Chapter Fifteen- Change

1200 Words
It has been a month since Gabriel's pack was attacked, which I came to find out was called The Blue Moon Pack. Fitting considering we were werewolves. At first Gabriel was confused about what happened that day, it didn't take long for anger to take over. Ever since then he has had his pack training on a daily basis, even bringing me along to help train them. It was a good thing, if they were prepared and ready they wouldn't be caught off guard again. I was observing training today, watching their stances and form. A lot of the wolves caught on quickly, however the females that have never trained before were having trouble. They were unbalanced and wobbly. They stumbled at the slightest contact and some cowered as they were advanced on. I had explained to them multiple times it was not real and they would not be hurt but it didn't change their fear.  Finally, tiring of the women's submissive behavior I confronted them yet again "All you women get over here." I commanded. They all filed in front of me. Some with heads held high others bowed as they whimpered. "I have had enough of this cowardly behavior. Each of you has the same strength, the same courage and passion as the men, if not more. All of you are sisters, mothers, daughters. Each with the same instinctual ability to protect those dear to you. Use that strength. If it was your mother or child in danger, what would you do? You!" I pointed at the mother of the child I saved "When I saved your child, what would you have done if I didn't make it in time? or if you had been the first to notice the wolf descending on her?"  The woman straightened her spine and a fire blazed in her eyes "I would have given my life to save her." She stated firmly. I smiled "Exactly. Use that. All of you need to stop thinking like submissive women and think like warriors." All the women looked up then, a new passion flashing in their eyes. Gabriel was looking at me as well, pride shone bright on his face as he smiled and nodded at me.  Training went smoothly from there. The women now stood tall and fought like they'd never missed a day of training. They had been listening, all of them. Once their confidence was boosted I saw how much they had learned and I was proud to see them acting like the warriors they were.  After training had ended I was exhausted. Explaining and demonstrating different styles and sparring with other members of the pack, I was wiped out. Gabriel drove me home and even though the ride was short I ended up falling asleep. But it was restless. Flashes of Angels and demons fighting filled my mind. blood covered the ground. Dead wolves, humans, Angels, Demons and other creatures littered the ground in grotesque piles. Body parts dismembered from their host were scattered all around.  The sight made my chest tighten and tears fall from my eyes. On the front lines of the battle was Gabriel, Michael and another man, each one taking hard labored breaths, cuts, gashes, bruises and blood covering their skin. Their movements were slow and languid causing the opponents to easily over power them. And before I could blink they were both cut down. Pain like no other crashed down on me. I felt as my two sides merged into one as I shifted into my wolf. The markings of wings on my back faded as black wings grew from my wolf's back. I raised my head and  a scream mixed with the howl of my wolf tore from my throat, causing all movement to stop and all eyes to bore into me. Our enemies dropped their weapons at my call as our side dropped to their knees.  Our opponents' surrender however meant nothing to me. They just took everything from me, ripped my heart and soul out of my chest. I could no longer feel anything, I wasn't just numb, I no longer had a soul and death was all I wanted. I wanted that Angels head on a pike, displayed for the world to see.  My body acted on its own, launching into the sky headed straight for the Angel that killed my soul. But before I reached him I jolted awake. Sweat and tears covered my face, Gabriel's face was in front of mine, worry lined his features. "What the hell was that?" He yelled. I couldn't answer, my head and body were still playing catch up. Trying desperately trying to tell me my mates were alive, they were safe. I closed my eyes and gripped handfuls of my hair, shaking my head from side to side violently, trying to get the image to disappear. I felt hands on my face but I couldn't process who it was. I suddenly started feeling claustrophobic, fear like I've never known ran down my spine. My eyes shot open and I burst out of the car, my eyes wide, my body trembled.  It was then that strong hands grasped my arms, turning me to face them. My father stood in front of me, his eyes held fear and concern. I could see his lips moving but like before no words penetrated the fog of images and fear in my head. My father shook me fiercely, causing my head to snap back painfully.  Thankfully though the pain brought me out whatever had trapped me and tears fell freely from my eyes. "Ariel what happened?" My dad asked. I looked up to him with blurry vision.  "Blood, so much blood. Bodies and limbs were everywhere. Angels, demons, werewolves all killing each other. They killed Michael and Gabriel and it felt like I died too, like I had no soul. All I wanted was death and that Angels head as my trophy." My dad took a sharp intake of breath as he looked at whoever was behind me.  "I'll take Ariel, you get Michael and get back to the house, now." He commanded as he held onto me tightly and launched into the sky.   I felt my eyes drooping but I shook it away quickly. No, I couldn't go to sleep again. I couldn't face any world, dream or reality if my mates were dead. I fought tooth and nail to stay awake, pinching myself, biting my tongue, whatever I could to not sleep. After what seemed like years we landed in our backyard and after my dad set me on my feet I took off to the kitchen. I needed coffee, an energy drink, anything to keep me awake. I knew, I don't know how but I knew that what I saw was somewhere in our future.  There would be a war, a war between the species. I didn't know why or for what but I knew I would never allow Michael or Gabriel to be killed. No one would take them from me. I'd move heaven and earth to protect them. I also knew after tonight, nothing would ever be the same. Everything was about to change. 
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