Chapter Fourteen- Lucifer's POV

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Even though I was in Hell, I had heard and felt Ariel's roar, it was a battle cry. Her fury and pain carried through her cry. Without another word to my council of demons I took off towards where I knew she would be. She was with Gabriel's pack, something dire must have happened for her to have sent out the cry. If I heard it I'm sure other demons did as well, she was the princess of hell after all. When I saw a large log home people were all running about like chickens with their heads cut off. There was no order, no rhyme or reason to their movements, they were panicking. I landed in the center of the chaos, causing everyone to freeze and stare at me as I retracted my wings. "Where is my daughter?" I commanded.  "Wh..who is your daughter?" A petite woman asked in a shaky voice.  "Ariel." I said flatly.  Everyone gasped at this new revelation. "She is with Alpha Gabriel." A man said, stepping towards me. He was brave. I'd give him that. He stood straight, his shoulders squared and his head held high.  "And where might that be?" I inquired.  "The pack was attacked. Ariel killed a wolf that attempted to kill one of our young. However while she was distracted and we were distracted by her our Alpha was attacked and injected with wolfsbane. She is helping treat him. If you'll follow me I'll show you where they are."  The wolf led me through the packs grounds to a small two story home. As we stepped in I knew this was the packs' hospital. It smelt of bleach and sanitizer. The low beep of a heart monitor came from one of the rooms and when I stepped in I saw an unconscious Gabriel laying dead still on the bed. His normally dark skin was pale and sickly. If it wasn't for the heart monitor I would have believed he was already dead.  Ariel was at his side clutching his hand like her life depended on it. Her eyes were swollen and red from where she was crying, Michael stood behind her, his hands placed on each shoulder. When he saw me he kissed Ariel softly, which she didn't respond to and walked past me into the hall. I followed, closing the door behind me.  "What's going on? How is he?" I asked. Michael sighed, running a hand through his hair.  "Ariel healed him, though no one knows how. He will be alright, he just needs a few days to rest and recover. But we have a problem." Michael said, his voice growing serious. His tone set my nerves on edge and my jaw tensed.  "What is it?" I asked through my teeth.  "Ariel's roar sent a battle cry to all Angels'. If we don't get her out of here soon and army of Angels' will descend on this place."  My entire body tensed. How is this possible? How is she able to send a battle cry to both demons and Angels'?  "What is it?" Michael asked, seeing how I reacted.  "A big problem. She didn't just send a battle cry to the Angels' but the demons as well." I said flatly.  Michael's eyes widened "We have to get her out of here." His voice now laced with worry.  "I agree, but how? She will not leave Gabriel like this." Michael thought for a moment before looking back towards me.  "We take him with us."  I said firmly. There really was no other option. We needed to hurry, we barged into the room causing Ariel to look up at us "What's going on?" She asked. I looked over to Michael then back to her  "Ariel, your roar sent a battle cry to the Angels' and demons'. If we don't get you out of here, we risk you being discovered more than you already have." I explained.  Ariel's eyes widened as she looked between us and Gabriel "Don't worry, we're taking him with us." I said.  "What about the pack?" Her voice was hard, telling me she'd stay and protect them if she had to.  "Don't worry about them. Once both sides see there is no war they'll retreat."  At that moment a horn blared through the air, I knew they were here. With no time to waste I grabbed everyone and in a burst of shadows, transported us back to our home. Ariel stayed still, used to traveling with me but Michael looked pale and like he was going to be sick. It was amusing to see him in this condition.  I walked over to Ariel who was still clutching onto Gabriel and gave her a small smile "Let me heal him." I said. Ariel gave a tight nod and moved over to Michael who embraced her tightly. I turned my attention to the wolf laying on the bed and placed one hand on forehead and the other over his heart. Light seeped out of my hands into the wolf's body.  Slowly but surely, color began to once again fill his features and his heart evened into it's normal strong rhythm. Suddenly his eyes popped open and he shot up, clashing his head on mine. I groaned as I shoved him back to the bed and rubbed where his head met mine. I could hear Ariel and Michael laughing behind me.  "Shut it." I seethed, still rubbing my head. This however caused them to burst into new hysterics.  I grunted and rolled my eyes shoving past them. Ariel grabbed my arm, stopping me "Dad wait, I'm sorry." She said before wrapping her arms around me.  I sighed and hugged her back "It's ok darlin. Go see your mate, I'm sure he is confused and needs you right now." Ariel pulled my face down to her and kissed my cheek  "Thank you dad." she said, before turning and sitting back beside Gabriel who had a dumbfounded look on his face.  I left them alone, giving them all time to come to terms with everything that has happened. After today nothing would be the same and I just didn't have it in me to tell Ariel that the life she has worked so hard for would soon come crashing down. No, I'd give her time with her mates first. The Angels' and demons' may retreat for now, but they will not stop looking for the being that was powerful enough to call both sides to aid them in war. No, a war would breakout between the two races on who could find and claim her first. And that was not something I was willing to let happen.
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