Chapter 5 - My Billionaire Knight

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It's been a week since the incident, so I was thankful that Marcus listened to me. Still, I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me. It is another weekend full of thirsty men here at Joe's Beer & Brew. As usual, the bar looks lively and filled with peals of laughter and shouting.      Joe once again is a happy man. He looks at these men as if they have a dollar sign on their heads. But Joe is a kind man. It's times like these that we get hefty bonuses and tips, so I'm not complaining even if I am bone tired.   At three in the morning, the last drunk customer walked out of the door, and we all sighed in relief. Finally, we can close down and go home. I am so looking forward to a warm bath and my soft, warm bed.      Anna and Jerry looked like they were passing out any moment, so I told them to go ahead and leave. I volunteered to clean the bar and lock it up since I live nearby. They are both grateful and took my offer. They have been taking orders after orders tonight and have been running around the bar for five hours.   After making sure the whole place looked sparkling clean, I finally went out of the bar and locked it behind me. I started strolling along the sidewalk on my way to our house. I'm sure Papa is in dreamland already.   The street looks deserted since it's almost four in the morning. I checked my bag for my gun and pepper spray just in case. Then that same feeling of being watched came. I looked from left to right and behind me, but there was no one there.   I continued walking and made hasty steps. I am not scared, but what can a lone woman do if faced with many enemies, even if I'm a black belt. I am not that stupid to think I am invincible, primarily if held with a knife or gun and caught in surprise.   I am nearing that blasted alley again, and if I am clever, I shouldn't pass through there. I tried to avoid that alley and walked almost in the middle of the deserted road. Then I heard catcalls, and more men came out of that alley and went right at me.   " Hey beautiful, what took you so long? We've been waiting for you." The guy with a beard and silver teeth spoke and walked towards me. I ignored them and continued walking fast.   " Hey doll, wait up! Don't be scared. We only want to be your friends. We've been waiting for this moment to catch you alone without your bodyguards. I'm glad you got rid of them." The other ugly-looking guy said. Soon, all ten of them circled me, preventing me from walking further.   What's worst is, they all looked sober. No trace of drunkenness or smell of alcohol, and that's not a good idea. I am so tired tonight. I don't think I have the strength to fight back if these men do something stupid.   " Look, gentlemen, I don't have time to play with you tonight. Maybe some other night? I, too f*****g tired and pissed, so please get out of my way!" I hissed at them and pushed the guy in front of me. Everything so fast, the guy with a beard grabbed my hair from behind, and two men held my arms.   " Let me go, you stupid freaks!" I screamed.   " Ah, ah, ah, don't fight angel, or it might hurt more than it should be. I longed to have this delectable body of yours for so long. I watched you from afar and got a hard-on every time you shoe your feistiness. Now Angel, why don't we go back to my place and play, huh?" He sniffed my hair and neck, and it repulsed me.   "I wouldn't do that if I were you. You know what? Why don't you try it so that I can have a reason to kill you." A voice from behind spoke, and I knew that voice very well even if I didn't turn around.     " And who the f**k are you?! Mind your God damn business, man. She is mine. Finder's keepers, so look for another toy for you to play with." The guy holding me by the hair snapped at Marcus.   " Yes, you are correct, finder's keepers. That woman right there belongs to me, and I found her first. And what's worst, I don't share. So if you kind folks value your life, please step aside and let go of my girl." Marcus's steady with steely voice echoed throughout the street   " Huh! Stop bluffing, boy! She is not yours! I haven't seen you around here, and I didn't see her with any man, especially not you." Mr. beard guy retaliated.   " I may not be around much, but my men made sure she's safe. You do remember my two men, right?" And right on cue, the two bulky men came out from the alley, and there were more bulky men with them, too.   The guys that were holding me gasped and started to let go of my arms. Mr. Beard pushed me aside behind them and faced Marcus and his men. I walked backward and met Marcus's eyes. His eyes looked me up and down and silently asked if I was alright. I nodded slowly.      " Do you really think you will scare us, boy? You seemed to forget. You are on my turf. In here, I am the law." Mr. Beard grinned evilly.   " Oh, I have no intention of scaring you, kind sir. I am merely stating the obvious that you will be injured unless you retreat and leave my girl alone." Marcus stated calmly with hands at the back. He looked so handsome in his suit and extra appealing looking calm yet scary at the same time.   " Let's end this nonsense and fight for the right to claim her!" After saying this, Mr. Beard signaled his men to attack Marcus and his men. Mr. Beard's gang each held a knife in their hands. And the bloody battle began.   I watched in despair at the two groups fighting right before my eyes. Then I heard Marcus yelled at me and told me to run. I hesitated and looked at him desperately, but he smiled at me. It's like he's telling me he would handle it.   I bit my lip and argued with my conscience, and then I saw one guy coming towards Marcus from behind. I shouted at Marcus, and he evaded the attack on time. Soon the bad guys are on the floor, unconscious. Marcus walked towards me and stared at me accusingly.   " I thought I told you to run, princess? Why are you so stubborn?" He sighed and shook his head.   " If I followed your instruction, then you would have been hurt or dead by now." I retaliated and glared at him.   " Well, thank you for saving my life, babe. I thought I would be the one protecting you, not the other way around." He chuckled and put a strand of my hair behind my ear.   " And I thought I made it clear to you that I don't need protection, Marcus. But for argument's sake, let's call it even then. Anyway, thank you for coming to my rescue, but to make things clear, I am not your girl, okay?" I crossed my arms around my middle and raised my brows at him.   " Oh, but you will be, my love, soon, I hope. Why don't I send you home for now, huh? You look like you are about to pass out. Come, babe, it's way past your bedtime." Marcus took off his suit jacket and placed it on my shoulders, then pushed me gently to walk towards his waiting car.   I was too tired and sleepy to argue and fight him, so I let him guide me towards the car. A few minutes after I sat in his warm car, I instantly went to sleep. I did not see the look on Marcus's face while staring at my sleeping form.  
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