Chapter 4 - I don't need Protection!

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I heard Marcus flew back to France two days after our dinner date. I was relieved that he went back home. At least I won't have to deal with his persistence and arrogance anymore. Well, that's what I thought.   Exactly a week after his return to France, I've been receiving flowers every day at home and constant text messages. He resorted to text messages because I was not picking up his calls. Papa got suspicious and interrogated me about Marcus.   I had a hard time explaining to him why Marcus sends dozens of flowers every day. I told my Papa Marcus was courting me, but I turned him down, and he was delighted. But Marcus went overboard with his courting. I'll let you know why.   It was a busy night as usual at the bar where I am working as a bartender. The local patrons are in full force tonight. Well, as expected, since it's the weekend, people would come out and relax after a long and tiring week.   " Hey, beautiful, hit me with your best shot." Says Hector, one of the oldest patrons here at Joe's Beer & Brew. I have been working here for three years now, and I know most customers, except for the two new faces at the corner.   I have been keeping my eye on them and some of the men too. It is hard not to notice them since they are fixing their eyes on me. It's almost closing time, and some locals went home already, but the two men are still at their table as if waiting for someone.   " Hey, girl, have you noticed those two bulky men at that far end table? They have been eyeing you since they walked in until now, and they haven't moved from that table. Do you know them?" Anna, our waitress, and a close friend approached the bar counter and pointed the obvious.   " Nope, I don't know those two. They are new here, and the way they dressed, I'd say they are not from around here." I answered her while wiping the counter. It's thirty minutes before closing time, that's why we have been cleaning the tables and washing the glasses.   " That's what I thought, too. Do you want me to tell those two to scram, Mars?" Jerry butted in. He is also a waiter here and has been Anna's partner every weekend.   " Yes, please, Jer. I need to go home because my feet are killing me. My hot tub has been calling my name since the clock strikes two." I replied and pleaded with Jerry. He placed the cloth on the bar and approached the two.   We can't hear their response, but the way I see it, they are not too happy being kicked out of the bar. They stood up and put some bills on the table. They walked to the front door, but before getting out, they threw me one last look.   " Well, that was awkward. What a creep. What are their problems?" Jerry grumbled, then picked up his cloth and continued cleaning tables.   " Well, let's hope they won't wait for us outside and drag us to the dark alley." I shook my head and continued wiping the glasses. At a quarter to three, we finished cleaning the bar and are preparing to leave.      I made sure to lock all the doors before exiting the establishment with Jerry and Anna. I closed the main entrance before going our separate ways. Our is just a few blocks away, and I usually walk from the bar to there.   " See you, tomorrow guys, be safe." I waved at both of them.   " You too, babe. Be careful and do not walk in the dark alleys. If those creepy men sneak up on you, scream as loud as you can and call for help." Anna teased me before walking to her car. Jerry is on his bike already and waved at me.   I started walking in the direction of our house. It is already three am, and fewer cars pass, making the whole road look deserted. The cold wind made me shiver, making me pull my jacket tighter. When I neared a dark alley, I hastened my steps. I know those drunk men from other bars are there, and I don't want to catch their attention.   I walked faster when I noticed them in the dark, but to my dismay, they saw me and started whistling at me and followed me. It's not that I can't defend myself. I am a black belt and a champion in jujitsu, so no, I am not scared, just annoyed.   I could hear them behind me, but I pretended not to notice. My strides are getting bigger and faster, almost like running. I am too f*****g tired to deal with these scumbags. I was too focused on my steps that I did not see the two shadows in front of me.   I bumped into those two creepy men a while ago in the bar. The other guy held my arm firmly and looked me in the eyes.   " It's okay, Miss Rossi, we'll take care of this. Go home and don't look back." Said bulky man number 1. I raised my brows and stared at them in confusion, and they must have mistaken me for someone. Did they think I'm a celebrity or something? But they called me Miss Rossi, so I believe it's not a mistake.   " Who are you? And how do you know me?" I inquired with curious eyes.   " We have no time to explain, Miss, but you might want to ask Mr. DeLuca." Bulky man number two answered.   " Hey, dudes, she's with us. One of the drunk men cut our conversation. You might want to step aside and look the other way."   " Says who, asshole!" I turned to them and gave them a death glare.   " Oooh, feisty. I like you more and more, sweetheart. Why don't you come here and let's have a good time, eh?" The other drunk guy sneered and walked towards me, but before he could get a hold of me, bulky guy one twisted his arm abruptly, and he fell to his knees.   " Hands off, you piece of shit." Says bulky one. The two men stepped in front of me and shoved me aside. Then all hell broke loose when the remaining three men attacked.   " Run, Miss Rossi! We'll handle this." Said bulky two. I watched them fight, and I was impressed. They must be professional bodyguards. Those drunk men don't look like drunk at all because they fought well, too.   I ran in the direction of our house, which is a block away from there. If Marcus thinks I'll be grateful to him for sending his bodyguards to me, he's gravely mistaken! I took out the key to our house and made sure not to make a sound, or my Papa would wake up.   He usually waits for me and passes out on the sofa watching football. I tiptoed towards the couch to find Papa snoring. I smiled and stared at my father lovingly. To him, I will always be his little girl. I took a blanket and covered him, then kissed his cheek softly.   He stirred a little but when back to snoring. I tiptoed towards my bedroom and closed the door carefully. I sighed when I was finally inside my room and slumped on my bed. Then I remembered the incident a while ago.      I took out my phone and dialed Marcus's number. It's currently eleven am in France, so I know he's awake. I will give him a piece of my thoughts. I waited while the call connected, and he answered on the sixth ring.   " Maria! What a surprise!" He greeted enthusiastically.      You know why I am calling! " Don't play dumb with me, Marcus. What made you think I needed guarding? And who told you that you could put a tail on me 24/7?" I snapped at him.   I know how dangerous it is to walk on the streets alone at night, especially for a woman. " Baby, I was only protecting you. " He reasoned.   " Marcus, you seem to forget. Might I remind you who I am? I am Maria Rossi, daughter of Arturo Rossi, right hand of a Mafia boss, which is, by the way, your cousin. My father trained me since I was six with all the types of martial arts, and when I was older, he taught me how to use different types of guns. Now, do you think I need guarding, Mr. DeLuca?"     " I know that, Maria, but extra protection doesn't hurt, does it? Especially you're outnumbered. My men reported to me that four drunk men were following you. You could get hurt or, worst, molested. It was only a precaution. Please allow me to protect you." Marcus argued.     " For the love of God, Marcus, I don't need protection! And why would you protect me? I am not even your girlfriend?! Stop acting like my boyfriend, Marcus. You are assuming too much. Please get them out of my way pr I swear to God I will hurt them, then I will hurt you when I see you, understand?!" I screamed at him then cut the call.   I was fuming at his absurdity. Does he think he can sweep me off my feet by playing my knight in shining armor? He has to think twice! It takes more than two bodyguards before he can take me to his bed.        
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