Chapter Twenty Three- Angels

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The Angels descended on us, surrounding Me, my dad and mates. I made sure to push my Angel side down as far as I could. I had to hide it from them. Every Angel zeroed in on my dad and I growled. "What is your business here?" I gritted out. Adam stood tense beside me, ready to fight if it came to it.  "We came for him." The Angel said jutting his chin towards my dad.  "He is a guest on MY pack lands. You have no right to be here. He is well within his rights to be here in this town. Just as you do." I told him.  The Angel gave me a cocky smile. "And who are you to stop us?" He mused.  I growled, the power shaking the earth. My eyes changed to gold as Nicole made herself known. The Angel widened his eyes as he stumbled back. "I am an Alpha and a Luna. You are no match for me and my pack. And I promise you, I will not hesitate to kill you if you take one step towards him." I seethed.  The Angel ignored my threat, turning to Michael. "Michael, how interesting to see you here. With Lucifer and an Archdemon no less. You have changed brother."  Michael stepped forward, placing himself in front of me and facing the Angel. "Uriel. Your presence here is unnecessary. No wrong has been committed here." "Tsk, tsk. Michael, that is where you are wrong. Lucifer is not allowed on the surface except for a set amount of times. Seems to me he had overstayed his welcome." The Angel started towards my father and I shifted darting in front of him. I lowered my head and growled. Daring the Angel to come closer.  Michael stepped beside me holding my fur in his hands. "Uriel, as you know this town is on a ley line. He along with any other supernatural is welcome here without fear of repercussions or interference. You are in the wrong here."  "Maybe you're right Michael." Uriel stated "I am curious as to why this female Alpha protects Lucifer with such passion. And, why Lucifer is so quiet." I looked back to my dad. His eyes were narrowed at Uriel, his nostrils flared and his mouth was set in a thin line. He was angry. I could tell he was barely hanging on.  I quickly shifted back to human and faced Uriel. "You need to go. Get off my land, you're not welcome here."  Uriel laughed "Very well wolf. But this isn't over."  I smirked "I'm looking forward to it Angel"  Uriel's eyes flashed at my lack of fear and respect for him, causing me to smile. Without another word Uriel and his followers spread their white wings and disappeared into the sky. I let out a relieved sigh and turned to my dad. "Are you alright?" I asked him, placing a hand on his arm.  He looked down on me with a solemn expression. "You should not have challenged him Ariel."  I let my hand fall off him and took a step back. Anger and hurt filled my features. "And what did you expect me to do? Let them take you? Let them do God knows what to you? No, I will not allow it." I yelled.  My mother placed her hand on my shoulder "Ariel.."  I jerked away from her. "No," I said sternly, looking back to my father. "You protect me and I protect you. I will never allow anyone to take you from me." I stood tall, my spine straight, my head held high.  My dad gave me a sad and defeated look. "Ariel, I think it's best if I go back to Hell for a while. Give things here a chance to calm down." I shook my head as tears filled my eyes. I was so tired of crying. But he wanted to leave. He promised me he'd never leave me.  "So you want to leave me again?" I asked in a broken whisper. He reached out to me but I stepped back. "No, answer me."  He dropped his hand and ran it through his hair. "No, Ariel. I don't want to. But I must all the same."  I stared at the ground with blurry vision. "You promised me. Not an hour ago, you promised me that you'd never leave." My sadness was replaced by anger, my vision went red as I looked back up to him. "You know what? Fine, go. But don't ever make me another promise."  I shifted into my wolf and howled a broken angry howl as I took off. It was too dangerous to use my wings with Uriel possibly watching. I ran back home. Shifting back, I walked in the house. Slamming and locking the door behind me. Then I screamed. The force of my scream sent furniture flying and glass and windows to shatter around me.  I dropped to my knees. I felt the glass under me but the pain didn't register. I stared blankly at the ground, watching as a small puddle of blood seeped out from under my knees. What could I do? Nothing, that's what. If he wanted to leave I couldn't stop him. I felt as he appeared behind me, so I decided to do to him what he always did to me.  Closing my eyes I concentrated on the shadows that lived inside me. I willed them to surround me, to pick me up and carry me back to my secret oasis. My shadows obliged. They were happy I was beginning to embrace them. They caressed me, causing me to smile as they carried me away from the house and up the mountain to my lake.  Gently my shadows placed me on the bank of the lake. They lingered around me keeping me concealed from anyone looking for me. Even all the way up here, I heard my fathers yell. He was angry and hurt, but so was I. He was leaving me, he should have never made that promise to me if he couldn't keep it.  I watched the sky as my father flew over, I knew he couldn't see or sense me. "Ariel, Please answer me." He bellowed. I heaved a sigh as I retracted my shadows back into me, exposing myself for him to find. He wasted no time landing beside me. "Ariel." He said.  I shook my head. "Please, Just don't." I said flatly.  My dad sat beside me and wrapped his arm and wing around me in a warm embrace. "I am sorry Ariel. This won't be forever." He tried to assure me.  "I just got you back. Now I have to lose you again. Don't expect me to be happy about it."  He placed a soft kiss on my temple "I don't expect you to be happy about it darlin. I'm angry beyond measure about it, but it will be safer for you if I go." He told me.  "What if I don't care about what's safer for me anymore? I am so tired of running, of hiding. I am tired of living like I am supposed to be ashamed of you, when in fact I'm proud. Maybe it's time people knew who I was and that I am not someone to threaten."  My dad chuckled beside me. "That's my fierce warrior. I will support whatever you decide."  I sat up straight and nodded. "Then it's settled. You stay here with me and I reveal myself to the Angels. Let them know what kind of hell they'll have to pay if they dare take you or any of my mates from me."  "And if it starts a war?" My dad asked as we stood.  "Well, we will have all of hell on our side. We will have the werewolves and I can make friends with the local vampire clan and the fae. All Supernaturals have some issue with the Angels and will be more than happy for the chance to fight them."  My dad threw his head back and laughed. "Right you are daughter." He said. We then both spread our wings and made our way home. A plan formed between the two of us. 
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