The First Death

1196 Words
Axton I wake up in a cell with no idea what time it is. Phoenix groans along with me as I stretch. I have no idea what they shot me with. Bellamy! “Ah you woke up right on time. I must admit I wondered with your size if we got the dosage right on the sedatives. You are one big fucker for a Beta.” I see that Jesse, Tylen’s Beta. “Where is Tylen? I challenged that coward for his mate and title. He needs to answer it.” I snarl. “Sorry we don’t do what we don’t like.” He counters “The Goddess has heard my challenge twice now. He will learn what her wrath is for not following her laws.” I tell him menacingly. He straightens at that threat. It is true. If you challenge for a mate bond or a rank other than yours, Selene hears it. And it must happen or she will strip you of both eventually. Unless one of the challenge participants die. It isn’t long after the challenge is issued that it must be looked at. He leaves almost running off and I want to laugh. Guess they forget this is not the omnipotent pack. He returns with Tylen and five other warriors. “I heard you reminded Jesse about the Goddess also hearing challenges. Therefore I will honor yours. In one hour you will be brought outside to the training grounds and we will hold our challenge there. Tell me Beta, do you really think you can best an Alpha?” “I do.” I have four inches on this asshole and probably forty pounds. And he is muscular but not nearly close to me. And I will win for Bells. To save her. Losing is not an option. He sneers at me and I want to slice his face off. “We will see if your bravado is nothing more than hot air.” “Looking forward to it.” They bring me water and even food though I refuse to touch either. The girl who brings it whispers to me. “I am Maria. Are you Bellamy’s friend?” I nod and she beckons me closer. “The water is safe and the meat is too. Do not touch the potatoes. She is very nice and I’d like you to save her. And you would be our new Alpha. That would be wonderful.” “Thank you Maria.” She leaves quickly. “Phoenix what do you think?” “She was sincere.” He is thoughtful. “Axton we will be an Alpha with a pack when we win. There are many implications to this.” “I know. But we will be out of Dad’s reach and Evan can move here.” He goes quiet again and I leave him to his own thoughts. Thirty minutes later, I hear her voice. “Axton..” I look up as she steps closer. A warrior stands behind her. “Bells, I should have been more careful. Do you know who called him? There’s a mole at home.” She shakes her head crying. “Axton what if he hurts you?” I reach through the bars and wipe her tears from her cheeks. “I won’t lose Bells. You are at stake. I can’t.” “Axton I wouldn’t trust him.” I snort. “You know who my father is. Do you think I trust anyone to fight fairly?” She shakes her head before I hear the guard call out. “Time’s up Luna.” She is pulled away as she stares at me until she turns the corner. They bring me out of the cells with silver handcuffs saying it will protect the transport guards. Whatever. It’s all a psychological tactic. I am well versed in the art of battle and demoralizing and weakening your opponent. My father says I have a strange knack for it. I stand tall as they remove them. Tylen steps forward and announces that his Beta will be the referee. Definitely not going to be a fair fight. When the Beta announces the start, we square off. His moves are jerky and erratic. I let him advance and punch him square in the face. E snarls and I know I knocked out teeth and broke his nose. He spits blood out advancing again on me. This time I wait and kick him in the side. The crack I hear means his ribs all snapped. “Some Alpha….” Phoenix mutters. He tries again and this time I punch him across his jaw breaking that. He has trouble getting up after that and I advance in for the death blow. As my claws lengthen, I move to slice his throat. But suddenly Phoenix snarls though it’s too late for the warning he just picked up on. An arrow slices through my chest on the right side. It’s covered in silver and I stagger back a bit. Another slices through my left shoulder. As I hit my knees weak from the silver, Phoenix collapses but is still conscious. I watch as Tylen stumbles my way. “You cheaters. Selene will not favor you.” He grins, his teeth all bloody and two are missing. “It doesn’t matter. I still have your mate.” He winces as the pain of talking with that broken jaw hits him. I watch his class lengthen and hear Bellamy’s sobbing. She’s saying my name softly. I look to her wishing I hadn’t failed. Phoenix stirs even though he should be paralyzed by the silver in my body.”She’s here….” he whispers. Before I can ask who is here, the air around us becomes hot and stifling. It feels like my skin has been in the sun for hours. A whisper rolls across me like a soothing caress against my neck. “You deserve a chance for the truth. To right the wrongs you were dealt and the curse your family was afflicted with at a young age. I am sorry my child. Forgive me for my failures. You shall not die like this. Seek the truth when you are awakened. Betrayal has surrounded your entire life and it has multiplied.” Her melodic voice fills my soul with warmth and light. I twist my head around trying to find the owner. Nothing is there. No scent or trace of movement as her voice continues to bless my ears. “You will awaken each time until your soul knows what must be avenged.” A gentle breeze blows soothing my heated skin. Peace….strangely enough peace envelops me and I embrace my fate. Phoenix bows his head solemnly. “I shall see you if we wake.” “Axton Stone have you any final words?” I say nothing refusing to acknowledge these bastards. Tylen has to whisper and I want to crush his jaw completely. I am sorry though Bellamy. My sweet love. I failed to protect you. My final thought as I stare at her beautiful face before I feel his claws slice through my throat.
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