21: Crew

1502 Words

As I burst through the door, the scene unfolded before me in a heartbeat. A terrified scream pierced the air again, and my instincts kicked into overdrive. There she was – Selene, the woman carrying my child – cornered by a menacing figure with intentions no man should harbor. Rage surged within me, a fiery torrent threatening to consume everything in its path. I covered the distance in a heartbeat. What met my eyes was a scene that sent my blood boiling—an audacious individual attempting to kiss her. The sheer audacity of him laying hands on the woman who carries my future heir ignited a fiery rage within me. Without a moment's hesitation, I closed the distance to Selene, my strides fueled by a potent mix of fear and protective fury. The sight of this despicable intruder attempting to

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