A Birthday to....Forget

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Axton It’s Bellamy’s twenty-first birthday. Alpha is having a party for her tonight. Her father and grandmother arrived yesterday for this. Phoenix and I are extremely nervous as we head to the training grounds. I tried so hard to call this off. I know she isn’t my mate since I didn’t scent her after my twentieth birthday, but an awful thought had come to mind during training with her yesterday. What if she’s mated to my brother or to Corbin? That will really be unbearable. Not much I can do about it now. I step into the gym feeling relief as I see her standing doing her stretches. She’s talking to Corbin and his older brother about their training at home. At least neither one of them is her mate. Evan is right outside so Adira would be going nuts if it were him also. “Happy Birthday Bells.” I tell her quietly. She turns smiling a little. “Thank you, Axton. You’re coming to the party tonight, right?” “I’ll be there.” The last few days of training have been me trying to catch her which I did about eighty percent of the time. Each instance had been awkward for me. I would release her as fast as possible. Today will be no different. Just as I step onto the mat and greet her, my father and Alpha Jacob enter. I acknowledge them and wait. Dad steps forward. “Axton, I need you to come with me. We have a rogue investigation to check out. Corbin or Evan can spar with Bellamy this morning.” I nod grateful but irritated at him interrupting us. “Corbin! Can you come work with Bellamy on evasion tactics? She’s fast.” I warn him. “Uh yeah sure.” He looks perplexed and I link him about Dad pulling me away for some rogue investigation. I follow Dad silently from the gym wondering if there truly is a rogue problem or this is his way of singling me out using Alpha for a chat. He knows I won’t protest with Alpha Jacob around. He waits until we are deeper into the forest before he utters a word. I watch him warily never knowing what he’ll say or do. He stops near the north border and raises his arm pointing out towards the fence. “Rogue scents were detected near here early this morning. I’ve already checked it but we couldn’t find any other evidence of them. We have visitors arriving late tonight or tomorrow morning. The future Alpha of the Opulence Pack is coming to observe warrior training and see an older pack’s leadership methods. I want you to come out and sweep this area twice a day beginning tonight. I don’t want anything slipping past us while they are here. Plus with the party, warriors could become distracted.” “We can station extras at more strategic points. This is the densest area in the forest of our pack so it makes sense they would target this.” I glance around. It’s also the farthest distance from any sort of pack dwelling or frequented area. If they came in, no one would know until they were too close to do much. I make a mental note to move some patrol assignments around. “Did anyone hear anything? Howls or movement last night or this morning?” I ask him knowing his answer already. “Nothing. But the smell and a few cigarette butts were found right over by the large oak tree.” He points and I move that way to find them. Six or seven of them. I crouch down and sniff without touching them. They all carry the same scent. Banana with something else. So one body only. He was here a while from the amount. If it took him five to ten minutes to consume each one on average, then he was here over half an hour. What was he doing? Not simply taking a break as he travels. Hmmm….Bellamy has been here. Was he following her? Her father is always adamant we watch over her. I don’t see any footprints on this side of the fence line. Didn’t meet with anyone unless they hid their footprints or they stood somewhere less obvious…..I start walking and moving foliage as I do. “What are you searching for Axton?” Dad asks with irritation. I ignore him. You wanted me to come look at this so I’m looking. “We can head back. There are security measures to work on for the party tonight.” I’m concentrating and I hear him get angrier. “Axton! Don’t ignore me!” I freeze midstep my foot dangling in the air as I spot it eight feet from the cigarettes. Footprints. And they are deeply depressed meaning this one stood here for a while. It was hidden underneath a small green dangling frond stem. I hold up one finger and motion to my father to come closer. He looks down and inhales sharply. “They were meeting someone.” I nod and see the trail of them coming into the forest. I start following it wondering if it will lead me all the way back into the pack. It stops ten feet from the first depression I found. Hmm where are the rest? They didn’t float here. I search around for another ten minutes with Dad helping but there’s no other trace of them. “That’s weird.” He finally mutters. “We need to double up on security tonight or ask Alpha to postpone it. I’m sure he won’t want to do the latter.” I say with a sigh. “You know that. Let’s get back and rearrange patrols.” I start following him and make a note to give Bellamy and her father their own warrior details tonight. “Corbin, you are guarding Alpha Michael tonight. Your brother will have Bellamy. We found evidence some rogue met with a pack member at the northernmost tip of the border. Tell your brother for me.” “That is not good news. I will guard him like he’s my favorite sandwich.” I snort. That’s like gold for a miser. Corbin has five siblings so guarding your food is paramount at his house. At the packhouse, Dad goes to talk to Alpha about what we found. I head for his office and start rearranging patrols for the evening. I move some warriors more to tonight’s detail. It will short us tomorrow morning but Evan and I can make up for that. I’ll be checking the forest area multiple times each day anyway. I need to set up a camera. I’ll grab one and do that tomorrow morning. Just got new ones and I haven’t installed all the software which is now my priority this afternoon or tonight post party. Dad walks in and eyes me sitting at the table across from his desk. “Axton, what are you doing?” “I rearranged patrols and sweeps.” “Alright. Our guests are running late. They may stop and not show up until tomorrow.” After a few more modifications, I link all the warriors affected and check the time. I need to get ready for the party. I link my brother and let him know that his Sunday morning is now booked up. He groans until I explain why and then he is all in. When I tell Corbin what happened, he is worried. “Who would meet with rogues and why? Nothing ever good comes of this kind of situation.” “Nope. Our visitors will be late tonight allegedly.” He growls lowly. “Wish they weren’t coming at all. That Alpha Tylen is a dickhead. And I’m being generous. I am sure he likes to hurt people. Seems like the kind of cold sick bastard to get off on punishment and pain.” “Fantastic. We’ll get along sooooo well.” “I want to watch you kick his ass at training. His ego is huuuuugggee. Knowing a Beta took his ass down will give me the greatest pleasure.” I go home and get ready for the party. I already gave Bellamy her real gift but I got another to hand her at the party. It’s not much. A charm bracelet with a butterfly charm. She loves them and I found a blue one which seem to be her favorite. I gave myself a haircut and it’s a little too short I realize as I look in the mirror. At least in the back, you can see my scar there. I blow out a breath. Too late now. No one will dare ask if I look intimidating enough. The party is in full swing when I arrive with lights strung up across the pergola and soft music playing. I see the buffet tables and the giant white cake with shiny confetti strewn all around it. I hear her laugh and swing to find her. Her hair is pulled back away from her face. I like it down, wild and wavy. She wears a soft blue dress and my heart pounds staring at her. The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I keep my face impassive and make my way to her side. She’s talking to Corbin’s sister and laughing. Her eyes swing to me though as I approach. I hold the small box out. “Happy Birthday Bells.” She gives me a confused smile but immediately takes it to open the bright paper. I watch her mouth drop open as she lifts the lid. “Oh Axton it’s so pretty. Thank you.” She hugs me and I close my eyes to savor it. She whispers in my ear sending a shiver down my spine. “You already gave me a present.” I pull back. “You get two.” I say lightly. Phoenix is pacing in my mind and I wonder what his deal is. He’s not talking to me either. Only snarls and growls. I stand back near Evan most of the night watching for any signs of trouble and watching her cut her cake and enjoying her party. It’s getting late and I’m about to head out to the forest to do a quick patrol and set up the camera I have ready when I watch Bellamy stiffen up. She sniffs the air and my heart drops completely. Dread setting in fast. Please no…..Phoenix howls as I hear a voice behind me say. “Well I guess I should be very glad we decided to go ahead and show up.” I turn seeing the tall blonde Alpha. His eyes are swirling as he growls “MATE!” Bellamy’s eyes are wide with horror as she covers her mouth muffling her voice. “Mate….”
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