The King's Warning

1894 Words
Bellamy As we drive though a forest that seems to get darker and denser by the minute, I find myself wondering if he was telling me the truth. Or was it something to relax me until we reached the execution grounds. “I didn’t ask your name.” I suddenly say and he smirks. “I’m Hans. Nice to meet you Bellamy. We are almost there. I am sure you are anxious to see your grandmother.” “They threw some type of silver orb at her to subdue her. What was that?” If I’m going to die, I have questions. “Fairy dust.” He says quietly and I narrow my eyes in annoyance. “No I’m serious. That’s what it’s called. Human stories and movies perverted its meaning. There is nothing happy or joyful about fairy dust. It is created when a fairy is murdered. Their powers are shed, turning into a silvery dust. It can then be used to cause immense pain and immobilization of other fairies. Sprinkled on humans, witches or wolves, it merely causes a mild irritation. If given repeatedly, it can kill a lesser fairy.” “That’s horrible!” He nods. “Great evil lies in dark pockets and recesses of this world, little hybrid. It can sneak in right under your nose. A fairy discovered the effects and wrote about it. He used it later to harm his enemies.” “Would it have hurt me?” “Yes, to an extent. Your wolf and Alpha genes would overpower it mostly. Your wolf would be quite agitated." Adira pipes in. She’s been very silent lately. Grieving over Mimi’s pain. “I would be in some pain and it could distract us. But it would not paralyze us.” I look out the front window again. “Wait aren’t we going to crash into that tree?” I ask alarmed. “Keep watching, Bellamy.” With trepidation, I stare bracing for the impact. Adira calls out. “Watch for the movement.” I catch it. Almost like a gauzy sheet blowing in the wind, it lifts and the road continues. Hans grins. “An illusion to hide the tizzy. Usually only fairies can see it. King Weston gave us a gift to also have the sight.” It’s all light and colorful flowers. The dark forest completely gone. Hans rolls the window down letting in the sounds of a babbling brook. “This place can restore almost anyone’s sanity unless they are truly black of heart.” We finally stop before a huge gray stone building. The one that I saw in my dream when I kept running endlessly. I turn as a second van parks. Someone lifts Mimi from the back unconscious. I run over to touch her face. “They will be able to help her, little hybrid. Tylen dosed her again as we were collecting her.” Hans adds grimly. “Follow me. The King is out dealing with something else but will see you both as soon as he returns.” He turns me over to a smiling woman with platinum hair; a single blue streak running through it. “This is Ravenna. She is the King’s assistant and the woman who keeps the castle running smoothly. Ravenna, this is Bellamy.” Her eyes are a pale blue and I smile back at her. “An honor to meet you. Let’s show you to your room so you can freshen up after being in a dungeon. Morgarella will be fine in about an hour once our healer finishes.” I follow her taking it all in. Most who pass me look like ordinary everyday humans. Normal hair color and features. A few are different like my hostess. “You will find those of certain abilities tend to have distinguishable features. My bluish streak is because my abilities are water related.” She opens a door into a room with two large beds. “Make yourself at home. I have fresh clothes on the bed for you. Bathroom is fully stocked. I’ll return in two hours to take you to the dining hall.” I thank her quietly. After I change I realize my phone is still with Tylen. I need to call home and Axton. A problem to address with Ravenna. Mimi links me as I wait. “Bellamy. Are you alright?” I’m almost crying as I answer her. “Yes! Mimi I was so scared they hurt you.” She chuckles weakly. “Takes more than a little fairy dust to take me down. I will see you soon.” When Ravenna knocks, I tell her about my phone need. She nods quickly. “I will have one brought to you. Morgarella is downstairs with King Weston.” Ravenna opens a large door and I spot Mimi immediately. I race to her and she embraces me. Drawing away, she smiles at me and all my fear evens out. “Bellamy, this is King Weston.” He wears no crown upon his black hair. I turn awkwardly attempting to bow. He shakes his head amused. “We do not kneel or bow any longer. It is my honor to meet you at last, Bellamy. The first hybrid in a very long time. You must have been very shocked to learn my hunters are not the traditional type. Please sit with us.” “I expected to be dead by now.” His dark brown eyes are somber. “Yes, my great uncle’s lineage was tainted by his anger and revenge-minded laws. I have done my best in the last five years to correct his barbaric laws and rules. If only it would have saved your mother but I was not in power.” I swallow painfully thinking of Mom. “We miss her very much.” “She was very brave to embrace her mate bond instead of rejecting it. Though it was meant to come to pass based on the legends we have heard. Hans tells me you are very interested in what has been said about you.” I nod and Mimi reaches over to take my hand. “The legends said a fairy wolf hybrid would be born. The Frollick and King kept it all very quiet. That is until his daughter had a glimmer of the future in the midst of her twenty-first birthday ball. She saw a hybrid standing here in the kingdom surrounded by nothing but a blazing inferno. A war upon our kingdom she called it. Another reason he banned all non-fairy mate bonds. To prevent this coming to pass.” He picks up a book and slides it my way. “This was drawn from her description.” I gasp seeing the illustration. My exact likeness stares back. “She even wears the Pendant of Praesi like you.” I touch my necklace at his words. I usually hide it inside my shirt. The picture shows me standing inside the gray stone walls. Nothing but fire all over the surrounding kingdom. “Why was Axton able to see my glowing eyes while I wore my necklace, Mimi? I thought it hid my identity.” “Only while your gifts came to be. But you had unlocked all your fairy abilities. It could no longer hide you when he saw you. You may continue to wear it though. The comfort of your mother’s memory will help you.” Mimi smiles gently. “Turn the page, Bellamy.” The King prods gently. I do gasping. It shows a man’s face mostly in shadow. His mouth is furiously set with the only other distinguishable feature being his silvery eyes. “Axton…” I whisper. “Axton Stone?” King Weston enquires. I nod. “The Princess said she saw those silver eyes and three additional men. The others she could not describe. Her exact words are written there if you would like to read them.” “One who would ignite the inferno. Another who seeks to stop it. Two who only wish for it to engulf their enemies. At the heart of the fire is the fairy hybrid who will calm the rage. Her gift will save them all. If not, despair will reign. For when the Phoenix Alpha walks again on this earth, a river of fire will follow him. He will scorch the earth under his enemies.”" King Weston. "Many believe he is who will set our kingdom aflame but it is unknown." I gaze up in shock. “Wait is this saying that Axton is the Phoenix Alpha? But it is supposed to be a descendant of Alpha Draynor. At least the legend I read.” “Ah the danger of legends. We know the honorable Storm bloodline branch died that awful day. Which means there is an error in the word of mouth handed down legend. Selene would know the bloodline is dead. Therefore she would not promise Draynor at his end to bless his bloodline. Many believe it will be a deserving wolf of her choosing she blesses. Unless we can hear her exact words to him, we will never know the truth. Currently, Axton Stone cannot be the Phoenix Alpha. He is a Beta. Your current awful mate is an Alpha, correct?” King Weston says softly. I nod, realizing he could defeat Tylen taking his Alpha spot. "Further, I understand Tylen is the last of the Storm bloodline on Nathaniel's end, which is not one Selene wished to continue existing. Her solution is intriguing to me." Before I can ponder that, Mimi tells him about Xavier's suppressive herbs. He sighs. “Some do not know what trouble they bring to the world. Bellamy, your gifts will be needed to help Axton recover his memories. His wolf will explode if not. This is of utmost importance. You must remind her, Morgarella. She won't retain it, only a vague shadow. It is past time to tell him the truth about her ability.” Mimi nods gravely and I wonder what that means. Ravenna returns with a phone and I call Dad immediately. He’s almost sobbing with relief to hear from me. After he asks his questions, I beg him to call Uncle Jacob and have him contact Axton for me. I don’t have his number memorized. Dad promises to do so. Mimi takes the phone giving him more details. King Weston continues talking. "Make certain you pay attention to dates you see in a glimmer Bellamy. They may be extremely important. Both to ground you in reality and for information." I frown as I think back on the ones I've seen. There were only a few. "Mimi, ask Dad to send us Axton's phone number." She relays my message. "Bellamy, I understand your fairy soul feels a deep connection to Axton." "Yes. I don't understand it." Mimi takes my hand. "You won't yet. I have a warning for you to relay to Axton." He stares at Mimi. "The road home will be dark. But it is time for him to go home. He cannot delay it any longer, even for you. Tell him to forgo the challenge while you are safe if he wishes to end this. He should heed my words or the loop will continue forever."
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