Spread your wings.

1135 Words
"My name is Sariel , those of you who have not met me before." He narrowed his eyes at Lisa. Lisa wondered if she was the only new student in the classroom. "This is Nirvana academy. Where you learn about being an angel. This is a place is for Angels , Demons are back in hell." " Any questions before I continue?" One leaner at the back raised his hand. "Yes." He pointed him out. "So if demons are in hell. Why there are demons attending with us." He shot his eye on gothic looking lady in the back corner of the class. " Because they still get to choose whatever they want to attend." He frowned for a moment. "Which can't be said about you. Of you are not born in neither hell or heaven you have to attend all the lessons. Because at the end of this will have to choose which side to join. Any questions?" " Yes!" An energetic looking lady raised her arm. He looks at her , waiting for her to ask her question. "What if I don't want to choose?" "Well then young lady , The Supreme will have to take you. You can go to either heaven or suffer in hell. Hopefully then you shall know which side you should have chosen. Anyone else?" " Yes." Lisa raised her hand. "What's your question?" "Is it possible for someone who's not dead to enter the academy?" As she asked the question Sariel frowned. "No you have to die to come here. It's not possible for someone who's alive to enter this place. So you have to deal with it. YOU'RE DEAD and it's about time you got that in your little minds." He screamed to whole class. Well he's really rude for an Angel. Lisa even wondered how he became an Angel. "Any questions?" Everyone kept silent. "That's what I thought. Now back to the real stuff." Sariel continued the lesson telling them stories of how heaven was formed. How hell was formed. How they came up with the Golden Standard where Demons and Angels are at peace. That is the longest lesson Lisa has ever attended. "I will see you after lunch for another lesson." Sariel strides out of the classroom. Lisa sighs in relief. "Are lessons here really this boring?" " Well some." The girl next to her laughs at her reaction. "Lisa by the way." She gave out her hand. " Jane." She shook it. "Well Jane how long have you been here?" " A week or so." " Really? Then you must one of the humans that came here." " No I'm not a human. I'm from the fifth realm." " Huh?" Lisa eyes her confused. "Fifth realm. There are 14 realms remember? I'm from the fifth." " Realm? But your name is Jane?" "Yeah that's what it translate in your language. They've actually cast a spell such that every language we speak seems the same so we can understand each other." She said. " So you're telling me you're speaking your language?" " Yes pretty much." She smiles. "But how? I mean what language do you speak?" Lisa became even more curious. " Well even if I tell you it will automatically translate to your language. So it's good as saying I'm just speaking " 'English'." " Wow this place is so full of surprises." Lisa was amused by what Jane has told her. That she's speaking another language , and yet when she looks at her lips she's perfectly speaking English. That felt really weird. "So they choose people from your realm too?" " Yeah. Each realm one or two are chosen." " This is all so mind blowing." "I know right. Well let's go and get some lunch. I'm pretty sure you don't want to attend one of Sariel's lesson in an empty stomach." " Couldn't agree with you more." They both got up and left the classroom. Jane lead her to the cafeteria. "Well this is where we get our food. Well actually eat." Many students were sitting around chatting. Some angels and some demons. Lisa and Jane found an empty table sitting on it. As before all they had to do was just imagine their food. "This place can be really awesome." "Well yeah. I kind of enjoy myself the nice treatment." " Well everything was never this easy back where I'm from." Lisa enjoyed her food. She chatted with Jane for a while. She was telling her about her first few days in the academy. They didn't seem that bad. "Maybe this is not so bad after all." Lisa convinced herself. The bell rang it was time for them to get back to class. "We should get going. Sariel doesn't like when we arrive late." She got up already walking away. Lisa followed her back to the classroom. She couldn't help but admire the hallway every time she passed by. It was really eye catching. "It's nice isn't it?" Jane noticed as Lisa was looking around. "It really is." Lisa could hardly believe this fantasy. They arrive just in time for class and they took their sits. Right after Sariel entered the room. "Now that you know where all this comes from. It's now time for the most important lesson. Learning how to use your wings. Follow me." He leaves the classroom and the rest of the class follows. "Did he just say wings?" "Yep." Jane answered next to her. She seemed really happy about it. He leads to a field in the other side of the academy. "Okay first thing first. For you to become an angel or demon you need to learn how to spread your wings. And I can tell none of you are able to do that." He starts pacing around. " It's very important to learn how to control your wings. Your wings are the most important part of your body. Without your wings you can be regarded as one of us. Do you understand!" " Yes!" The whole class answered. With a swift movement large wings appeared from his back. "You see these are my wings. But where are your wings?" Everyone looked at each other , as they were still wondering how the hell did that. "That's where this lesson comes in. Now listen to me very careful. To trigger your wings you need to focus on your back , which is pretty obvious. Then imagine if something was coming out of your back." They tried to follow his instructions but nothing seemed to happen. None was producing any wings. Lisa's back even ached as she tried to push out wings that eventually didn't come out. It was so fustrating that everyone was trying so hard but nothing seems to happen.
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