Chapter Four- Adam

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Michael scanned the room, looking at each and every student until his eyes fell on me and stayed there. He raised an eyebrow and turned his head slightly to the side as if he was trying to figure out who I was. I tried my best not to squirm in my seat and keep eye contact, but it was hard. I kept my angel side firmly hidden from detection, but if anyone could see through it, it would be Michael or one of his Archangel brothers. Finally, after what felt like hours, Michael shifted his gaze to the front where the white board was. Why the hell was Michael here teaching calculus? Surely he had more pressing matters to attend to. Like I don't know, being a f*****g Archangel. I wonder if dad knew this school was full of Angels, ya he said they visited. What he did not tell me was they went to school here and an Archangel taught math.  Hesitantly I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to dad telling him what was going on. Needless to say he didn't know and was not happy. He couldn't come here and get me, because let's face it. Lucifer coming into a high school where Michael was teaching and picking up a High School girl was a little on the suspicious side. So being the big girl I was, I told him I'd tough it out and talk to him about it when I got home.  The class drug by, and when the bell finally rang I was up and out of the room before anyone else even had a chance to stand. Back at my locker, I leaned my head against it and closed my eyes, trying to get my heart rate under control.  "Looks like someone had a rough first class." I looked at the source of the voice, it was none other than the Angel from earlier "Look, I'm really not in the mood to hand your ass to you again. Please just go." I said as I grabbed what I needed and walked away. But of course like it always is I was followed. I shook my head and sighed. "So what happened in your first class?" He asked. I stopped and looked up at him, he was serious. There was not one ounce of mischief in his eyes, just pure curiosity.  Deciding not to argue for once I shrugged my shoulders and answered "Just an unexpected instructor."  "Who?"  "He calls himself Mr.Adams." I said. The Angel looked at me and tilted his head to the side in confusion. Right as he went to say something I interrupted "How about I know your name and you know mine before we continue talking. I'm Ariel." The Angel smiled, showing off his perfectly straight white teeth. Damn Angels.  "I'm Adam. Nice to officially meet you."  I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm "Yes, likewise, just next time don't make me throw you into a wall." I teased, playfully punching his shoulder.  It was so strange, the feeling of safety and security I got from this Angel. It's something I never experienced before with anyone other than my dad, and honestly, I liked it. I looked up at him and studied him, his eyes were the same bright green, his shoulders were broad and looked like they span 4 feet across. He was muscular and his face looked like something you would expect on a greek god. He was perfect. Wait, why am I thinking like this? No I would not get attached to an Angel, nothing good could come from it. I shook my head and quickly looked away.  "So, what class do you have next? Adam asked.  I pulled my schedule out of my bag and looked at it. "Physics," I said, stuffing the paper into my pocket. Adam smiled "Same. Mind if I walk you to class?"  I just shook my head in response. Why was he showing such an interest in me all of a sudden? Earlier he was brooding and mean, now he was relaxed and polite. Maybe Gabriel told him who my father was. He was a respected businessman all over the globe. Shaking my head I decided to ask "So what's with the change of behavior?"  He looked at me and frowned, the memory from this morning darkening his mood. "Ya, sorry about earlier. I heard what you did to Gabriel and got mad. After what you did to me, which is no easy task to do for anyone else, I had to get to know you. You're the only student who can knock me on my ass, and you're female. I figured you were special."  "So you decided to be nice because I knocked you out? Huh, maybe I should knock more people out then." Adam laughed. And let me tell you that laugh had me shuddering and sent electricity all the way through me. Why am I reacting this way with him?  However my body was reacting, I wanted to hear him laugh again. "So tell me how new you are?" As we took our seat in class he looked at me and furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"   I kept my face neutral as I responded "You're an Angel. Clearly not an older one. So how old are you?"  Adams eyes widened and his brows about disappeared off his head. "How did you know?"  "I can see auroras. Yours is white and gold. Just like 'Mr. Adams' Who's is more gold. Which means he is an Archangel." I said nonchalantly.  "What are you?" Adam whispered "I am none of your concern, just a wolf." I said. Suddenly feeling very stupid for even saying anything.  We didn't speak to one another the rest of the class. Once it was over we went our separate ways. I knew he was going back to tell Michael and there was nothing I could do. I was dumb enough to bring it up I will face whatever happens.  But as the day went on, no one approached me. Don't get me wrong, I got plenty of stares, and whispers started whenever I entered a room but it didn't bother me. I was used to people talking about me. But by the time my English class came around I was getting mad. Normally the stares and whispers stopped after I ignored them long enough, not here. Here it seemed they got worse.  "Is there a problem here?" I shouted in the halls. Eyes went wide with the power I put behind my voice but no one answered. Everyone was frozen in place. I crossed my arms over my chest, popped my hip to the side and raised a brow "Well?" I demanded "They are just wondering who you are." A voice came from behind me. I turned to see none other than Michael walking towards me. I kept my face impassive as he approached. "Miss. Tien, can you come with me please?" He asked as he placed his hand on my elbow. A strong surge jolted through my body at his touch and made both him and myself jump back in shock  "What the hell was that?" I yelled.  Michael however had his eyes wide and glued to me "It can't be." he whispered.  Now I was even more confused "Can't be what? You care to tell me what's going on?" I demanded angrily.  Michael didn't answer, he just turned and basically ran out the building. What the hell was that? With the stares and whispers temporarily forgotten I made my way to my last class wondering why in the hell I felt drawn to not only Adam and Gabriel but a damn Archangel as well. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. 
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