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Axton I am helping Dad into his house after he left the hospital. Evan is still running training drills. I had early training to lead and got done first. He offered to go for me but I wanted to pick him up. Mimi is going to come see him. I want to be around when she does. That anger rolling off her was unreal. Wolves don’t have much experience with fairies and they are not like the animated movies that’s for sure. Her rage would rival an Alpha’s fury on a bad day. “Axton how are you feeling since you remembered those things?” He asks as he settles into the couch. The scratches on his chest are almost healed. Grieving a lost mate bond can slow healing and wolf shifting too. “No different Dad. Are you worried about me going feral again?” He grimaces a bit. “Yes and no. I know we can stop you but I’m more concerned it might be too much for you to remember all at once if it opens like a floodgate or something. We could give you a mini dose to slow down your memories if you’d like to do that.” I stare at him curiously. “Does the amount I take determine what I remember?” He nods slowly. “Yes, it does. As you’ve gotten older, we had to increase it.” “We?” Does he mean Reyanne? “The woman who makes them and changes the strength based on what is going on. Anna Yarrow is her name.” I watch him. His heart rate is the same. I’ve been paying attention to it more lately. Phoenix watches with me. He’s been very irritated the today. And it all started when we picked Dad up. He seemed to sense something at the hospital. “I don’t think I need it. I have a good handle on Phoenix. It’s not like this will be my first shift. And I’m of age Dad for all my abilities. It shouldn’t be a problem.” He eyes me sadly though. “Do you want to stay here Dad? I mean this is where she died.” I ask softly. He could go stay at the packhouse. “This is home. I’ll be fine Axton. Maybe you boys could come keep me company at dinner and breakfast though. Or at least one of you.” As he says that, I smell it. A burning woodsy smell, almost like a fire in the forest. I spin around sniffing hard. Phoenix is on alert, his entire being rigid. “Be right back Dad. I smell something weird.” I walk out slowly and look around. The pack is gone as I step down from the porch. In its place is a huge stone building before me. My heart races as I stare at it. I reach out to touch it and it’s real. The smooth white stone feeling cold against my hand. What is that smell….where is it coming from? And where am I? I turn to go back into the house but it’s disappeared. In its place are tall golden grasses and trees tipped with red and gold leaves. To my left is one enormous tree. Around it lies a ring of stones. I move closer to it. The stones are white like the building before me. As the scent becomes overpowering, nausea hits me hard and I am forced to kneel waiting for it to come to fruition. When it doesn’t, I gulp in deep breaths. But then that acrid scent of smoke causes me to almost choke. I look up still on my hands and knees as small burning leaves fall around me. The tree; it’s on fire. Screams ring out and I turn back seeing the white building obliterated. Nothing remains save a few stones. A woman screams in rage and agony. I watch her emerge from behind the burning tree. She walks toward the ruins stopping before me. “The end of it all. The last of the line. What will you see today?” I gaze up at her. Her eyes blaze turquoise and I know who she is. “Princess Constance…” She doesn’t respond merely walks away. Was she even talking to me? She never actually acknowledged me. I struggle to my feet and watch her striding away with purpose. I follow her though I feel like I’ve been beaten. The scenery changes as we walk. Her determined feet marching into a dark forest. Her entire body almost aflame as she moves in closer to a small cabin. Both hands light as flames surround her hands. She stops and flicks two fingers. The entire cabin lights up as if she doused it in gasoline. A man comes running out coughing and sputtering. He leans against a tree. Her smile sardonic as she lights it aflame too. He moves to face her. “Constance wait!” “Now you want patience and understanding. It shall never be yours. Goodbye, Nathaniel.” She whispers before a red cage surrounds him. Neither one of them seem to sense my presence. As I stand there, suddenly it all disappears save the strong smell of burnt wood. I am back before Dad’s house watching as another figure strides toward me, her green robes flying around her. Her eyes glow a fierce purple and a small orb of purple light surrounds her. The fury she walks in singes the bushes she passes. “Axton you need to leave.” She says her voice deep and even. “Mimi?” “Go Axton! Your father and I have a reckoning.” “But I need to tell you what I just saw.” I protest not to protect him, but because I am so confused. “I know what you saw. I followed you through it. Now go see Bellamy and tell her what you saw.” There is an order in her voice. What does she mean she followed me through it? What is going on? Mimi I watch Axton walk away reluctantly. I followed him through the glimmer he went through. Bellamy is dreaming it and she pulled him in. He doesn't know that yet. I instructed her to reach out for him to ground her and keep her from losing herself in memories. Adira had understood and done it. I march up his steps and throw open the door. He stares at me scared. “Xavier f*****g Stone. I have some things to say to you.” I leave the door open and he pushes farther back into the couch. “Morgarella? You are glowing.” “That is the least of your problems, you sorry piece of s**t. You have blamed your son for your mate’s death, suppressed his wolf to the point he lost half his memories and then did it again after naturally he went feral. What are you hiding?” He shakes his head. “We did it to protect him. I swear it was to keep us all safe.” “From what? An innocent boy? One you allowed to be kidnapped and almost killed in your idiocy. And you couldn’t even change then. He has not been treated as he should. Do you have any idea the repercussions of using repressive herbs on a ranked wolf?!” “Yes, she told me the possibilities.” He answers quietly. “And yet you proceeded. Continued without giving him a choice! How dare you?!” I spit fire at him. “He was having nightmares. Destroying things and almost harming himself, Morgarella. What was I supposed to do? I had Evan to take care of!” He is getting angry. Good, get mad Xavier. “You were supposed to help your pup. Do you realize what you may have set off now?” “He’s fine. He’s even remembered some things with no issue!” His chest heaves as he takes deep breaths from defending himself from my anger. It is suffocating and I hope he struggles. “And if it all comes crashing back to his mind at once….did she bother to tell you about that? Or did you care? You’ve never been much of a f*****g father to Axton!” I spat at him. "I’ve kept silent in the past. In my own erroneous judgment, I only thought it was you being an cold unfeeling bastard. Instead to know you’ve possibly doomed his mind and his wolf is damning Xavier. I should have marched here and kicked your ass myself!” “What do you mean doomed his mind and wolf?” He says quietly. “Painful memories are not meant to be repressed, especially as your dosage is enough to repress a Beta wolf. A very strong one too. If the veil falls all at once and every memory comes back in full force, him going slightly feral will be the least of your worries.” He looks worried. “Too late to be concerned, dumbass. You have played with something you should not have. And if he implodes this time, there will be no stopping him. I understand even his own Alpha had trouble making him submit before. He will overpower you and everyone that stands in his path. So you might want to start telling him slowly the things he should remember. The truth for Phoenix will know the difference. If you lie, it will be so much worse when he remembers. That and you had better get rid of those damn herbs.”
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