What An Old Fairy Knows

1581 Words
What an Old Fairy Knows Mimi I mutter as Bellamy leaves. Axton will come see her soon. I swear if I could travel to visit deities I would. What are you playing at Selene? Letting Axton die over and over again by that two bit Alpha Shithead. Fires, Phoenixes, Alphas who are resurrected, mate bonds that are not functioning the right way, fairy flutters and a glimmering that keeps leading us all around the mark. What is truly going on? I need to take Bellamy back to that first area she had the glimmering. See if we can figure out how Princess Constance could see her and know a fairy was in her memory. Even a witch has trouble scenting us out. Though Bellamy’s abilities were awakening and she couldn’t hide them, it still isn’t normal. There isn’t much about her once she went feral and killed Nathaniel Storm in her rage and vengeance. She faded off and it is said she imploded. Her fire powers took over and she let them consume her wanting to join her mate and child on the other side. Nathaniel was cursed to roam the earth for his treachery by the Goddess herself allegedly. I send up words to shield my presence and all sound in the room. I wander to my bag and remove another bag. One that Bellamy knows nothing of. I remove the tall clear vial hiding there. Time to ask for help. I sprinkle only two drops of the precious liquid into my hand. “Show a clear path. Lead them to their true destiny. I call upon those of the ancient knowledge, the Frollick of Fairies.” As I utter the last three words, the air shifts. I open my eyes to see four sets of eyes staring back at me. Each one glowing a different color. “Morgarella this must be urgent. You are not one to summon us for anything trivial.” I bow my head to them all. The most trusted advisors and oldest fairies in existence currently. “No Calder I would not. Before I begin, I invoke the sacred sanctity of a Frollick grievance.” Orla gasps. “Morgarella, have you committed an atrocity?” “No but I have an issue. You four will be entrusted with my family’s secret. My granddaughter, Bellamy is a fairy wolf hybrid.” They do not blink. Only Orla looks even a bit surprised. “We did not know it was Bellamy but we have seen the existence of one hybrid toward the end of our time.” Calder answers. “She has the glimmering.” I add and now he mutters. “Are you certain?” Falson asks softly. “Yes, Princess Constance spoke to her in the field where Alpha Draynor was murdered. During the fire. She looked straight at Bellamy and said ‘the fairy.’ She has had other instances but the memory participants have not interacted.” “A rare gift for a rare girl. A hybrid. That is why she received the glimmering. That and she must need it for her mate. Is he a wolf?” I frown and explain about Tylen and Axton. “This Axton will be killed again soon if you are correct. Have things changed for him each resurrection?” “Yes is that important?” Calder nods gravely. “Yes. That means something else is changing with each death. He is the only one aware of his impending demise and resurrection. You have retained memory with your abilities only.” “I don’t understand.” Falson closes his eyes. “Something within Axton is changing on its own that is not tied to the challenge of the events of his death. Meaning it’s his soul or his wolf’s soul. He has shifted I assume?” I nod before he continues. “Then it could be his mate. Bellamy’s birthday could be causing his wolf to strengthen his ties to her fairy soul. And for the two of them, they have already experienced it twice. So two extra coming of age occurrences to find their mate.” The only member who has not spoken finally opens her mouth. “He is Axton Stone?” “Yes.” “It is within his wolf. Bellamy’s birthday only compounds the issue. Tell him to find the memories. Search for the Goddess’s answer. He should demand she speak with him.” Bedelina says darkly. “What memories?” I ask perplexed. “I do not know. But he must right a wrong that would be swept away in darkness. Bellamy will help him. Her gift…the glimmering might be his main hope in the end. Though he will need to point her in the right direction. She needs a starting point. And Morgarella, Bellamy must be extremely cautious. When she is in the midst of a glimmer, she is vulnerable.” I nod. “I have warned her that she can be harmed by those within the memory.” Bedelina shakes her head. “It is more than that. She can get lost in them. Lose her way following along. She must not lose sight that it is merely a memory.” “I hadn’t thought of that.” She smiles softly. “No one has had the glimmering since our princess. It is a special gift.” Calder breaks in. “This mate, Tylen, does he know she is a fairy in any of these lives?” “I don’t know. I can ask Axton.” They all four nod before Bedelina answers. “That could be important. Otherwise why is he desperate to cheat to keep her. A challenge for your rank, pack and mate is to the Goddess’s ears. Not something to be taken lightly.” “He could be a hunter.” I propose. “Not likely or he would kill her. If he does know she is a hybrid, that could mean bigger issues.” “We will contact you Morgarella in three days.” Falson tells me. I watch them fade away. I take my phone and text Axton that I need to see him as soon as possible. He offers to come by in fifteen minutes. I check the clock. It’s almost dinner time. Contacting the Frollick is extremely misleading time wise. His knock has me sighing with relief. “Mimi is something wrong?” “I’m going to cut to the chase and save us some time. I know you’ve died at least twice, love Bellamy and know she’s a hybrid.” He stares at me stunned as I rattle all my other memories of the last two weeks off to him. “You remember? I thought I was the only one who could.” “Only what my memory retains. Axton, does this Tylen know that Bellamy is a hybrid?” Please say no. He slowly nods his head. “My second and most recent death. He told me he was not going to let me have his little hybrid mate. But he never said anything about the hybrid pieces. So I have no idea if he knows she’s a fairy.” “Then he figures it out somehow. I know from her father and uncle that her scent isn’t strange or different to an Alpha. So I am not sure how he knows she is a hybrid.” Axton stares at his hands. “What if he can sense it as her mate? Something in the mate bond tells him or his wolf maybe.” “There would be no way for us to answer that. He’s not going to sit and give us answers. But I hate to say this…but next time you are about to die, goad him or ask him as your last bit of info to see what his answer is.” “Mimi do you think I’ll have a limited number of resurrections?” He’s worried. “I do not know. The Moon Goddess needs to speak more with you. Her cryptic little answer did nothing to help you. She might feel guilty for whatever wrong she allowed, but not enough to tell you anything that could assist you. I’d like to tell her off for that!” He chuckles a little. “I’ve been praying every night she’ll talk to me. Or to Phoenix.” “Do you feel different than your last life?” He nods. “Can’t figure it out though.” “Memories…have more come back?” “Yes.” He tells me about all the things he’s seen. “You certainly are unlocking a lot of pieces.” “Probably because I’m no longer getting repressive herbs.” “What kind of herbs?” I ask him a chill passing over me. It means something. “Not sure. Trent is looking into that for me.” He tells me what Xavier said. “Phoenix went feral? But neither of you remember it?” “You know something Mimi?” “Maybe. But that would be a change within your wolf each life. Phoenix is being allowed all of his memories. When Trent calls you, send that info to me.” “I will. Do you think it’s important in all this?” “Yes Axton. I think your father has done you a terrible disservice. I’ll be paying him a visit tomorrow.” I tell him as anger races in my blood.
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