How Did You Know

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Mimi I watch Xavier digest what I told him. I haven’t relented and let off my anger. It continues to cause him pain. I can either soothe your emotions by absorbing all the irritation, sadness, anger you feel or I can amplify my own and make sure it hurts. If I am sad, you will reach deep pits of despair. At the moment I am so pissed off I could probably ignite this cabin with fire. He struggles to take a deep breath. “I mean every word Xavier. If I find out you have continued to lie to Axton, I will march here and you will face a very angry woman. That young man deserves better. You are no father and certainly no man. I shall speak to Jacob about what you have done also. Not sure you are worthy of the role of Beta within a pack.” He glares at me now and I step forward unwavering. His eyes widen as he wasn’t expecting me to have no fear of him. “That’s right. You are nothing intimidating to me. Merely a sad sorry excuse of a man who couldn’t do what was right by his own family.” I wave my fingers swirling the last of the burning dust I brought and he feels the heat literally. His face reddens as my scorching anger actually skims across his skin. He hisses with pain. “Now I think I’ve made my point. I am leaving tomorrow but I will be checking in with your sons every day. You’ve been warned.” He howls as the pain continues. It will last until my own anger subsides. “What is this, witchcraft?” “Perhaps. You never know who might have learned a few tricks in their old age.” With that I spin and sweep out of the cabin. I need to check on Axton and Bellamy at the packhouse. When I knock on the door, Bellamy opens it and I walk in to find Axton sitting down looking exhausted. “Walking through that was tiring, wasn’t it? Did you drink a lot of water and eat? It will help.” “What happened to me?” He asks holding his head. “You were a part of Bellamy’s dream. Adira has the ability to pull you into things she is seeing.” I am almost tempted to tell him about her memory ability. But the less he knows the safer he might be. If we can keep him alive and get rid of Bellamy’s asshole mate, then perhaps we can reveal all to Axton. “For a moment I thought she could see me but she was talking to herself I suppose.” He groans. “I am impressed you didn’t pass out. You are very strong Axton.” Bellamy moves to his side and wraps her arms around him. I shake my head watching them. Selene I swear if I find a way to confront you next, I will. This game of hers is cruel. “Bellamy we’ll need to leave in the morning. Your father has been apprised of what is going on and he agrees we should come home. You can come back in two weeks once the asshole has done his pack observance and left.” I won’t separate these two. I wonder if spending more time together after he birthday will allow us to see what is truly going on. “I’ll leave you two now. You seem to be physically fine.” Bellamy Leaving Axton this morning had been hard. I stayed with him last night. Evan was at his dad’s taking his shift for watching him. I hadn’t known what to expect when he crawled into his bed next to me. When he wrapped me up in his arms, it was the best sleep I’ve had. I didn’t even dream that I can remember. “I’m glad you are going but also wish you didn’t have to. I love you Bells. Come back in two weeks please.” He’d been holding me tight and I dreaded going. “I love you too. I will come back.” He smiled at me before kissing me. I shut my mind down, not wanting anything to intrude upon us at that moment. Now I’m in the car with Mimi. Edward couldn’t come in time but Mimi felt as if we would be safe. She’s not afraid of much it turns out. “We will stop in the Rising Dawn Pack and see if you get any more memories. I am most interested in how Constance knew you were a fairy.” “Me too. I also wonder what she meant yesterday when she said the last of your line.” She nods. I didn’t know she could follow me into a memory without me inviting her like we did Axton. She warned me it was dangerous for him too in that his mind might not be able to handle it. But I knew he could somehow.” I look up nervously seeing the white pile of rubble along with the still scorched earth. “Why is it still burned?” “Because a great evil occurred here. The earth has yet to recover. Something needs to change to reawaken life here. This is where Nathaniel killed his son, stole his mate, killed his grandchild, killed Constance’s wolf and sent her off into a feral rage. So much pain lives in this ground.” Mimi parks the car and we climb out slowly. “Let’s go near the stone and you can touch them. That is if nothing happens before then.” We walk across the sparse golden tall grass and easily cross the field. No smoke this time nor do I hear anything. I move and place my palm hesitantly on the white stones. It’s cold the touch surprising me. I glance up at Mimi. “Evil Bellamy. It was a cold heart that broke those stones. They will remain cold as a reminder.” I get nothing but then I look over and see the stump of that tree Axton knelt under yesterday. I see the white stone ring around it mostly intact. I move that way but as I step under what would have been its branches, a cold shiver races over my heart. I hit my knees and Mimi is instantly at my side. I look up finding the sky swirling red and gold. As we watch, Princess Constance steps from behind the tree. Her turquoise eyes full of unshed tears. “The fairy again. You should not be here.” I gaze up at her. “You can see me…” “Yes and I know what you are. You are in danger here young fairy. You need to leave and quickly. He will find you here.” Her voice is hard. “Who?” Mimi asks her. “The one who hunts you. You should not have come. Go and do not return unless….” Before she can finish her sentence, an older man runs screaming from the rubble. She turns and begins to run after him. “Run like I told you.” In an instant, she is gone, streaking into the forest. Mimi and I stand. I am ready to follow her while Mimi tugs me toward the car. “Bellamy she said to leave.” “Mimi we need answers. Why do Axton and I keep seeing her and this place?” I pull free and begin to chase after Constance. Before I can, I hear Mimi scream my name. When I turn, the red haze in the sky has cleared and I can see our car again. I watch as five wolves race toward us. They are large, the one in the middle a black one with cold blue eyes. An Alpha wolf. Before I can shift, an unshifted guy runs behind them aiming something looking like a small silver ball her way. She attempts to raise a shield over both of us but the orb explodes in the air and rains some type of silver dust over her. When it hits her she screams in agony and collapses writhing in pain. I hear a laugh as I am grabbed and my arms quickly tied with some type of cord. “Fairy resistant binding wire. You’re stuck.” He chuckles darkly in my ear. I avert my eyes to Mimi’s prone form as they all shift back. Her eyes are darting back and forth but I can see she is frozen. I don’t bother to scream, there would be no point. When I turn back, I see him staring at me with a devious smirk. Tylen…. But he’s too young to scent me as his mate and my birthday is tomorrow. He walks in a circle around me looking me over. “Such a pretty thing for a hybrid. Half wolf, half fairy what a combination. You were so distracted you never heard us coming did you? Now what had your attention. There is nothing here.” I ignore him. I have no idea what he is planning and why were they lying in wait here. “Hmm silent treatment little pet. You’ll talk soon. Before we hand you over to the other fairy hunters. The coruscent venator will be so pleased to see you.” Ice cold terror runs through my blood. I glance at Mimi whose eyes close as she hears that. The same group who murdered my mother. “How did you know what I was?” I ask quietly. He smiles and it does nothing but terrify me more. “A pretty little voice. Melodic almost, gives me tingles. Why do you want to know little fairy?” “Because I’m amazed. No one else has ever guessed or been able to tell.” I’m disgusted too but he doesn’t need to know that. This guy needs his ego stroked and I want an answer. “Then I will tell you pretty little pet. We had to stop here when something flattened two of our tires yesterday. And the culprit told us there would be a fairy heading this way. So we decided to wait. He said I in particular would be most interested in you, little hybrid. And considering he turned out to be family, I figured I could give him a chance and see if he was right.” I see a figure moving behind him. He’s scorched and his entire body has a reddish tinge. He’s not human nor is he a ghost but some grotesque in between…thing. His eyes blaze with hatred and fury. “Allow me to introduce you to my great great…sorry I forgot how many greats I need, grandfather. He was cursed to roam the earth with no peace. And apparently that means he also likes to cause trouble. This is Alpha Nathaniel Storm.”
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