23: Luna

1593 Words

"I don't think you should see her just yet. I need to talk to her first." I say to Crew who won't let me go from the bed. He is being too clingy. "Why not? It's not like I'm going to do anything to her. I'll just explain that she is carrying my child and she should stop running away from me if she wants the baby's safety." He says nonchalantly when I can see the happiness bright in his eyes. We came back just yesterday but he hasn't let me out of his sight even for a minute. I didn't want to drug Selene but we have no other choice. I'm sure she wouldn't have agreed to come with us had she known we were bringing her back here. Morning was fast approaching and Imogen would have arrived if I had wasted another minute so I acted. I left Miranda and Imogen a message that she will be gone

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