All Over Again

1707 Words
I jolt awake my heart pounding as I stare at the familiar surroundings. I’m back in my bed at the cabin. I glance over seeing it’s only 4am. Was that the most real dream ever? What the hell? Phoenix answers me “Not a dream. We died.” “Then what day did we come back to?” I reach for my phone and check the date. One week ago….. I trace back to what happened on this day. Today we had a confrontation with Dad about that bag in my closet. I met with Bellamy in the forest before that. “Phoenix, that voice…was that Selene?” “Yes Axton, the one and only one who could grant us this strange gift.” “Did she really mean we will not die and will relive this until we figure out whatever conundrum this s**t is?” “Yes she did. We will awaken on this day every time. And I suspect we will always die on the same day.” I sit and think for a bit. “Where do we start? I have no idea what to do. I mean she said we are avenging someone.” “I know nothing more than what you know. I suggest we make sure we don’t get hurt in that rogue attack and we avoid your father this afternoon.” I nod. “I’ll set up the cameras early in the forest. So we know who they met with on Bellamy’s birthday. I’ll sneak over to Dad’s now and get rid of that bag.” And that f*****g Alpha Tylen will not be allowed into the pack. I rake my hands through my hair wondering if we’ve gone completely insane. I hurry to the kitchen when I hear Evan there. “Morning Axton.” “Morning. Hey I think Dad is coming home soon. I’m going to the house to get rid of that bag. Anything you want me to grab?” “Oh thought we had a few more days. My two books about legends of packs on my tall dresser. Everything else I can live without.” “Back soon. Save me some breakfast.” Reyanne is home I realize but my room has an extra large window and the back porch roof that extends out is beneath it. My height makes it easy for me to climb up and then sneak into my window. I had already walked around the house and didn’t detect any traces of my dad. I reach for the bag in my closet along with my extra laptop. I pause at my doorway listening for any sounds. Maybe she’s sleeping late. I slowly make my way to Evan’s room and grab his two books. I am stepping right into my door when I freeze. “What are you doing?” Her voice makes me cringe and I slowly turn. She’s not there. “You have to leave. I need to clean the house and get rid of your scent before he gets home.” Huh? I step farther into my room and listen. A male voice following his laughter. “Aww cupcake but I was hoping for breakfast before you kick me out.” “You i***t. He texted me and will be here in two hours. You have to get going.” She’s cheating on him?! They are marked. Surely he feels that and his wolf would know what that pain is. I want to see who he is but I risk too much if she hears me or smells me. I shove my laptop and books in a backpack and climb out of the window. The trash bag is slippery but I wrap the plastic around my hand several times. I don’t want her to have any idea I was here. I leap off the porch roof landing easily thanks to Phoenix. I run to the cabin. Evan stands making plates. “Right on time. Did you get it?” I hold up the bag. “Will trash it today.” I hand over the books. “Evan, she had another man over. She’s cheating on him.” He drops his fork. “I mean it’s not that surprising considering how gross she is but that’s either remarkably brave or completely idiotic because he’s a Beta wolf. He will feel that stronger than a non-ranked wolf. Did you see who it was?” “Never saw him and I didn’t recognize the voice. But he called her cupcake.” Evan scrunches his face in disgust. “Ugh! Not while I eat!” “I have to install some security stuff after training in anticipation of Bellamy’s family coming this weekend.” He nods. I don’t have to talk to Bellamy this time but I would like to give her that present. And maybe a long hug after that. Training over, I ask Bellamy to meet me in the same place. I’ll use the Beta excuse but it’s to give her the present. I make my way into the forest to install the cameras. This time I’ll at least have an idea of who set me up. Now I’m pacing the forest waiting for Bellamy. My mind is still spinning from this. I think of books and movies where this is the plotline. When they change something each time, it has a domino effect. I certainly hope that it does in some ways. It needs to tip in our favor though. Lost in my head, she startled me. “Axton?” I spin and before I can think twice, I walk over and hug her. She returns it and I remember to step back. “Are you ok?” “Yeah I…had a really bad dream last night and needed to hug you.” I say a little nervously. Damn now why did I say that?! “Was I in the dream?” I look up at her face. She Ms in all my dreams. Has been for years. “Yes you were.” I reluctantly admit. “There was an attack and everyone I cared about was in it. All of you got hurt. Sorry I’m a little out of sorts.” Her eyes widen. "Axton will you tell me about your dream?" I stare at her worriedly. "I'm not sure I should." "Please tell me. I had a similar dream last night and you were.....killed." She turns wide terrified eyes up to me. What the f**k is going on? Did she see it or did she die and relive it too? Bellamy I stare at him wondering if he had the same dream. I had woken in a cold sweat drenching the sheets. He'd died. He finally speaks. "Why don't you start with yours?" I nod slowly. "You were with me and Evan in a car. We were driving here from my pack and stopped in this burned forest area because Evan started feeling really sick. We helped him out of the car and he was sitting in the field on his knees. Suddenly these five wolves came out of nowhere. They shifted back and told you that you had something that belonged to them. That you could never have their pack. One was an Alpha, he had blonde hair and cold blue eyes. He charged at you while another came and grabbed me and Evan. They knocked Evan unconscious and then the others surrounded you. A voice called out that you had work to do, a life to find and save. Suddenly the whole forest burst into bright red flames but not like an explosion. When I turned back, that Alpha had stabbed you with his claws and you were dead." I cry recalling it. When I'd woken tears were pouring from my eyes. It had felt so real. Axton swallows hard. "Was there anything else?" "Yes a woman was screaming somewhere about her mate. I couldn't make out the name she was in so much agony. It sounded like Steven almost but like I said it was really hard to pick out. I never saw her. Axton, I had a similar dream on the way driving here." I can tell him a little without revealing it was real. Maybe he can help me research that woman. I recount the gold field and the woman calling out Draynor. He listens intently. "I swear the place in last night's dream was the same as when I was driving here. It was missing the stone ruins and the sign but I think it might have been the same." "Where was this? Like what route?" I tell him and he thinks hard. "I'll start looking into all that. This is really weird. Bellamy listen to me. I have a bad feeling about your birthday party. Maybe we should postpone it and you should go back home. In my dream that's how you got hurt. This Alpha showed up and then rogues attacked led by some professional assassin. He kidnapped you and Mimi and you were injured." He won't look at me as he talks. "That's awful. But it was only a dream right?" His eyes meet mine and there's something there. "It was but Bells please listen, Phoenix and I both feel like it's an omen. We've been off for weeks not feeling right. Like danger or a bad omen was coming. I can't explain it." I nod slowly. "Yes Adira has felt the same thing." Something else tickles the back of my mind. I set it aside for a second as Adira sits up alert. "I'll talk to Dad and Mimi. Maybe we should cancel it." He smiles gratefully. "I think that's a great idea. Come sit. I have something for you." I begin walking over as Adira growls lowly. "It's the same Bellamy. The same....." I know what she's talking about. That agonizing pain we felt at home that day.....I recall something else from last night's terror. That same had woken me up. I experienced it in the dream when he died. At that exact moment. What could that mean? Is that pain tied to him somehow? But then that would mean that we are bonded somehow......
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