Chapter Three- First Day

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It took longer than I wanted to get ready for school. The flight with my father left me exhausted and sore. I really should fly more. I need to get used to it again, not flying for so long took a toll on me I hadn't known about. As sore as I was, I now felt refreshed and my skin glowed. I will start flying every chance I get, I promised myself as I looked in the mirror. Finally satisfied with how I looked I smiled and made my way out the door.  The school was a lot more packed than I thought it would be. Teenagers were everywhere, lingering outside in groups. Some, making their way into the school. The guy Gabriel from last night stood by the door with a group of guys. All of them looked the typical 'jock' type. They were all tall and muscular and wearing letterman jackets. Girls were flocked around them like they were gifts to humanity. I just rolled my eyes at them. Typical they'd have a hoard of females hanging onto their every word. I bet they were also the 'mean girls' of the school. They would threaten anyone who got close to one of them. I shook my head and laughed.  Making my way across campus and to the door I tried to stay under the radar, but of course it didn't work. Gabriel grabbed onto my arm as I tried to pass. Tingles went up my arm and I froze, How dare he touch me? I looked at where he was grabbing me and back to him with my brows raised "If you want to keep that hand, I suggest you get it off me."  Everyone gasped, and people stopped to watch the altercation. Gabriel laughed and looked at his buddies then back to me "And what will you do if I don't?" He asked smugly. I laughed, it sounded menacing even to my own ears. I grabbed onto the back of his neck and squeezed. Gabriel dropped to his knees causing him to let go of me and try to get me off his neck but I grabbed his arm with my free hand and twisted it behind his back.  I leaned in and put my lips by his ear "Now if you don't want a broken arm next time, keep your hands to yourself." I whispered before shoving him, effectively sending him down the stairs.  "How dare you?" A girl asked walking up to me and attempted to punch me. Emphasis on attempted, I caught her fist mid air, and threw a punch of my own knocking her out cold. Smiling I faced the growing group of students surrounding us, all of the mouths agape and eyes bulging "I suggest you remember to keep your hands to yourself. Never and I repeat never touch me. It won't go well for you." I said. Turning my back I walked into the school with a smile. I guess it was impossible for Lucifer's daughter not to make an entrance. Oh well, at least now they know not to mess with me.  As I stepped into the front office an older lady with glasses perched on the edge of her nose looked up at me and smiled "You must be Ariel Tien. Welcome to Devil's Door High. Here is your schedule. I hope you enjoy your classes."  I took the paper from her and smiled "I'm sure I will. Thank you for the warm welcome." I said.  "You're very welcome dear." The lady said before returning to her work on her computer. Looking down at my schedule I winced. All books needed are already in your locker Locker number 66 8:45am-10am- Calculus 10:15am-11am-Physics 11:15am-12:00- Human Geography 12:10-1:00-Lunch 1:15-2:00-PE 2:15-3:00- English Literature  School was not fun, and not somewhere I wanted to be, even if I needed it. I already had a vast knowledge of all things. 10 years in hell is the equivalent of 20 years on the surface, which means dad already went through a lot of this with me. So far most of high school has been refresher courses for me.  I ran my hand through my hair and sighed as I made my way to my locker. Pulling my Calculus book out of my locker I put it in my bag when my locker was suddenly slammed shut. "Who do you think you are throwing me down the stairs and embarrassing me in front of everyone?" Gabriel growled.  "Well for one, I am someone you shouldn't have touched. and second you shouldn't have been trying to show off to your friends, then you wouldn't have been embarrassed. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get to class." I said and pushed passed him. But he followed "Do you know who I am?" He asked. I just looked at him like he lost his mind "I really don't care who you are." I said.  "You should." I stopped and turned, glaring at him. He was really starting to piss me off.  "And why should I care who you are? Do you know who I am?"  "I am Gabriel Knight, Alpha of the local pack. And you wolf will listen to me." He seethed. I growled at him and he flinched back "You listen to me and listen good. I will not listen to you nor will I follow you. I am more powerful than a mere Alpha. I am Ariel Tien, I follow no one. Now I suggest you leave me alone and go your own way before we have problems."  Gabriel gaped at me jaw dropped "Close your mouth before you catch a fly big boy." I said reaching out and slapping his jaw shut. "Tien? As in Abraham Tien?" Gabriel asked. I huffed and dropped my head down in irritation "Yes genius, he is my father." I deadpanned.  "That's impossible, Abraham never said he had a daughter, we've been working with him for years." "Don't feel bad. My father doesn't talk about his personal life to anyone. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get to class."  I Turned around to leave only to bump into someone. "Not so fast, little one." He said.  "You've got to be f*****g kidding me!" I fumed "Move!"  "No." He said flatly.  I looked up into the unknown man's face, he was gorgeous. His eyes were forest green, his hair was brown cut short and styled. His aurora glowed with a golden light. Damn he was an angel.  "I said move." I said through clenched teeth, not looking away from him.  "No. Now tell me who you are, wolf."  he said calmly.  "I am none of your business." I said as I shoved him out of the way. He flew clear across the hall and I smirked as he hit the wall leaving an imprint of his body there. He may have been an angel, but the force of the impact knocked him out cold.  Gabriel rushed over to him and looked back up at me, fear in his eyes. "Who are you?" He whispered. more to himself than to me.  I answered anyway "I am someone you really don't want to trifle with." I then turned my back and went to class.  I walked into my class and plopped heavily into a chair as far back as I could. This was not how I wanted my first day to go. Already I threw someone down the stairs, knocked two people out and I am going to school with wolves and Angels. Could this possibly get any worse? Right then Michael himself walked into the class. s**t! I had to ask.
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