Chapter Six- Angry

1138 Words
"Dad, I'm home!" I called as I came in, setting my things down by the door and walking to the kitchen. What I saw surprised and amused me. My dad Lucifer was sitting at the table holding a bouquet of peach roses. His face however was angry. His lips were set in a thin line, his brows furrowed and he was trembling. "Dad is everything ok? Where did the flowers come from?" I asked as I pecked his cheek and sat beside him.  "Why don't you tell me?" dad said sternly and thrust the flowers in my face. Scrunching my face in confusion I took the flowers and looked for the card. What I saw made my eyes go red and my face heat up  For my beautiful Ariel,  I'm sorry for running from you. Here are some peach roses, they symbolize friendship and I hope we can start there. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Always, Michael. "Why is Michael sending you flowers?" dad asked. I could tell he was barely holding onto his anger. Lucifer mad was not a sight anyone wanted to see. He has destroyed whole cities when angry. Remember Atlantis? Ya my dad sank it. El Dorado? Dad hid it and sealed it off so no one could get in or out because the ruler angered him. His temper was one no one could match.  "Dad I honestly don't know, he hardly spoke to me. He did ask to speak with me today and grabbed my elbow to lead me away from everyone but some kind of energy surged through both of us and he ran away." I said.  Dads head snapped to me and his anger deepened "What?" He seethed. Now I was getting frightened. The air around us thickened making it hard to breathe, black smoke was pluming off his body. Swallowing my fear I stood up and walked behind him hugging him across his shoulders.  "Dad, you need to calm down. Please." I begged, placing a kiss on his cheek. He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand and placing the other over my arm.  "I'm sorry Ariel." He said. His voice was hard as he tried to reign in his anger.  "Dad, I don't know what happened or why he sent these. Honestly I don't." I tried to explain. "I do." he said through his teeth. I walked around him so I could look him in the eye "Care to explain it to me? Michael wouldn't, he basically ran away from me."  He drew in a deep breath and opened his eyes. His blue eyes blazed and swirled as he looked at me. "Just like werewolves or any other shifter or supernatural being Angels' have mates, the person they are meant to spend eternity with. However with Angels' it's different. They find their other half by touch. The surge of energy you felt was his soul recognizing yours and yours recognizing his. You and Michael are soulmates. I don't understand how this could happen, Michael has been alone all of his existence and now he is mates with my daughter. This could be very bad Ariel, Michael won't let you go. And now that your soul has touched his, you won't be able to resist the pull."  "But it's not possible. My mate is some jackass werewolf at school. I felt the sparks when he touched me." I tried to reason.  Dad gave me a sad smile "You are more powerful than you know Ariel. Someone as powerful as you, it is not surprising you have more than one soul mate."  I couldn't handle this. I quickly stood, knocking the chair over in my haste and started pacing the floor. No, no. I couldn't have mates, I can't fall in love. "I...I'll ignore them, stay far away." I stammer. Trying to convince myself I was strong enough.   "Michael will pursue you dear." Dad said in a soothing voice no doubt to try and calm me.  "NO!" I screamed as I ran out the backdoor, shifted and took off into the trees.  "Calm down Ariel. It's not the end of the world." Nicole tried to reason.  "You're right it's not. It's just the end of mine. An Archangel Nicole, a f*****g Archangel is our mate. Not to mention Alpha dumbass." I seethed.  "There is another as well." Nicole said it like it wasn't a big deal. Her words made me stop in my tracks "What?" I asked in a low voice.  "Well you have another mate as well you just haven't met him yet." Nicole informed me.  "How the hell can I have three mates?" I demand.  "UGH! Ariel, stop. They will be your protectors, your warriors. They are your guardians, you can trust them." Nicole said getting annoyed.  I didn't have a chance to respond because twigs snapped beside me. I snapped my head towards the sound just in time to catch a large black wolf leaping towards me. I quickly side stepped and snarled at the unwelcome guest. When his scent hit me, I stopped snarling but stayed tense. It was Gabriel, his wolf looked at me and tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Mate angry?" A voice in my mind spoke. It wasn't Nicole so it must be Gabriel's wolf.  "Yes, I'm angry. Your asshole human thinks it's ok to grab and attempt to intimidate me. I will not submit." I retort.  "Yes, human stupid. Won't listen to me." His wolf says. "Does mate want us?" He asks. I huff and lay on the ground with my head on my paws. His wolf comes and lays beside me nuzzling my neck.  "I don't know." I reply honestly "I'm confused right now. You are not my only mate, I have two others." His body went tense and he growled "Mine." The voice said.  I lifted my head and looked at him "No, I belong to no one. And if I do accept you as my mate you will have to get used to the idea of sharing me. I will not accept one and deny the others." I said harshly. "Now tell me your name." I demand. the wolf lifts his head and looks at me. "Xander"  I nod and set my head back on my paws, as Xander nuzzles into me laying his head on my neck. I smiled to myself, I had to admit this felt nice. I felt safe with him. Would having men around me that loved me be so bad? Would it be so bad to have people who would do anything for me and protect me be a bad thing? Maybe not, but the real question is could I tell them who I really am? And would they still accept me if they knew?
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