Chapter Twenty Two- Party

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I remembered Asmodeus taking me to bed the previous night but I woke up alone. The side of the bed he was on was cold. I quickly looked at the time and groaned, it was two in the afternoon. I shuffled out of bed and to the shower. More than ready to get last night's dirt and grime off my body. I set the water to my liking and stepped in. I washed my hair in my favorite apple scented shampoo and conditioner. I loved the smell of apples. It was calming in a weird way.  By the time I was finished, I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped into my room, it was still empty. That was odd, normally one of my mates was here when I either woke up or at least got out of the shower. I just shook my head and went to get dressed. Surely one or all of them would be downstairs. That too however was a no go. The house was completely empty. Even my father had vanished. Pulling out my phone I sent a text to each of them asking where they were. But after waiting ten minutes with no answer from any of them I gave up.  I went and poured me a glass of orange juice and sat down at the table. Someone had to show up sooner or later. After last night though I wouldn't blame them for staying away. I was a wrecking ball last night. Ready to tear down anyone or anything to get to my father. I shuddered at the horrible thoughts that went through my head. I swear they were enough to make even my father blush.  By the time four'o'clock came around I was irritated and hungry. No one has called, messaged or came to the house. Where the hell were they? and what were they doing? Tired of waiting and a little mad they were avoiding me I walked out back into the yard. There was a small crater in the yard and I winced a little. How did I do that? No, I was not going to keep thinking about it. So clearing my mind, I shifted into my wolf. After what happened I'm sure she needed the run.  I made my way through the dense forest, bobbing and weaving around newly fallen trees my storm had caused. It didn't take me long to reach the creek where I first met Xander. I smiled to myself at the memory as I lay down beside it.  After a while I decided to take down the block I put on the mate bond. Carefully but quickly I took down every silver panel, every padlock and every chain. I opened the bond completely. I could feel Gabriel's excitement over something before immediately feeling his amusement. "Spying on me Angel?"  Gabriel asked chuckling.  I huffed "So now you'll answer me?"  I asked sarcastically. A flash of remorse flashed through him before he covered it up. "Gabriel, what's going on?" I demanded.  I could feel his unease "I'm sorry Angel, I can't tell you. Lucifer's orders." He said sadly. I growled closing the bond once again. He could still feel me, but he couldn't talk to me this way. It was good though, he could feel how angry I was becoming. All of them were ignoring me, avoiding me and no one even had the decency to tell me why.  Nicole was becoming upset too, she was pacing and snarling in my mind. "Do you want control for a while Nicole? You seem like you need the release." She stopped pacing and snapped her head to me "Yes" She said flatly. I chuckled, and without another thought I retreated to the back of my mind, letting Nicole come forward and take control.  She immediately howled her frustrations before taking off deeper into the forest. I stayed back and watched as she hunted and ran. She ran with such force I felt bad for not letting her out sooner. She needed this more than I thought she did.  Nicole only stopped when she came to a beautiful lake with a waterfall flowing off the side of the mountain. It was beautiful, like our own personal oasis. No one came this far out. Nicole jumped around yipping her excitement before jumping in. I laughed as she swam around the lake and under the fall.  Finally growing tired Nicole made her way to the bank of the lake and flopped down. She handed control back over to me quickly curling up in my head and falling asleep. I laughed at her, but I was happy she was able to get all her pent up energy out.  I had apparently fallen asleep because next thing I knew I was opening my eyes to a clear starry night sky. The full moon shone in all it's pale white glory above me. I shifted back to my human form and lay on my back, staring in awe at the sight above me.  Before I could fully take it all in, the moon was blocked by a dark figure making its way to me. I shot up, quickly shifting into my wolf and snarled. When he landed I let out a relieved sigh as I shifted back to human. "So now you want to talk to me?" I said flatly, turning my back on him.   I sat back down, bracing myself on my arms. "I'm sorry Ariel. We never mean to make you think we were ignoring you." My dad said sitting beside me.  I sighed "I know. But after last night, waking up to no one in the house, no one answering my calls or texts." I paused, taking a shaky breath. "I thought you all left me."  Dad pulled me to him and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'll never leave you Ariel. You must know that."  I nodded "I do. But after what happened, part of me came after you. Dad she wanted blood, she wanted revenge. If I had hurt you.." I trailed off, unable to finish my thought.  "Ariel, look at me." My dad demanded. I looked at him, willing myself not to cry at the rawness and vulnerability in his gaze. "I love you Ariel. No matter what happened or what could have happened I would still love you. And I promise you, I'll never leave you."  That did it, I broke into tears and threw myself in his arms. I mentally scolded myself however. I've turned into a damn crybaby. What's happened to me? I never cried before I moved here. Then again, I've never loved anyone as much as I loved the four men in my life. "I'm sorry dad." I laughed, wiping my eyes.  "What are you sorry for, child?" He asked.  I choked out a laugh "I've become such a crybaby lately." My dad chuckled as he pushed hair out of my face. "It's good to let it out sometimes. Now come with me, your mates and I have a surprise for you."  I smiled as I stood and took his hand. Together we took to the sky. When we came to the outskirts of the Crescent Moon pack dad stopped and looked at me "Close your eyes. I'll lead you." I did as I was told. Trusting my dad and running on instinct we flew deeper into the pack lands.  As I felt my dad start to descend I stretched out my wings flapping backwards for a soft landing. I was tempted to open my eyes when my feet hit the ground, but dad said to keep them closed. I could smell and feel people around me. I could also smell different types of food, which caused my stomach to rumble. I had forgotten to eat.  After what felt like forever dad finally told me to open my eyes. I gasped and my hand covered my mouth. The pack house backyard was covered with people. A banner ran between two trees that read "Happy Birthday Ariel." Lights were wrapped around trees, tables and the porch. They twinkled against the yard like a thousand fireflies. Tables upon tables were covered with food, deserts and gifts. All of Gabriel's pack was here along with my mother and her pack.  I couldn't help the tears. I was so happy at that moment. Everyone was here, including Adam. I remembered how Adam had made me feel safe and protected. I couldn't help but wonder why. "He is not our mate, but he is meant to be your guardian." Nicole told me. I was stunned "What does that mean?" Before Nicole could answer Adam made his way over to me and knelt on one knee, his arm fisted over his chest and his head bowed. "Ariel Tien, Mate to Archangel Michael. I pledge my unending loyalty to you. I pledge to stay by your side and protect you, fight for you and die for you if the need arises. Will you accept me?" I was taken aback. Why would he do this. I looked up to Michael who nodded his approval. Pride shown in his eyes over the Angel. I looked back down to Adam who still had his head bowed. "I accept you as my warrior." I told him. Still unsure as to what just happened. No sooner than the words left my mouth I felt a surge shoot through me and a connection form between us. Not like the connection I had with my mates but one that was undeniably strong. My eyes widened. Adam stood up, a broad smile covered his face. "Thank you Ariel. I will not disappoint you." He said lowering his head.  I smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder "I know you won't Adam. It is an honor to have you as my warrior."  My dad clapped Adam on the back and smiled. "Looks like we have much to talk about young Angel. If you're my daughter's Oath bound warrior we must talk about your plans." Adam nodded to him, still smiling.  I stepped forward "Thank you. All of you for doing this. I love it and it's beautiful." Everyone clapped before lining up to either hug me or shake my hand. My identity was now out. Both packs and Adam knew who I was, and you know what? I liked it, they accepted me regardless of my lineage. If anything the pack respected me more, knowing my mother was their queen.  My happiness was short lived. Before the party could officially begin, we were descended upon by a choir of Angels. Great.
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