22: Selene

1601 Words

I awoke with this wicked banging in my head definitely from when I hit my head after Jodie's attempt to get his dirty hands on me even after I've said no more times than I could. Jake left after I insisted that he should because I turned him down and told him it will not work between us. He took it with grace saying he would be there whenever I needed him or when I'm ready for a relationship. The way he took my hand and kissed the back before he left made my chest tighten. He is such a nice boy that shouldn't be wasted. My expression shifted to one of evident discomfort, my features contorted with displeasure, as I found myself perturbed by Jodie's persistence the night before. He sneaked behind me when I wasn't noticing. Despite my clear and unequivocal refusal, there was an evident

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