Chapter Five- Michael's POV

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Hell's Door had always been a hub for supernatural creatures, which is one of the reasons I decided to come here for a while to escape the never ending stress heaven caused. All the Archangels' wanted was for the apocalypse, only I could start it and I refused. Humans were still too new, too fragile. They needed more time to mature. But by the way things were going they were heading in the opposite direction. Kids were growing up soft and pampered. Which brings me to another reason I came here, I figured I could come and get at least a small portion of the supernatural world ready. I started by teaching that wretched calculus class, then soon I'd move to PE where I would teach fighting and self defense.  Today though, today had changed the plan entirely. I felt as a strong presence entered the school, stronger than any other supernatural I'd come in contact with. That includes the angels here. It took all my willpower not to go to this person immediately. That was when Adam burst through the door to my office, I glared at him "Don't you ever knock child?"  "Forgive me master, but the new student just not only defied the Alpha's direct command but she subdued him and threw him down the entryway stairs. After that when I approached her, she threw me across the hall into a wall hard enough to leave an imprint and knock me out." I could see the young angel was still in pain, but I couldn't help but be amazed at what he said. "What is she?" I asked him.  "Well, she seems to be a wolf, but with the power she secretes I'm not sure." He answered.  Finally having all my things ready for my first class we made our way out the door "And where is she now?" I ask. Adam gives me a solemn look "She seems to be in your first class." I smiled at his answer, that's great, it seems I would meet this girl very soon.  "Thank you Adam, now go to class." I tell him before stepping into my own class.  Once at my desk I scanned the class. I went over every student carefully until my eyes fell on the most beautiful woman I'd seen in my many years alive. She had beautiful white blonde hair, down to her waist her skin was flawless, pale and smooth skin and the most radiant blue eyes I'd ever seen. No, wait. I've seen eyes like that before. Come to think of it, this girl looked very familiar. She was staring right back at me and I tilted my head to the side, I know, I know this girl. All too soon the bell rang and I pulled my eyes off her and to the front of the class.  It was difficult to concentrate on the class when I could feel her eyes on the back of my head and I could feel her power increase as by the look of it, she became more and more anxious. I wonder what she was anxious about? Maybe it was just first day jitters? No, a girl that has the power she does would not have first day jitters. I was dumbfounded, what other reason could this girl have to be so anxious?  However I didn't get a chance to ask, when the bell rang she was up and out the door before any other student could stand. Everyone, including myself stared, shocked at how quickly the girl could move. She would make a great warrior.  As my second class came to a close I still couldn't get the girl off my mind and it was starting to irritate me. Never has anyone caused me to much distress. I was pulled out of my thoughts as the bell rang and again Adam burst through the door. "Adam!" I scolded "Stop barging in the damn door. You know how to knock." Adam didn't blink, he stared at me wide eyed and nervous. "Come on spit it out." I said "She knows." Was all he said.  "Who knows what?" I demand, growing tired of his games.  "Ariel, the new girl. She knows I'm an Angel and you're an Archangel." All my things fell from my hands in shock. My eyes went wide and I stared at the young angel  "How?" I breathed.  "I..I don't know. She says she can see auras. Apparently she can read them as well. And quite well by the looks of it." Adam said.  "That's impossible, only Archangels' can read and interpret auras. She is a wolf, I read her myself."  Adam shrugged his shoulders "I'm just telling you what happened. Do with it what you will, but I have to go."  Adam disappeared out the door, leaving me with my thoughts. I knew I had to speak to her, I had to get a better read on her, but how? For the rest of the day I let my classes just have a free period while I thought of a plan. But I couldn't come up with anything. How is that possible? I've been in countless wars, given countless commands and yet I couldn't figure out how to approach a female. What is wrong with me?  By the time the last period came around, I gave up. I settled on just approaching her and taking it from there. Thankfully I didn't have to go look for her. She was standing in the halls, her hand grasped so tight on her bags' string her knuckles were white. Her power grew with every breath before she held her head high and spoke. "Is there a problem here?" She demanded. Everyone froze to their spot at the power in her words.  This girl however must not know her own power because she crossed her hands over her chest and popped her hip to the side. "Well?" She commanded. Finally realizing no one was going to answer I stepped in.  "They are just trying to figure out who you are." I said walking towards her. She turned to look at me, I saw how her body tensed slightly and her eyes grew a margin larger but her face showed no emotion. "Ariel Tien, could you come with me please?" I ask placing a hand on her elbow to lead her. Before I got the change though a surge of energy shot through my body and apparently through hers.  "What the hell was that?" Ariel yelled as we both jerked our bodies away from one another. This isn't possible, this can't be real. My eyes were wide as saucers as I looked down at her "It can't be." I whispered still in shock.  "Can't be what? Care to tell me what's going on?" Ariel fumed. I didn't answer her. The only thing I knew to do was turn and get away as quickly as possible.  So that's exactly what I did, I turned on my heel and all but ran from her. No, this couldn't be happening, I am timeless. I have been here since day one, created by God himself. This was never supposed to happen. I was losing it, I knew I was but I honestly didn't know what else to do. I was questioning everything I had ever known to be true. But then again how could this not be true, I felt the surge and she felt it. which shouldn't be possible anyway, only another angel should have felt it, especially as powerfully as we did.  Once my head was clear of the shock and I was able to properly think I smiled. I have been alone forever, but now there was Ariel. She was designed to be mine, she was destined to with me, created for me. She was my soul mate, the surge was our souls' recognizing one another, reaching out for each other. Finally, the creator made someone for me. I sent up a silent prayer as I made myself a promise. I will get to know Ariel, I will woo her and court her and I will be with her. She already knows who I am, so I decided to send flowers to her home. No need in hiding now.  Quickly calling and ordering two dozen peach colored flowers. Peach symbolized how I wanted to start our relationship, as friends. Peach symbolizes friendship. Pleased with my actions I sat at my desk in my office with a genuine smile. For the first time ever, I felt what it was like to be happy, to be excited. And I wouldn't give it up for anything.
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