Like A Dream....

1985 Words
Axton The drive to the Opulence pack is mostly quiet. Corbin goes over some of the pack layout with me. I wish I could tell him that I already know it. But he’d probably leap from the car at my insanity. I keep glancing at my phone wondering why no one is calling me back. I try to call Evan again and no answer still. Goes straight to voicemail. We stop a mile out from the pack and Corbin looks at me. “Surveillance first. Find a way in and scout?” “Yes, I want to take the head warrior and Beta out of commission first if we can.” This time neither of them is cheating in this challenge. “No one called back? I hope nothing has gone wrong there too.” He sends a text to his brother but no answer there either. “I’m worried Axton. That’s not normal.” No it isn’t. Unease is crawling through my blood fast. “Let’s scope this place out and see if we can find Bellamy and Mimi.” We find two very weak spots in their border patrol and sneak in. “The Beta has a cabin way over here on the edge of the border.” Corbin shows me and I follow him. Considering the honor the guy had and who he serves, I have a feeling I know exactly why he has an isolated cabin. I remember the girl who escaped this pack and her stories. And when we get to the cabin, I’m right. He stands over a girl chained in a chair and he’s talking to her. She’s shaking and trying not to cry. We can hear him through the window. He’s not used to anyone being out here. Probably Beta commanded to not set foot too close. “I’m going to lock you up again in the dark and we’ll talk more about your behavior tomorrow little one.” Corbin links me. “I knew these assholes were despicable. Maybe we can get her out.” “Yes, he’s a dead guy. Though I feel like most of the pack is like them.” As we walk away, I hear a commotion and we hurry to hide. We watch Tylen emerge from the ground. He’s screaming and absolutely furious. Where the hell did he just come from? “How the f**k did this happen? We need to find her. I want her returned to my playroom immediately.” Playroom!? Ugh….Corbin gives me a disgusted glance and I shake my head. I have to get Bellamy out of here fast. “Alpha, is it true you found your mate?” He whirls on the guy and pins him with his claws. “That is none of your business.” And he knows she is his mate which means she is here. Otherwise, he wouldn’t know as today is her birthday. “Sorry Alpha.” “It’s alright. I am a bit on edge. News of a Luna makes the pack feel better I am sure. I have. She will need to be….trained before I introduce her.” At those words, my hackles rise instantly. His insinuation has nothing to do with hospitality or pack greetings. He turns to walk away and I’m going to let him. I’d kill him now but I need to find Bellamy first and he might be the only one who knows where she is hidden. The Beta comes running in from the side. “Tylen it’s done. Most of the pack was burned.” He pulls up something on his phone and I hear snarls and growls. The sounds of screaming and people crying. The crackling of fire…. “Good. We won’t have any trouble from that damn Beta Stone then or her uncle. They’ll be too busy burying their dead.” My blood runs cold at that. Beta Stone…. “Alpha Jacob is dead. His son is on the run with the Beta’s youngest son. No idea for the Beta who was here or the one Nathaniel said is a problem. Axton.” Corbin is frozen like me. Now we know why no one will call us. They were under attack. Dammit we should have been there too. Rage unlike any I’ve ever felt is taking over me quickly. The sound of those screams of innocents is sending Phoenix into a slow tailspin. He is rumbling and shaking. To the point that my body is also reacting. His rage burns. I feel the fire from it almost like he’s burning me with a torch. My brother is alive but he’s running. Alpha Jacob is dead….. Phoenix begins to take over and I cannot stop him. “THEY MUST PAY NOW!!!” His roar is so loud it shakes windows and Corbin has to cover his ears. I watch Tylen and that Beta both turn. When they see me stand up, Phoenix glowing in my eyes, they hesitate before Tylen says he is going to the safe room. I can feel his wolf’s fear. Phoenix chuckles darkly. “Run, little Alpha.” He calls out. The Beta takes off too and I hear the sound of feet running. I watch warriors running out as Phoenix laughs. “Time for these bastards to die, Axton.” “Phoenix NO!! We need to wait and plan this better! Don’t go feral on me now!!” He has taken over and shifts quickly running through them, killing and swiping any in his path. Phoenix is taking down most of the pack on his own with Corbin’s wolf, Mort is lighting into them too. Phoenix only halts when he hears a loud explosion. I hear Mort snarl and turn to see him with two large spears sticking from his side. I am about to make my way back to him when I watch that Beta step up and take a knife to his throat. I roar ready to take him on but then I feel something slice through me. Phoenix recoils as we watch Corbin shift back to his human form. The poison in the spear is spreading through my body paralyzing us. I feel the shift back happening but I can do nothing as Phoenix collapses in my mind. And then he kills me. That cowardly bastard. It all goes dark and I wait to wake in my bed hopefully. I wake in some type of meadow. It’s nighttime and I slowly sit up from lying on the ground. When did I wander outside? And how far did I sleepwalk? This looks nothing like our pack or the three surrounding it. The sounds of a lapping brook meet my ears and I gaze up at the moon. It looks twice its normal size and the sky is so clear. The stars seem brighter here. My feet begin leading me toward the soothing sound of the water. I pass through some thick trees and see a huge meadow of white flowers. They glow softly like a candle hides in their thick white petals. The brook runs right down the middle. A voice like the sweetest melody interrupts my perusal of my surroundings. “Magnificent, aren’t they? The moonlight flowers. They are famous. You can find them in the Royal Botanical Gardens also. One of my greatest creations. And it’s loved by another one of my most treasured wolf souls. She hasn’t gotten to see them here in person yet, but her mate is going to surprise her with a trip here in a few weeks. I wish you could meet her. You are similar souls; her past was shrouded in betrayal much like yours. The other sweet soul I harmed with my ignorance.” I gaze at the ethereal creature floating toward me. Her hair is long and flowing, it’s not silver or white but iridescent in this light. Her eyes sparkle like a mixture between purple and pink jewels. She wears a pale pink gown that floats around her as she moves. A gentle smile curves on her face and instantly makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. The Moon Goddess “Mother….” Phoenix speaks and I quickly bow my head wondering if I should kneel instead. “No my child, stand please. Walk with me. I can only stay with you for a bit, but this visit is long overdue.” I fall into step beside her and she sighs softly. “Axton, I owe you an apology. I should have intervened and saved you long ago, when you were a child in fact. But I didn’t, choosing instead to believe eventually the right path would be chosen. It wasn’t. Fortunately, it isn’t too late to right my mistake. I am the one you heard that night you died the first time. I do apologize that I could not show myself to you but the ones who murdered you do not deserve to ever lay eyes on me. I cannot tell you everything but I can answer a few questions you’ve pondered. You will continue to live and die the same week until you discover the secrets that yours and another’s very existence is shrouded in. I apologize Axton, but you are the only one who can change a great wrong. I am placing yet another burden upon you. A force more wicked than I thought, used you as a shield against a spell of justice. I lessened it almost as soon as it happened, but I couldn’t reverse it all. Had I been around when it occurred, I could have erased it all. But dark magic burrows quickly into a pure soul and removing those tentacles causes more damage. I could not do that to you. Instead, you will be able to free yourself of that darkness. I know this path has been covered in thorns and much darker than you could imagine but your heart is pure and your wolf is strong. You can overcome the obstacles darkness set in your path.” “Who used me as a shield? And when?” I start there, every word she said whirling around. “You were only a year old. And I cannot tell you the name. That is part of your discovery journey.” She does look repentant. “Is there anything else you can tell me?” She nods. “Be careful who you trust with your story. I can give you one wolf who will never betray you. Your best friend, Corbin. You can rest assured he will always be on your side.” “Not even my brother?” I am a bit surprised at that. “No not Evan. Betrayal is not always a willing act.” She smiles sadly. “Is that all? Can’t you just tell me? Is it not enough I die repeatedly because of these secrets, watch others hurt and die?” My frustration comes out with Phoenix’s as I think back to Corbin’s face. “Yes for now. I cannot give you the answers. Some you have to discover to decide if it is the life you want. Trust your instincts. Phoenix has been with you far longer than you or he know. I left him with you when you were only a year old. He was a baby pup too and I let the two of you grow up together after what happened. His instincts won’t lead you wrong. Hold onto each other. As you learn things, you will need that bond.” Phoenix and I both are shocked. I mean I knew he and I have a deeper connection than a lot of other humans and wolves but no idea it was because we truly have been a part of each other since almost birth. “Sleep now Axton.” She touches my forehead and I fall into blackness again.
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