You can fall but you can't die.

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"STOP! You're doing this all wrong." Lisa actually agreed with him. I mean it's been literally thirty minutes and no one got their wings. They were just getting back aches. "I didn't say push something out of your back. I said imagine something coming out of your back. You can't even follow simple instructions." He yelled. " Do it again. Correctly this time." He emphasized with a hint of annoyance. After following his instructions a few of them started getting their wings. Lisa was even the third one to get her wings. She smiled seeing how beautiful they really were. So bright and colorful like a little big happy bird. But at the same time they were extremely heavy. Her back felt it was lifting bricks. "See what happens when you follow instructions. Now how do you make your wings go back." He demonstrated by revealing his wings and hiding them right after. "It's pretty simple. You imagined something coming out of your back , now imagine that it was gone." The second lesson didn't seem very hard. "Now do that over and over again until I say you can stop." They spent two hours spreading and hiding their wings. Lisa's back felt like it was on fire. Every part of it ached so bad. Now she's understood what Ariel meant when he said things out here are not so easy. "You All can stop now." Everyone exhaled really exhausted. " You think this is hard? This is only the beginning." He glared at everyone. " Now you've got your wings. But they are useless. They are useless if you don't know how to use them. You must not only learn how to spread them but how to use them. Now go back to your domes and think about it." He spreads his wings and flew away from the rest of them. They watched in awe as he easily flapped his wings. Lisa the last time she remembered , she couldn't even lift them. Everyone started walking towards their domes. Lisa was actually happy that he at least gave them time to rest. She don't she would manage. She would actually really die. Lisa arrived at her room and all she wanted was to just rest. Every inch of her body was aching. She dragged herself towards the couch. She threw her whole weight on top of it. She immediately went to sleep. She didn't even have time to think about flying. Most likely none of the students even though about it. She woke up early in the morning. Her body was feeling way better than yesterday. Taking a shower completely relaxed her body. Now she was ready for school. She went down stairs to have some breakfast. As she sat on the couch she noticed a watch that she never noticed before. It specifically displayed what she had to do on what time. Right now it was just saying breakfast. A few minutes after eating the clock. Saying 'its time to go to class'. Lisa wonderers why the clock has to be so accurate. She walked out of her room and searched for her class. Luckily she arrives early and Gladly sits next to Jane. "So how are you feeling today?" She asked. " Better than yesterday." Lisa answered. They both chuckle knowingly. In a few minutes Sariel strides in. He gave them yet another boring lesson. Lisa felt she was being bored to death. ** ** After lunch time they were off for some real work. Sariel was to teach them how to use their wings , as if spreading wasn't hard enough already. "QUIET!" Sariel screamed for everyone's attention. All the students immediately focused their attention on him. "So you are here for one reason. That's to fly!" He addressed the class. " Follow me." The rest of the class followed him to the very edge of where they were standing. "See that's long way down. And how do you avoid that?" " By standing away from the edge?" One of the students shouted from the back. Small giggles were heard amongst the learners. "No! You need to learn how to fly." One by one student were peaking off the edge and they didn't look very satisfied. Lisa looked too , she immediately felt dizzy seeing how far down the ground. So far that she couldn't even see , fogged by the clouds and mist. She also noticed Many cliffs just floating below where they were standing. Waterfalls that had no source and yet there were still flowing. Boulders just hanging around in the air. She was starting to get how magical this place is and how mysterious too. Everyone was scared to even stand near the edge but Sariel was standing proudly at very edge. Like he was not afraid to fall at all. "See that cliff over there." Everyone nodded. " All off you are going to jump to that." Everyone stares at him surprised. He c****d a smile seeing the look on everyone's eyes. Something tells Lisa that he's actually enjoying this. "Do I really have to break it down to you? You're already dead, you can't die again! Yes you may break a few bones but your body can heal it's self." " You are going to jump off this cliff to that cliff , using your wings you have to make sure you land perfectly without falling or breaking your bones." " So that means we can't feel pain?" One of the boys with green eyes and messy gold hair smiled. "Why don't you find out?" Catching him off gaurd , Sariel pushed off the cliff. "BAAM!" A very load thud followed by dust. The way he whined after was enough to describe how painful it must have been. "BAM! BAM!" Students kept jumping off the cliff and none of them was even lucky. "Is this really necessary?" Lisa asked Sariel as she hesitated to jump. "Would I make you do it if it was not?" He frowned shooting daggers at Lisa. "Would you?" Lisa glared back at him. " Move human. You're wasting my time!" His voice grew hoarse with an intense gaze. Kind of scared Lisa jumped off the cliff. The strong wind in her face , it felt like she was falling to her death. The long fall was like falling over a hundred stores building. She immediately felt her heart on her throat. She tried flapping her wings but they were so heavy that actually contributed to her deadly fall. "BOOM!" That's the worst pain she's ever experienced in her life. "I hate this school." She muttered under her breath , as every single part of her body felt like it was broken. Sariel teleported them back to where they started. Almost everyone was lying dead on the ground. "That was horrible! Tomorrow we start again!" He stormed off leaving everyone crying in agony. "Plz make it stop." Lisa cried. At least he was right about the healing part. She could feel parts of her body that were broken or torn mending back together. When at least she was able to walk she went back to her dome to retire. She threw herself on the couch and immediately dozed off.
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