Chapter Thirteen- Pack

1699 Words
I don't know how long I slept, but however long I woke up alone, a note in Michael's place. My love,  I'm sorry I couldn't be with you when you awoke. I got an urgent call from a brother Angel I couldn't ignore. I will be back with you soon. Gabriel asked your father to get you to call him, but he had some business to attend to as well. I love you and I'll be back soon. Love Always, Michael I smiled as I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and called Gabriel. It rang twice before he answered. His voice was relieved as we spoke. I could tell he was worried about me and it warmed my heart to know he cared so much. Apparently his pack wanted to meet their new Luna. They didn't care that I wouldn't join the pack, they had accepted me either way from the moment Gabriel told them about me.  I met Gabriel outside after I showered and dressed. He was waiting with a smile so big and bright it could light up a room. I found myself smiling back at him, his joy was contagious. He gave me a sweet slow kiss before opening the door of his truck and letting me in. "Always the gentleman." I teased.  Gabriel gave me a cocky smiled and winked "Only for you Angel." I laughed as Gabriel got into the driver's seat and sped away.  The scenery was amazing, trees lined the road and snow capped mountains rose tall and strong on the horizon. Howls surrounded us as wolves appeared and ran alongside the car. "They wanted to escort their Luna." Gabriel said with pride in his voice. I just nodded, mesmerized by their loyalty and protectiveness of a luna they have yet to meet.  If the wolves mesmerized me the pack house had me enchanted. It was a large three story log cabin, it had a wrap around porch with porch swings on either side. Flowers hung from each corner bringing life to the already thriving home.  People and wolves milled around the home with smiles and laughter filling the air. Tables lined the yard, each some filled with food another had gifts stacked as tall as me. I looked at Gabriel and smiled unshed tears filled my eyes. "Is all of this for me?" I whispered, worried my voice would crack at the emotions that were flooding through me.  As he put the truck in park he grasped my hand and squeezed "Yes, they are all so excited to meet you." I turned my head and looked back out the window. Everyone was now gathered into a large group, each of them basically bouncing with excitement. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as Gabriel opened the door and I stepped to his side.  "Welcome Luna!" Everyone shouted in unison.  Gabriel put an arm around my waist and leaned into me "You are unmarked, stay close to me." He whispered.  I looked at him like he'd gone mad "Really? You honestly think I'd let some other wolf lay their hands on me? I think you learned that lesson the hard way when we first met."  He laughed as he kissed my temple "You're right. But all the same, I'd rather not have to kill a member of my pack for touching you."  I nodded. I guess I'd just have to deal with his possessiveness for a few hours, if only to save some poor member of the pack for touching me. We spent what felt like hours greeting members of his pack. Each one bowed in submission, each one full of smiles. As happy as everyone seemed, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. My body was tense, my stomach was in knots and a weight landed in my chest. Apprehension and awareness made a home inside me.  I scanned my surroundings, looking for anything or anyone that seemed out of place. I leaned over to Gabriel "Gabe, somethings wrong." I said, never once stopping my scan.  His body tensed slightly and he looked at me confused "What do you mean?"  It was at that moment I saw it, a dark form emerged from the trees. It was a very large red wolf, his eyes red and saliva dripped his bared fangs and he had his sights set on a child that strayed from the group.  A fierce wave of protectiveness for the child crashed into me. I wasted no time shifting into my wolf, letting out a fierce howl I bound towards the wolf. My howl now catching the attention of the pack and the child whose eyes went wide when he saw the rouge. The child screamed and took off running with the red wolf on his heels. Once the wolf lunged for the child, I crashed into him knocking him several feet back. He recovered quickly snarling and snapping at me. I stood to my full height which towered over the red wolf and let out a low menacing growl.  The wolf lowered his head and whined under my power. I didn't care though, I shifted back to my human and glared at the wolf "SHIFT!" I commanded him, leaking dominance and power into my words. The wolf shook his head fiercely and pawed his face as he whined, trying to fight my command. He was no match for my power though as his body forced his shift. He screamed as his bones broke and rearranged with the forced shift. And not long after a man lay in the fetal position where the wolf had been. I stalked towards him and grabbed him by his throat lifting him in the air. He clawed unsuccessfully at my hands "Why are you attacking this pack? And a child no less." I demanded. The man gasped in my grip and I loosened it a fraction.  He drew in a deep breath, well as deep as he could manage under my grasp. "I...I..I was sent th..the Crescent Mo..Moon p..pack." He stuttered. Gasps surrounded me at the name but I ignored them, keeping my attention on the man  "Why did they send you?" I asked.  The man looked at me, fear evident in his gaze "They heard the Alpha found his mate. I..I was se...sent to ki..kill h..her."  I chuckled and let my eyes glow a fraction as I looked at him "Guess what? I am the Alpha's mate. Your mission has failed. I'm going to let you go and let you send a message to your Alpha. If I find anyone else from his pack sneaking around my people I'll slaughter his entire pack, leaving only children to carry on the broken legacy." I let go of him and he crumpled to the ground gasping deeply trying to catch his breath.  I turned to walk away when I felt the air around me shift, I turned in time to see the man crouch and launch himself at me. I easily swatted him away, making him fly into a tree where I heard a satisfying crack. "Does you’re Alpha teach you no honor? Attacking someone when their back is turned? Hunting children? You know what, I changed my mind. I think I'll kill you now and have your body delivered to your pack's border. I think that would get my message across." I stalked towards him and grabbed his head between my hands before turning his neck sharply. The crack of his neck made me smile. His body fell to the ground in an unmoving heap of flesh.  When I turned back to the pack everyone was staring at me with their jaws dropped. I rolled my eyes at them. Was everyone always going to react to me this way? "Who is the Gamma here?" I bellowed.  A man not much taller than me stepped forward. "I am, my name is Brian." His black hair was shaved closely to his head and his hazel eyes showed fear as he approached me.  I sighed "You have no reason to fear me, unless you intend to hurt me or the people I care about. Now come here." I demanded.  The man straightened his spine and walked to me with determination. Once he reached me he took to his knee and lowered his head "How may I assist you Luna?" He asked in a stronger voice.  I smiled "Please stand. I need you to take this wolf to his pack borders. Dump him there for his people to find. They should get the message."  Brian gave a curt nod and walked past me to the dead wolf.   I made my way through the pack looking for Gabriel. When I saw him lying still on the ground I froze. Fury  and fear awoke inside me and I roared into the sky as I ran towards him. He was trembling and his body was cold. "" He slurred. I knew how to heal him.  I looked up at the pack "Get him to the pack doctor and get me fresh wolfsbane. NOW!" I roared.  People began rushing around and two men grabbed Gabriel and took him away. My body was still shaking with anger. I smelled the air Gabriel's scent of pine and campfire filled my nostrils along with the pungent smell of rouge. I growled. I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me and I turned to see a small woman with wide fearful eyes staring at me. She was holding the fresh wolfsbane.  I tried to smile as warmly as I could "Thank you." I said taking the herb from her. She nodded and ran away from me like I sent hell hounds after her. I shook my head and walked into the pack house. I had to extract the pure essence of the plant to heal him. Yes wolfsbane in its original form was deadly to werewolves but in its purest form, it healed and strengthened them. Not many knew the effects it had in its pure form. I just pray I'm not too late when I'm done, because if I am, there will be hell to pay.
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