Chapter Sixteen- Sleep

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For the last few days I've been living on coffee, red bull, espresso or anything else I could get my hands on to stay awake. My dad, Michael and Gabriel haven't left my side. Each one of them pleading with me to sleep and each time I would basically bite their head off. No sleep could do that to a person. I was moody, irrational, aggravated and just down right pissed off. I walked around with a scowl, daring anyone to approach me. I couldn't help it, I'd rather be awake and a pain in the ass to everyone than asleep and left feeling like an empty husk, like I no longer existed and was just there. "ARGH! Just stop." I roared at Gabriel, he was relentless.  "No Ariel. You need to sleep. You are running on nothing but sheer will alone. Your body will shut down if you keep pushing yourself to stay awake. Please sleep. I will stay beside you, if you start showing signs of a nightmare, if I see or feel anything irregular, I promise, I'll wake you." He begged. I hated seeing him like this. All of them actually. They all had weary worried looks. Dark circles had formed under their eyes as their eyelids drooped. They haven't been sleeping either.  "You don't understand the things I saw. It felt real, it felt like I lived through watching both of you die, while I had to watch helpless to do anything." I yelled.  Gabriel's eyes softened. "Then help us understand." How could I make him understand? Make all of them understand? They have been relentless the last few days, hounding me with questions, details of my 'vision'.  Anger and determination coursed through me. Grabbing Gabriel and Michael's hands I closed my eyes and forced the vision from my mind into theirs. Their body tensed and shook vehemently as they gripped my hand so hard my bones cracked. I ignored the pain as I kept pushing each and every detail, every emotion, everything I saw and felt into them.  Once I knew they had seen it all I opened my eyes, and released them from the vision. Their eyes were filled with tears as they looked at me. "I'm so sorry my Angel." Gabriel said as he pulled me into his arms.  "We never imagined it was so bad love." Michael said rubbing my back.  "Well now you do." I whispered "I can't go back there." I sobbed into Gabriel's chest.  He pulled back and cupped my face in his hands "How do you know you'll go back there? You could have a peaceful dreamless sleep, or have a wonderful dream. But you need to sleep. Michael and I will stay with you, alright?"  I nodded, finally caving into their request. I was still scared, still apprehensive, but if it would calm my mates and make them happy I guess I had no choice. I would do anything to make them happy, to see them smile without dark circles and bags under their eyes.  I sighed, resigning myself to whatever outcome was waiting for me. As I stepped into the bathroom and set the water to my liking, (which was scalding to most people) I started to strip. Gabriel surprised me as he walked in and began stripping his clothes off as well. "What are you doing?" I asked. I was so not against him showering with me, I just wanted to know what he was thinking.  Gabriel gave me his cocky lop sided smile "I said I wouldn't leave you. If that means following you into the shower, well, I'm all for it." I laughed for the first time in days, shaking my head at him and his logic.  When we both stepped under the hot water I let myself take all of him in. His black hair stuck to his head and dripped with water, his eyes seemed to glow as he watched me admire him. His bronze skin glistened as water droplets ran down his well defined abs. The muscles in his arms and chest twitched as I moved my gaze lower.  His manhood stood tall and proud almost rubbing against my stomach with me being a good foot away. His well toned legs moved as he closed the distance between us. I gasped as he pressed his body into mine. As I looked up into those beautiful brown eyes I loved I smiled "I love you Gabriel." I said as I pulled him down and crashed his lips onto mine.  The kiss was dominating, each of us fighting for control. I moaned as Gabriel licked my lips asking for entrance. I laughed to myself as I denied it, I wanted him to work for it. He growled low in his throat and in one quick movement picked me up and shoved me against the wall. I gasped at the impact, which he took advantage of and thrust his tongue into my mouth.  Our tongues explored each other's mouth while our hands explored our bodies. I had my legs wrapped tightly around his waist, tight enough he let me go and used that hand to quickly slide it between us to my core. I moaned and ground against his hand, begging for more without words.  Gabriel chuckled planting small kisses and nips along my jawline and neck. "What's the matter Angel? Want more?" He asked, amused.  "Yes" I moaned. "Please"  Gabriel pulled away long enough to look deep into my eyes. "Are you sure? Are you ready to be marked and to mark me?" He asked, his eyes alight. I grabbed his face tightly between my hands. "I am yours Gabe, I am ready for all of it. I want people to know we belong to each other, I'll shout it from the rooftops if I have to." The smile he gave me all but melted me as his lips once again met mine. This time I opened for him instantly, desperate to have him inside me. With our shower forgotten Gabriel carried me out of the bathroom never breaking our kiss and threw me on the bed. In the blink of an eye his body covered mine. Using one hand, he pinned both of mine above my head. Reminding of just how big he was compared to me. In slow agonizing movements he kissed down the length of my body, only letting my hands go when his kiss reached my core.  I Bucked my hips, silently asking him for more. He slid a finger into me, never letting up as his mouth moved against my clit. I moaned his name as my hand wound into his hair. This sent a bolt of energy through him, causing his mouth to work faster and he added two more fingers inside me. His hands moved at a blinding speed and his fingers hooked up, hitting that sweet spot every time. I felt the all too familiar heat coil inside me, and Gabe felt as the muscles inside me tightened. His hand picked up more speed and he sucked my core through his teeth and into his mouth. That undid me. My hips arched off the bed and my legs shook as the orgasm raced through me. Gabriel however didn't let up, he kept up his pace, lengthening my orgasm and making my eyes roll into the back of my head.  Gabriel didn't give me time to recover from my high before he thrust his massive length into me in one swift, hard movement. I screamed my pleasure, digging my nails into arms. From the start, Gabriel thrust into me relentlessly. Fast and hard is the only speed he knew, and it drove me mad. I moaned and screamed his name as he pounded into me mercilessly. My second orgasm came fast and hard. In one quick move Gabriel was biting my neck, I screamed in pain, it soon faded as immense pleasure took its place and another orgasm rocked through me.  Gabriel licked my neck, closing my wounds and looked into my eyes. I could feel how close he was to finishing by the way he pulsed inside me. So I grabbed a fist full of his hair, pulled him down to me and pierced my canines into his neck. Gabriel moaned my name as he gave one last hard thrust. I felt him spill inside me and the sensation caused me to moan right alongside him.  Completely spent Gabriel rolled off of me onto his back. Both of us were covered in sweat and were panting hard, trying to catch our breath. "That was amazing." I told him and kissed his temple. Gabriel smiled and gathered me into his strong arms. "Amazing don't even begin to describe it Angel." He whispered. As soon as I snuggled into Gabriel's arm I fell into a dreamless sleep. 
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