The Road to Hell

1922 Words
Bellamy With shaking fingers, I hurry to text him. I don’t know what else to do. I luckily was able to hide my phone from him. He thinks he destroyed it, but it was my grandmother’s he had. I hope he’s recovered but Lane had called and said he was doing much better before Tylen lost his mind and locked me in here stealing my bag and shattering that phone to bits. Everything seemed ok the day we got here though I hadn’t held back in telling him I didn’t like being ordered to leave and him almost fighting my father to take me. He tried to be charming, saying things like how worried he was about his mate and my safety was more important than anything. All a pack of lies. Deceitful asshole. We got here and he was upset that first night because I insisted on having my own room. Wanted us to sleep in the same bed and claimed he would be a gentleman. I refused telling him honestly that we knew nothing about each other and I wasn’t ready for even that. Everything devolved from then on. The next morning, he had them serve me a boiled egg and dry toast. Said that should be sufficient for me and Mimi to eat. His next act was to separate us. I had no idea where he took her. I tried linking her and was blocked. She was already in the cells and he’d drugged her so she couldn’t contact me. But the icing on the cake so to speak was when I caught him in his office with his mistress as he called her. I had stormed in after I couldn’t find Mimi and one of the guards slipped she was in the cells. The bastard had told me to get out and he’d be up to talk to me later. My fiery rage had taken over. “I, Bellamy Cortland reject you Tylen Dinsberg as my mate. I will never be your Luna.” He’d snarled as the pain hit him and raced over pinning me to the wall by my throat. “You will not reject me little pet. You are my mate and you’ll learn your place. Now you are going upstairs to wait for me.” He’d returned to his side piece as I was hauled off by his Beta and two other warriors. When he’d come upstairs I wanted to shift and kill him. After destroying the phone, he’d sat down calmly and smiled that cold charming smile my way. “Alright let’s set some ground rules my pet. You are going to be my Luna. As such you will be the pretty face that is presented to the pack and visitors. You will give me an heir and you will warm my bed when I need you. I will bed who I wish and you will deal with it. If you do not, your sweet little Mimi is going to suffer. Now I’m going to give you two days to think this over up here. After that I will return and you will get to decide when I mark you. I am willing to give you a bit of time. But once that limit is up, so will be my patience and you will be forcibly marked at that point. That was six hours ago. Now I pace the room hoping Axton answers my code texts. I could probably escape but I cannot leave Mimi here. And I definitely have no friends or allies here even if one of the warriors appeared sympathetic. My heart freezes as I see the screen light up. With trembling fingers I unlock it. On the boat my dad has way to go. On my way Oh Axton. I am so thankful for him. I don’t reply back as I hear the doorknob slightly move. I hurry to shove it under the mattress and sit on that spot. It’s one of the servant omegas. She carries a bowl of soup and some water. Another issue I had with this pack. We should not have servants. Workers are different but the girl who had come to clean my room let slip that they are not paid in wages, in room and board only. Seeing her threadbare clothes I knew that meant they are treated like dirt. When I mentioned it was different, Tylen had acted like it was strange for me to ask. Could a pack really be so backwards?! “I brought your lunch Luna.” She keeps her eyes averted. I don’t trust the food. Adira grumbles. Seeing her fright, I reach over and take her hand. “Hi there. I’m Bellamy, not Luna. What is your name?” She doesn’t speak for a minute. “It’s alright. I’m not one of them. I rejected your Alpha earlier though he’s making me a prisoner for it. Please tell me your name?” “Maria.” She says so softly. “Hello Maria. I have to ask. Should I eat this?” Her eyes dart up to mine. She shakes her head slowly and points to the door. “Yes Luna you should. It’s one of our head cook’s specialties.” I give her a gentle smile. “Thank you Maria. You can leave it over there.” She smiles gratefully and escapes. Poor girl. Once I get back to my father and Uncle Jacob, we are going to have the entire Council come here and wipe this pack leadership off the map. Axton As soon as Evan leaves, I test out my legs to see if I can get out of bed. Knowing there are warriors outside my door, I walk slowly over to the window and gaze out of it. None there. Mistake number one. My father must have done the guard duty. Someone is coming and I hurry back into the bed glad my strength seems to be returning. A nurse walks in with a tray and my stomach practically howls at the smell. I need to eat before I head for Bellamy. I hurry to inhale it once she leaves. “Phoenix I need you back soon.” “I’m here Axton.” “When did you wake?” “While that asshole was talking about executing you. But I concealed myself so they won’t know I am back yet.” “How are you feeling?” “Stronger than normal. Like we have renewed energy and instincts.” “We are going for Bellamy and Adira. Have to go alone because they think we orchestrated that attack.” “Absolute morons. So much for family first. He puts his hands on us like that again, I will slit his throat Axton. I don’t care if you call him Dad.” He growls menacingly. I walk over to the windows and start working on prying one loose enough to leave. Luckily I know the exact way the patrols work and where everyone will be. I finally remove one of the largest panels and set it down outside gently. After climbing out, I put it back into place. Should take them a little bit to figure out how I left and by then I will be long gone. I take off running needing my phone for now so I have directions. At the border, I look into one of the clothing boxes we keep there and grab out one of the drawstring backpacks and a pair or sweats. I throw my phone and those into the bag and shift into Phoenix. He takes hold of the bag and we race out of the pack. It takes us almost four hours to run all the way to the Opulence Pack. I stand outside an unguarded border and watch in the waning light of day. No warriors come past this area for over an hour. I have a feeling Tylen is lax about his security despite his excuses about his Luna. I shift back and cautiously step one foot over the fence wire and step in. Keeping my head on a swivel I make my way through the trees until I reach the clearing. The tall building before me is obviously the packhouse. Phoenix and I worked out our strategy on the way here. We’ll try to get Bellamy out first and she can tell us where Morgarella is. And hopefully I come across Tylen or his f*****g Beta. Corbin said neither one are very strong. I only see a handful of members walking around. No warriors either besides one on the left side. Must be the cell entrance. I see one window on the fourth floor with bars covering the outside. I’d bet my canines that’s where Bellamy is. I take note of the location. A large field off to the right has most of the warriors doing drills and exercises. That will work in my favor. I race across to an open window and quickly look in. It’s a small storage closet. Once in, I listen near the door for sounds. Unmistakable kitchen noises are muted so it’s farther away. That’s the highest traffic area in a packhouse. I open the door slowly and peek out. I’m in the middle of a long dark hallway. I see the kitchen at the far end. Doors line the opposite wall and I see an opening. Probably the staircase. Making no noise I step out and flatten myself against the wall. It is the staircase. At the top a warrior stands with his back to me. He begins to turn and I quickly put him in a chokehold with one arm, the other grabbing his hand. He struggles only a minute before collapsing unconscious. I drag him down to the alcove at the end of the hall. No one else in sight as I ascend to the fourth floor. I glance down both hallways and turn to the left. I smell her. Stopping at the door where her scent is strongest, I try it knowing it will be locked. I break the handle as quietly as I can before reaching inside and disengaging the lock manually. I push the door in slowly and step through. “Bells…” I whisper. She steps out from the bathroom but isn’t alone. Tylen stands behind her, a silver dagger across her throat. “Axton so glad you are on time. I was so worried they weren’t right about how fast your wolf could travel here.” “How about you let her go and face me? An Alpha vs a Beta.” The sinister grin spreads over his face. “I was warned you’d do that too.” Who the hell called him? “Fine. I’ll play asshole. I, Beta Axton Stone challenge you Alpha Tylen Dinsberg for your mate and title.” Bellamy gasps staring at me. He smirks. “Oh you are honorable through and through. I am touched you think highly enough of me for that type of challenge. But I must decline.” “You can’t.” I snarl. “I’m afraid I must. You see, I don’t believe in playing by the rules.” As I open my mouth, something hits me in the neck and my back. My chest thrusts forward from the pain as I snarl. I spin unsteadily and see that Beta and another warrior aiming dart guns at me. The last thing I hear as I fall is Bellamy shrieking my name.
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