What's in the Bag?

1410 Words
Bellamy I’ve been here in the pack for two days. This morning I am sparring with my cousin, Lane. We are in the gym while the rest of the pack is outside at general training. He’s careful to not hurt me because though I am an Alpha, I am still a female who is smaller than my giant cousin. After two hours, he calls it quits. “You’re damned fast Bells. Anyone will have trouble catching you.” I nod as I catch my breath. I had to be fast to evade his speed. “I think Axton can catch you. I want him to train with you in a day or two. He is f*****g faster than anyone I’ve ever seen. I can’t evade him much.” He shakes his head as he admits that. Good thing my heart is already pounding. The idea of training one on one with Axton isn’t helping it slow down. Coming here is such a blessing and a curse. We step outside to head back for showers and the guy who haunts my dreams is walking toward us. He’s shirtless and damn do I feel things I shouldn’t. He’s more muscled than Lane but I know he spends more time in the gym. Those silver eyes meet mine and I smile. I don’t miss a lot of the females in his pack starting at him and licking their lips. I’m sure there’s a lot of underwear that has to be changed after joint training. He turns to go grab his shirt as Lane says something to him. I see the phoenix tattoo on his right arm. I remember when he and Lane went to get tattoos to celebrate their wolves at eighteen. Axton’s was easy because that’s his wolf’s name. Lane’s wolf is named Chaos and he ended up getting a tornado with the word underneath. He is like a tornado too. We move in close and I take a deep breath. Goddess the man smells good even all sweaty. Like the forest after a summer rain. “Hey guys. How was training?” Evan asks us. Lane nudges his head in my direction. “She’s freaking fast. I want you to train with her Axton tomorrow.” I watch his head jerk up. “Me?” He says quietly. “Yeah. I think you can catch her as fast as you are. Push her a little.” Axton’s eyes dart to me before he slowly nods. “Ok. If Bells is alright with it.” I agree though I am as reserved as he seems to be. We all decide to disperse for showers but Axton reaches out and says “Bells…” softly. I turn to find him right behind me. “Um I was hoping to talk to you later this afternoon. Us alone if you don’t mind.” My pulse gallops. “Of course I don’t mind. How about at two? Where do you want to meet?” I try not to seem too eager. “How about our old treehouse in the forest?” “I’ll be there.” I leave wondering what he wants. I leave the packhouse with plenty of time to walk to the forest. I dressed in just shorts and a shirt, though it took me thirty minutes to pick it out. I had laughed at myself. I wander into the forest and head for the center section. Uncle Jacob had built us a treehouse when we were like eight here. Lane, Axton, Evan and I used to play here all the time. I walk that way and see Axton leaning against one of the trees. A big blue gift bag sits at his feet. He hears me long before I am in clear sight. “Hey Bells.” “Hey Axton. Is something wrong?” He rakes his hand through his hair. “Maybe. I wanted to ask you for a favor. Let’s sit down over there.” He points to a fallen log. He helps me sit placing the gift bag at our feet. “Phoenix and I are experiencing some shifts in our emotions. But it also seems like our senses are sharpening even more. I mean every year since eighteen they have but this is noticeable. I am wondering if it’s just my Beta abilities heightening. Could you ask Beta Jeremy if that’s what it is?” I gaze at him sadly. “I would be happy to ask. I’ll call him tonight.” He smiles gratefully. I understand why he needs me to ask. He looks relieved. I decide to break the tension a little. “So what’s in the bag?” He grins. “Oh it’s your birthday present. I know it’s not for another five days but I wanted you to have it early so you could try it out while you have some free time here. Hopefully you like it.” I pick it up excited to see what it is. “I’m sure I’ll love it.” Because you thought of me. I pull out an embroidery kit. Like a huge fancy one. It has a starter instruction book. “The owner of the fabric store said you’d probably like this as much as you like to sew. If you hate it, I can return it.” I hear the worry and hesitation in his voice. I touch his arm smiling up at him. “Axton I absolutely love it. Thank you.” Before I can stop myself I stretch up to kiss his cheek. He turns, his silver eyes glowing. “Glad you like it Bells.” I’m about to say more when I hear voices headed our way. Axton looks over and nods at someone. “I need to get going Bellamy. Supposed to meet Evan at Dad’s so we can grab the rest of our things while Reyanne is gone.” “See you tomorrow.” I tell him as we split off. Axton I meet Evan down the road from Dad’s. “She’s definitely gone?” I ask again to make sure. “Saw her at the restaurant with her friends on my way here.” He assures me. “We should be quick. I don’t want to see her any more than I have to.” I mutter. I open the back door and start stepping in realizing my mistake too late. I throw my aura out behind me shoving Evan back a few feet as the intensely angry one hits me from the front. Along with my dad’s fist into my abdomen. I stagger back not letting him know it didn’t hurt. I’m stronger than him now. His punch was more like a hard shove. Evan is ready to pounce but I shake my head. I square my shoulders riding to my full height as my dad steps out of the house his eyes blazing with fury. “Came home finally I see?” He says mockingly. “I could say the same.” I answer quietly. He’s pissed and I wonder what Reyanne told him to set it off. “You left my mate here alone and moved out like two sneaky thieves in the night while I was gone!” “We’re of age Dad. And we didn’t leave her alone.” “You think her f*****g weak ass regular wolf cousin was some form of protection?! You f*****g i***t!” I was wrong. He’s raging. “Look Dad…” Evan begins but Dad holds his hand up. “Don’t even try to defend your f*****g brother.”he reaches inside the door and my heart plummets. The hidden garbage bag….he tosses it in front of me and it falls open. Lace underwear of all forms spill onto the ground. “Care to tell me why you have a bag of underwear hidden in your closet?” He didn’t dig through it because he’d have found more than underwear. Some of the things she left Evan were truly disgusting. Evan jumps in angrily. “Because it was left in my clothing drawers and Axton has been protecting me! You need to listen to us Dad. Your mate isn’t who you think she is!” He shoves Evan hard letting him hit the tree behind him. “No it’s your brother who isn’t who you think he is. Get out of my sight. The both of you.”
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