Chapter Seven- Confrontation

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By the time I got home from my run it was late, well past eleven by the position of the moon. Dad will probably be worried. Taking a deep breath I walked in, bracing myself for his anger. To my surprise, he wasn't even home. There was a note on the table where he was sitting.  Ariel, I know the news is upsetting, but it is something you're going to have to face. Tomorrow talk to Michael, see where he stands, and when or if you're ready tell him who you are. We can deal with whatever outcome when it comes. Call me when you get home so I know you're alright. love you.-Dad I really shouldn't have run out on him, I was just so upset and angry. I quickly pulled my phone out and sent him a quick text apologizing and letting him know I'm home and getting ready for bed. Once he texted back I headed up stairs and showered all the dirt from my run off, I even spread my wings and gave them a good wash. I then dried off and got in bed. Tomorrow was going to be a hard day, and I am not looking forward to it.  Beep.....Beep....Beep... "Ugh" I groaned as I rolled and turned my alarm off. I flopped back over and just lay there staring at the ceiling. I am so not ready for this. I don't even know how I am supposed to approach him. Like hey Michael, we're mates. What are we going to do about that? like really? I may be 18 but I have never been in a relationship and I was still a virgin. I have no experience with men. Well except for my dad but he doesn't count.  Finally getting up out of bed I went to get dressed. I decided on black skinny jeans, black boots with a low cut white tank. Brushing out my long hair I decided to braid it so it wasn't in my way and put on a little mascara and eyeliner. I was ready.  walking downstairs I smelt bacon and coffee, I smiled and dashed to the kitchen. Dad in his suit was standing at the stove cooking breakfast. I chuckled when the bacon popped and dad jumped back like he'd been shot. "No kiss the cook apron?" I asked, teasing.  He turned to me and smiled "No, not this time darlin."  I laughed as I walked to him and kissed him on the cheek before making my coffee. "So what made you decide you wanted to cook this morning?" I asked.  "Well I figured today would be a hard day for you and I wanted to make it a little easier."  Before I could respond he got a call "This is Mr.Tien.....No...I don't it shouldn't be possible...I'll be right there. I'm sorry Ariel I have to go."  Before I could ask what was going on he disappeared into the shadows. I rolled my eyes and turned off the stove grabbing some of the bacon that was cooked. I text dad and told him I had made him a plate and it was in the microwave before walking out the door.  I made sure to take my time walking to school, I left early so I would get there early enough to talk to Michael but I still didn't know what I was going to say or how I was going to approach him. Nicole growled and brought me out of my thoughts. The hair on the back of my neck was raised and I could feel someone watching me. Instinctively I grabbed the hilt of the blade I always strap to my side. As soon as I felt whoever it was close enough I pulled the blade, turning my body and brought it down to whoever it was. They caught my wrist and held it firmly, the all to familiar energy surged through me causing me to look up and see Michael.  His shoulder length brown hair was tied at the back of his neck, he wore a black shirt that left almost nothing to the imagination, his muscles rippled underneath causing my mouth to go dry and my core to dampen. When I looked him in the eye, his own blue eyes stared back. I quickly dropped my hand and re-sheathed my blade. "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you." I said turning to keep walking, but Michael grabbed my hand. The surge shot through me again causing me to close my eyes and sigh.  "Ariel we need to talk." Michael said softly.  I looked up at him and smiled nervously "I already know we're soul mates. After you basically ran from me yesterday and sent flowers my dad explained everything. He was not happy when I told him who you were though, Archangel Michael." I smirked.  "How did you know who I was?" He asked, still holding my hand. I looked at our intertwined hands and smiled, squeezing it gently. "I can see auras. I've been able to as long as I can remember. My father taught me how to read them. Yours is golden and bright, which means Archangel. Right now it's golden with blue mixed in which means you're happy."  I explain.  "Who is your father?" He asked. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you that. Not right now at least, I want to get to know you, to trust you. This soulmate thing is new, and right now I have two but my wolf says I will have three. I just haven't met the third yet." Michael squeezed my hand to the point it hurt. "Calm down Michael. Just like I told my wolf mate. If I accept this soulmate thing, you're going to have to accept the fact that I have other mates and get used to sharing. You'll have to form bonds with each other and trust each other." I said sternly.  Michael just stared at me for a minute before letting out an exasperated breath "Very well. Who is your wolf mate?"  I watched him to gauge his reaction "It's Gabriel."  His body tensed slightly before relaxing again. "How do you feel about that?" He asked me.  I shook my head partly from rising anger and partly from irritation. "I think he is a jackass who believes the world is to bow at his feet. I feel like he is self absorbed and doesn't believe a woman can be more powerful than him. If he wants me to submit then he has another thing coming. I will submit to no one."  Michael beamed and his eyes filled with what looked like pride. I however was concerned "Michael, how will this work? You're a teacher and I'm a student. It's against the rules."  Michael's face scrunched up in anger. "I don't care. I have waited my entire life for you, and that was not a short life. There is no way I'd ever let you go."  I nodded but didn't say anything. I bet he wouldn't feel the same if he knew who my father was, who I really was. Once we got close to the school we dropped hands and just walked side by side. I found out that Michael has been alone all his life, he has never taken a lover. He truly believed in waiting for his soul mate, though he was starting to believe he didn't have one. He came here because humanity was weakening and he wanted to help train this generation of supernaturals to fight. He will actually be asking today to transfer to PE, where he will teach self defense. I have trained since I was 3 but I am looking forward to not only training with an Archangel but to also show him what I've got. 
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