Backing Down

1730 Words
Axton Evan is pacing angrily after we made it back to our cabin. “He’s such a f*****g asshole!” He explodes. “What kind of father is he? He punched you without even bothering to ask for your side of the story.” “Evan, you need to calm down. He’s always been that way. Never believed me over his own assumptions or someone else’s lies.” Sadly, it’s true. I always thought my dad was just a hard-ass or strictly principled Beta. But as Evan got older I noticed how differently he treated us. Earlier is the first time I’ve ever seen him physically do anything to Evan. Me, he never really cared. Things weren’t as strained until he found his second chance mate. Evan is fuming on my behalf though. It does touch my heart to have him defend me like that. “We’ve moved out so it doesn’t matter.” I tell him firmly. “Axton did he notice how strong you are? I mean that punch didn’t even faze you. You and Phoenix could take him easily.” Evan comes to stand closer as I cook dinner. “We could. And Phoenix was willing. But even if he has no respect, I do. I won’t fight my father unless I have to.” A knock on the door has us both tending up. It could very well be Dad coming over to try and force us into moving back home. Evan opens the door and I hear the familiar loud voice. My other best friend Corbin. He’s our future head warrior. He’ll share the job with his older brother. “Hey Corbin. How was your trip?” “Boring.” He steps in giving me a handshake and a hug. “Sorry man.” He shakes his head, his auburn hair falling over his face as he does. “That’s not entirely true. It was more I wanted to cut my own throat or set myself on fire the whole time. That pack is nothing but a bunch of arrogant pricks.” “Dad drive you nuts?” Evan asks. “He tried. But I was busy. Kept my presence scarce.” His tone is dry. “And congrats on the move. I must say I am proud of my two little birdies leaving the nest.” He wipes an imaginary tear from his eye. “Or the den of iniquity.” He shudders as he says it. “Hopefully it stays that way. Dad is not exactly pleased.” He snorts. “No had no idea. I mean he didn’t snarl about it when Stepmummy dearest called him and was soooo tearfully upset. s**t she should go try to be a human actress. She might convince some of them.” I roll my eyes. Reyanne is a pain in the ass along with her other faults. Phoenix snarls in my head. He’s been sooo agitated and broody the last week. I need to shift and go for a long run. Maybe tonight after dinner, Evan and I can go. Or Corbin. Yeah Corbin would be better. Some things are better if my little brother doesn’t hear them. I link him. “Hey, you and Mortimer want to go for a run tonight? Phoenix is pissy and broody. I need to let off some steam.” “Sounds good to me. Mort could use some time to…reflect.” He chuckles in the link. I hold back the smile. Mort sounds like he’d be some calm reflective wolf but he’s an insanely brutal goofball. Kind of like his human. Corbin is always joking but he’s intense when you need him to be. “Phoenix we’ll go for a run.” He grumbles. “Sorry Ax but something is wrong. Like I feel like I have a permanent sore head. And weird flashes.” “Flashes? What kind of flashes, like hot flash?” “No like flashing lights. I keep seeing blinding colors making my head hurt.” Great! I have my asshole father, my lunatic stepmother…ugh I can’t even call her that. My father’s second chance mate who is an almost incestuous lunatic, the girl I wish was my mate visiting and now my wolf is having a psychotic break. But I know what he means. I don’t feel right either, like something is brewing or heading our way. Corbin interrupts my internal lamenting. “Gotta go home and eat with the parents. I promised. See you later.” He nods at me. He understands I want to go run without Evan. We are sitting down eating and both freeze as the loud pounding on the door interrupts Evan’s funny story. I push my chair back shaking my head at him. We both know who it is. I open the door to find my father standing there. His hair is a disheveled mess like he’s raked his fingers through it repeatedly. I refuse to greet him first after what happened earlier. He stares at me for a minute. Evan stayed at the table. He always tries to get to him first. Use him to make me forgive him but not tonight. Phoenix and I are not in the mood. I cross my arms blocking the doorway and wait. He awkwardly clears his throat. “Axton….look maybe I overreacted a bit earlier.” Phoenix snorts “A bit? Asshole can’t even realize his own f*****g faults.” My wolf has always had issues with my dad. He submits to him but sometimes it’s snarling and gnashing. I don’t say anything. I did nothing wrong except not get rid of that bag soon enough. I kept this one the longest because I was considering showing Alpha if we didn’t get to move out. Needed ample evidence that she was causing trouble. “What I am trying to say is I am sorry I attacked you without asking first. You didn’t exactly make things easy though.” He stares at me waiting for me to talk. Guess what, I’m not apologizing for anything. The gaslighting is ridiculous. Phoenix rumbles approvingly at my thoughts. “Sad you don’t even know your own son very well.” I can throw shade too. He slowly nods. “Look I…it won’t happen again.” I narrow my eyes. “No it won’t. And you won’t ever lay a hand on Evan again.” I add the last part lowly. I won’t tolerate him touching my little brother. He shakes his head. “No I will never. I need to apologize to him too. Is he here?” “Yes. Let me ask if he wants to see you.” He can hear us as Dad is well aware especially with our Beta senses. “I would like to know why you had a bag of women’s underwear hidden in your closet.” He adds and I realize Reyanne must have denied it was hers. Lying manipulative b***h. Evan walks up behind me. “Gag gift Dad. We were going to mess with Corbin.” He lies. We both know he’ll never believe us especially over the mate bond. He’d already linked me that he was going to do that. Will make things easier in the pack. “And you thought Reyanne told me something bad about it?” I nod curtly. “I don’t suppose I could convince you two to move back home too.” “Dad we’d really like to give you and Reyanne space. She got stuck with two grown kids when she found her mate. And we’d like to spread our wings a bit. We’re still in the same pack.” I point out quietly. He scowls a bit. Did he think with his little apology we would back down and come home? Phoenix “He’s arrogant. More so than some Alphas I’m willing to wager.” “Sorry just…lost my boys in one quick move. Thought I had until you two found your mates, I guess. Father issues. Could we at least still have breakfast or dinner together sometimes?” I glance at my brother. The choice is his. Reyanne has never tried to hit on me and this is asking him to eat with his potential…whatever you want to call her. She doesn’t like me at all. Evan gives me a subtle nod and I cut my eyes to Dad. This is for him to say. “Sure Dad. We’re still your pups.” “I know. Umm how about breakfast tomorrow. I’ll come here if that’s ok. Bring the whole spread. Reyanne has a ladies breakfast so she’ll be busy.” Better than I thought. “I’ll get going then. See you at seven.” He leans over and hugs Evan. I haven’t uncrossed my arms so he holds out a hand when he sees me barely relax them. I’m not quite at the stage of forgiveness with him for hugging. I shake it and he nods. He leaves and we both stand staring at the door. Evan shakes his head after about five minutes. I can see Dad is far enough away from the cabin we can talk now. “That didn’t go the way I thought it would.” I snort. “I figured he’d try to at least haul you out of the house physically. We’ll go with this for now.” Thirty minutes later, Bellamy texts me. “Hey I talked to Jeremy at home. He says it is probably the rest of your Beta abilities coming into play. Says it could also be because Phoenix is focusing in more since he doesn’t have a mate yet and has those protective abilities toward that ready for her. Needs to direct them elsewhere until they can be used for their intended purpose. He found his mate late like my dad so he’s probably right.” Phoenix is thoughtful as we read it. “Thanks Bellamy. See you at the training gym tomorrow.” “Looking forward to it.” I’m not. Touching her messes with me too much. And then there’s the worry that she’s going to find her mate on her birthday. Phoenix growls loudly at that thought. “Better accept it buddy. We’re not her mate. Just hope she finds him somewhere else. I don’t want to watch that.”
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