sighed. " Well, I can't do anything about it since you've already booked us a table. Alright, I'll meet you there at six. You have to let me go now if you don't want me to be late. Let me remind you, though; I'm not going to dress up like Barbie for this. You will have to accept me, or we move to another restaurant, got it?" I warned him, and he laughed again. " Baby, I don't care what you wear, as long as you show up. You can be in your pajamas for all I care." He chuckled. " Don't put ideas into my head, DeLuca, or you might regret you suggested it." I giggled, and I cursed myself for it. I never giggle! What the hell am I thinking? " Okay, okay, baby. Now take a shower and hurry up. I've missed you already and can't wait to see you again. See you later, Maria, and drive safe, you hear?" Marcus advised before cutting off the call. I stared at my phone and sighed. Did I make the right decision? I shook my head and grabbed my towel. I better hurry up, or I might get stuck in the traffic. I hurried to the bathroom and almost bumped with my Papa. " Hey sport, you're up! Are you hungry? I'll make us dinner in a while." Papa held my arm and stopped me from going into the bathroom. " Hey, pops! Don't worry about dinner. I'm going out with some friends and grab some beer. It is my day off anyway, so I agreed to meet with some guys and hang out." I lied to my father and Lord! How I squirmed when saying those words. I never lie to my Papa, ever. " Oh, that's too bad then. I was hoping we could hang out and watch football tonight. Wait, you have friends? I didn't know you had friends." He teased and shuffled my hair when I glared at him. I ran to the bathroom when he finally let me go and shower right away. I hate lying to my father, but I don't want him to have a heart attack when he learns that I am meeting Marcus. I don't want to drag my father into my love life. He has been bugging me about getting a boyfriend and getting married the moment Amelia married Samuel DeLuca. If this relationship won't work, at least only I knew about it. After showering, I hurriedly chose a not-so-revealing dress and put on light make-up. I do wear make-up sometimes, and I do wear a dress on some occasions. I am more comfortable wearing jeans and racer tees with my boots on, but tonight, I'll make an exemption. I don't want to look out of place in that restaurant, especially with Marcus around. I've seen Marcus in the magazine with some sophisticated women, and boy does he look amazing. He lives up to his reputation as the youngest and most eligible billionaire in France. I blow-dried my naturally wavy hair and let it flow down my back. I got my long black wavy hair and tanned skin from my momma and my grey eyes from Papa. Tonight I am wearing an above-the-knee, long-sleeved off-shoulder red dress and my black stiletto. I grabbed my small purse and placed my lip tint and cellphone inside. I grabbed my keys and checked myself in the mirror one more time before exiting my room. Papa was already in front of the TV with a beer and a box of pizza. He looked up when he heard me came out of my room and choked on his pizza when he saw me. " Maria? Are you going out looking like that on a Saturday night with some friends I haven't met? Okay, hold up, sport." Papa was firing up questions faster than the quarterback in a football game. "Who is he? Where does he live? What does he do for a living?" " Papa, I told you I'll be with some friends tonight, and we are going to a club." I lied to him again, not meeting his eyes. " Maria, you have been going to the club since you turned eighteen, and you never go out wearing looking like that. So what are you hiding, girl?" Papa stared at me curiously, and I found it hard to make up a story. " Mr. Arturo Rossi, your daughter is twenty years old. Of course, I need to dress up sometimes, especially if there's a special occasion, and today happens to be my friend's birthday, and we are celebrating it at a five-star club. That is why I need to look presentable." I explained nervously to my father. " I am not convinced. There must be a reason why you look so pretty tonight, sport. You even put on make-up. You never wear make-up, Maria, well, except at your sister's wedding, but that doesn't count." He argued still. " Papa, believe what you like, but I am telling you the truth. Now let me go, or my friend will kill me if I am going to be late." I walked to the door feeling nervous. " You are going to explain when you come back, sport. I am not letting this go, you hear? Now be safe out there and don't come home too late. Bye, sweetheart." He pointed his fingers at me and glared at me fondly. " I will, Papa. Don't wait up, okay?" I answered him with a smile then closed the door behind me. Whew! That was close. I knew my father would sense something the moment he saw me. I will tell him the truth, but not now. I don't know where this relationship would take me and how long will Marcus put up with me. Maybe this will all be over even before everyone learns about it. I hurried to my car when I saw the time. Marcus is probably waiting for me at the restaurant already. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply before turning on the ignition. Let this shindig begin!
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