Time Shifting Closer?

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Axton I wake but not in pain this time. Like visiting with Selene kept me from that. I wonder if Bellamy felt it this time or it didn’t affect her. I’ll ask her later. Though maybe I should see if she will remain at home while I work on figuring this out. I fall back against my pillow and think over everything. If Bellamy stays away, that will give me more time before I have to confront Tylen again. I’ll talk to Corbin tonight. Maybe he can help me make sense of some of this mess. “Phoenix, anything new for you this time?” “Not sure. We’ll find out later today.” At breakfast, I tell Evan I want to go pick up those things from Dad’s house same old routine for me. But he wants to join me today. Insists on it almost. “I don’t want you going there alone Ax. Not with the things he and Reyanne have caught you up in.” Phoenix muses “Now that’s interesting.” “What?” “He’s stronger today. Griffin is having the same agitation we are. Restless like something is nipping at his heels constantly.” “Very strange. Was Dad giving him herbs too?” “There’s no way he wasn’t.” Phoenix snarls. His rage toward Dad seems to keep notching up. We start walking and I can feel some of Evan’s restlessness pulsing off of him. So similar to Phoenix’s. He must have been getting doses of those repressive herbs too. Hearing raised angry voices, I hold my arm out halting Evan’s next step. He hears them too and slowly nods. We start peering around the greenery and I spot our father holding Reyanne by the throat against the back wall of the house. He’s already home. “You stupid b***h! Did you think I didn’t know? That I wouldn’t feel that even if the bond is weak?” His fangs are bared. She holds his wrist with both hands. “Like you are any better Xavier! I know you f**k some willing w***e every time you go on a trip outside the pack.” He laughs low and humorlessly. “At least I am not lusting after my stepson. Leaving my underwear in his room and trying to seduce him.” I look at Evan whose eyes are flashing as furiously as mine. He’s known?! That bastard accused me of coming onto her and attacked me for that underwear bag. She looks afraid now as her arms fall to her sides. “Oh yes, I’ve known for a long time. You aren’t as subtle or smart as you think. You back away from my son or I’ll forget all about us being chosen mates. You’ll disappear and no one will find a trace of you.” Wait, chosen mates?! Evan’s mouth has dropped open and his eyes reflect mine. Dad always said they were second chance mates which made the disgust level at their age difference go down a bit. But to know they chose to do this?! Why did he hide it? She pales even more. I watch him nuzzle his nose against her neck. “Ah you are afraid now….you forgot your place. I know he’s your true mate, so I don’t care if you indulge that bond when he’s here delivering my herbs.” His hand loosens around her throat and his mouth tilts up in an all too familiar sinister smirk. “Now get upstairs and make yourself ready for me in our bed. I’m going to remind you who you chose to belong to my dear little mate.” His words are mocking and I see her nod before darting inside. The scent of her arousal hits us and I grimace wanting to empty my stomach. He watches her his eyes darkening and I feel nothing but abject disgust for both of them. To think I almost felt sorry for her. Was thinking of a way to intervene invisibly to help her and yet she’s turned on by that. This is new for this timeline. I need to tell Corbin the whole story. See what he thinks. I’m trying to figure out where this goes in the puzzle when sounds I never want to hear again start. I nudge Evan who is frozen in a disgusted stupor. We don’t say a word until we are miles away from the house. “That asshole has known she’s been after me and he blamed you for her freaky nasty s**t! What the hell Axton? How can that guy be our father?! He f*****g hit you for her underwear!” “I’m more concerned about why they’ve lied to everyone for years about being fated mates.” I stare at Evan though. How does he know about Dad hitting me? That was during my death week the first go round so he shouldn’t remember that at all. “Evan, you remember him hitting me?” “Yes. It was yesterday, Axton, my brain works fairly well. He threw the bag at you and then shoved me into a tree.” I nod though my mind is racing. He thinks that was yesterday. What is going on this time? Did time compress or has it shifted days in some weird fashion? “Dad lying about that means he willfully took someone so young to be his mate. And he knows that someone who visits her is her true mate. That’s f****d up Axton. He could set her free.” I mull that over. “Yet she seems to want to remain too. She could reject him and mark her mate if he wouldn’t accept it. Since they are fated it would definitely cancel Dad’s claim. And the council would back her. Why is she staying with him?” Evan winces and touches his head. “Griffin brooding?” “Yeah, he’s really irritated and it’s spilling over into me. I don’t get it.” “Just like Phoenix.” “Is it because of Dad? Irritation at his treatment of us yesterday; gaslighting us?” “I don’t know. I need to ask someone else.” Once back at our new cabin, I text Bellamy. I am going to need Mimi’s help this go round. Bellamy “Nooo.” I wake up shaking. A gentle hand runs over my cheek and I gaze up surprised to see Mimi sitting by my bed. “Shhh I’m here Bellamy. What woke you?” She faces me as I sit up. “Pain, like my heart had been torn in two. Almost as if I was separated from my soul.” She gazes at me sharply. “We need to leave early and travel to Cold Spring Pack. I can’t explain yet, but time is of the essence, Bellamy. Immediately after breakfast in two hours.” She sweeps from the room and I wonder what’s going on. I touch the pendant around my neck. It’s warmer than normal and I wonder why. On the drive there, she tells me that it is time to tell Axton about my fairy abilities. “Mimi, you said that puts him in danger though.” “He’s already in danger, Bellamy. You are going to be the only one who can help him and Phoenix.” I watch her stare ahead her face lined with worry. “Are we not taking the scenic route?” She shakes her head as we pass the exit for it. “No, we are going straight to the pack. There is nothing that way we need to repeat for now.” I frown at her choice of words. “Mimi, what is going on?” Before she can answer though, she has to slam on the brakes. The highway is at a complete standstill. A worker is motioning for everyone to take the next exit. Mimi’s hands tighten on the steering wheel as she mutters. “Fine Selene, you and your damn tricks. If I ever get my hands on the Moon Goddess, she’s going to find out what an old fairy can do.” We end up on the scenic route and she mutters quite a few words. “Bellamy, look in my bag. Find the blue box and remove the clear vial from it. You are about to practice your first protection charm.” I stare at her. “But Mimi I don’t have my abilities yet.” “You will be able to do this Bellamy.” I follow her instructions and that same warmth spreads through me as when she casts any enchantment. “Good job. Now be on the lookout for anything fiery.” I don’t even blink. You never know what you’ll encounter with Mimi. Mimi continues to drive looking more alert the closer we approach this barren field ahead of us. Adira stirs too. “Bellamy get ready.” She says lowly. Mimi comes around the sharp curve to find a wall of fire across the road. “Dammit!” she says quickly as she stops. She backs up enough. Her eyes are scanning the line of fire. It’s only about two feet tall but not something we want to drive through. Adira perks up and I feel my skin prickling with goosebumps. “Someone’s coming.” I say sure of it. As I watch, a man walks purposefully our way through the fire wall. His clothes are shredded and half burned. But he appears to have no injuries or marks from the fire. I see his dark hair curling over his forehead. His eyes blaze red as he steps with pure determination. Somehow I already know his name. I open the car door and step out. “Draynor Storm.” I whisper and he pins me down with his fierce eyes. But as he continues to walk I realize he is looking through me. “Avenge my family Mother…….” He says roughly. Was he talking to her when he said this originally? Is he a memory or a ghost? I cannot tell right now only that he isn't real. His aura is stifling almost and I wonder if I could touch him. “My bloodline, the true Storm borns will return. A gift of the Goddess if it is accepted. A change and a choice per your will.” With that he walks forward until he reaches a tree with white stones around it. He kneels to the ground. His voice rings out with authority as the sky swirls red and gold. “I, Alpha Draynor Storm do leave my legacy here. In a trail of fire and ash that will burn for only that which is worthy. Let the pack blaze again as the injustices of my legacy are avenged.”
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