First day of school..

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Lisa navigated the very big room and finally found her bedroom. She throws herself on top of the bed a part of her wishing this would be over when she wakes. She closed her eyes and then she was deep asleep. She was tired from all the thinking. Well she slept very peacefully. When she woke up her body was feeling more radiant than ever. Like she was a new person. "Wow it's like I slept all my pain, tiredness and stress away. I feel like a new me." She stretched her limbs heading out of the blankets. Somehow she woke up in the same bed she slept yesterday. "I guess maybe this is not just a dream." She was starting to digest the idea. She searched for the bathroom. Her jaws fell on the ground seeing how big it is. "Wow this is the biggest bathroom I've ever seen. " She went inside and started running the water. The water was even more relaxing than the one she's used to. She took a very long shower before heading out. "Well it would have been better if they let me pack some clothes from earth." She just then realized she doesn't know what to wear. Well she walked towards the very big closet in front of her. She opens it and was surprised at so many clothes in front of her. "Wow. I guess they have everything planned out." She took a dress and fitted it. Exactly her size. She twirls around the mirror. This might actually be her favorite dress. She finds the kitchen to get something to eat. A knock on the door. "Come in!" She went to check out who it is. " Ariel. Please come in." She said invitingly. " Well I came to check up on you." "Thanks but everything is fine. I was just about to make myself some breakfast." " You know you don't have to." He grinned. " I don't have to? But I thought breakfast was the most important meal of the day." Lisa narrowed her eyes at him. " Yes it is. But I meant you don't have to go through all that trouble cooking and stuff. You can just imagine what ever you want to eat." " You're not really making any sense." Ariel kept quiet for a moment then boom a plate appeared in his hands out of nowhere. Lisa looks at him in confusion , searching for him to explain what she just saw. "See imagine." He starts chewing on the food. Well they were just fruits and they looked very juicy. "So you are telling me to imagine my own food." Ariel nodded. I closed my eyes thinking of something I can eat. "Woah!" She jumped seeing the pancakes she imagined right in front of her. "This place is wicked." Ariel laughed sitting on the couch and enjoy his fruits. She also joins him. "So how long have you been here?" "Well I don't know exactly. I kind of got tired of counting." " Wow that's really a long time." She starts on her pancakes. They taste better than she imagined. And she literally imagined them. " So what were you before you came to the academy." He looks at her then at the wall. " My mom and dad were Angels so I was born here." " We're? Aren't your mom and dad alive?" She curiously asked. Ariel looked distant as Lisa asked the question. "Sorry I didn't mean to." "No it's fine. My mom and dad got killed when there was a war between Demons and Angels. They died before it was even decided that Angels and Demons must work together. Before they came with balance between good and evil." " I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm sure they were really good." " Well sometimes I hope they were still alive." Lisa felt very sad for him. It must be really sad to lose your loved ones. "So are you ready for first day?" He seemed very happy like he was never sad. Or was he just pretending? Lisa was confused on how fast it took him to go from sad to happy in just a minute. "I guess." She downed her food as she also imagined some hot chocolate. "Well this is a life I can really get used. Nothing is this easy back on earth." She remembered how she had to make her own breakfast. "Well enjoy it as much as you can. Life out there is not so easy. It's actually really hard." " Bummer." Said as she set her plate aside. " Well I'm sure you're going to do just fine." He smiles. " Thanks." Lisa smiles back. "We should get going. We don't want to make you late for your first class." He rose from the couch towards the door. Lisa followed him. They walked into another very big hallway. Chandeliers illuminating the whole hallway. Well sculptured statues of Angels and Demons. They walk towards what looks like a classroom. "This is your first class." Lisa didn't know what's amazing that the Academy really so big and beautiful or that Ariel somehow knew her first class. She walks in finding some students already there. She looks for a free space and spots a nice looking girl. She decided to sit right next to her. "Hey." The she smiled at the girl. "Hey." She smiled back. "You won't mind if I sit here right?" " Nope." She said with an inviting smile. Lisa sat next to her as they waited for the teacher to arrive. Right after a man in white entered the classroom. "SHUT UP!" His voice literally shook the whole classroom.
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